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Resultado de la traducción
mama pecho, seno, mamario, pechuga, materna breast

breast verb

1. Meet at breast level.

The two swimmers decided to **breast** at the midpoint of the lake, where they could easily chat and take a break from their workout. Los dos nadadores decidieron **bracear** en el punto medio del lago, donde podrían charlar fácilmente y tomarse un descanso de su entrenamiento.

2. Reach the summit (of a mountain).

3. Confront bodily.

breast noun

1. The front of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen.

2. Either of two soft fleshy milk-secreting glandular organs on the chest of a woman.

The doctor examined her breast during the routine check-up and gave her a clean bill of health. El médico la examinó el pecho durante la revisión rutinaria y le dio un informe de salud satisfactorio.

3. Meat carved from the breast of a fowl.

The chef expertly sliced the roasted turkey breast and served it with a side of cranberry sauce. El chef cortó con habilidad el pechuga de pavo asado y lo sirvió con un lado de salsa de arándano.

4. The part of an animal's body that corresponds to a person's chest.

The farmer examined the cow's breast to check for any signs of mastitis. El agricultor examinó el pecho de la vaca para comprobar si había algún síntoma de mastitis.