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Resultado de la traducción
bolos bowling, bolera, boliche bowling

bowling noun

1. A game in which balls are rolled at an object or group of objects with the aim of knocking them over or moving them.

The friends decided to spend the evening playing bowling at the local alley, laughing and competing against each other. Los amigos decidieron pasar la tarde jugando bolera en el local de la zona, riendo y compitiendo entre sí.

2. (cricket) the act of delivering a cricket ball to the batsman.

The fast bowler's aggressive bowling style kept the opposition on their toes throughout the match. El estilo agresivo del velocista mantuvo a la oposición en vela durante todo el partido.

3. The playing of a game of tenpins or duckpins etc.

The friends decided to spend their Friday evening at the bowling alley, where they engaged in a lively game of bowling and enjoyed some delicious snacks. Los amigos decidieron pasar su tarde de viernes por la noche en el bowling, donde se dedicaron a un emocionante partido de bolera y disfrutaron con algunos tentadores snacks.