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Resultado de la traducción
gato gata, felino, gatita cat

cat verb

1. Beat with a cat-o'-nine-tails.

2. Eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth.

After eating the spoiled food, she vomited all over the bathroom floor. Después de comer la comida estropeada, vomitó por completo el suelo del baño.

cat sustantivo

1. Feline mammal usually having thick soft fur and no ability to roar: domestic cats.

The curious cat wandered around the garden, chasing after butterflies and sniffing at the flowers. El gato curioso paseó por el jardín, persiguiendo mariposas y oliendo las flores.

2. An informal term for a youth or man.

The cat from around the block was known for his impressive breakdancing skills and charismatic stage presence. El gato de la manzana conocido por sus habilidades impresionantes en el breakdance y su presencia carismática en escena.

3. A spiteful woman gossip.

The cat walked across my keyboard and deleted an important document. El gato caminó por mi teclado y eliminó un documento importante.

4. The leaves of the shrub catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea.

The nomadic tribesman carefully harvested the cat leaves from the bush and stored them in his pouch for later use. El tribuno nómada cuidadosamente recogió las hojas de gato del arbusto y las almacenó en su bolsa para su uso posterior.

5. A whip with nine knotted cords.

The flogger expertly wielded her cat to deliver a series of precise strokes during the BDSM performance. La dominatriz expertamente manejó su látigo para entregar una serie de golpes precisos durante el desempeño BDSM.

6. A large tracked vehicle that is propelled by two endless metal belts.

The mining company deployed a fleet of cats to transport ore from the depths of the pit to the surface. La empresa minera desplegó una flota de gatos para transportar mineral desde lo profundo del pozo hasta la superficie.

7. Any of several large cats typically able to roar and living in the wild.

The lion is considered the king of the cat family, with its majestic mane and powerful roar echoing through the savannah. El león se considera el rey de la familia felina, con su majestuoso pelaje y potente rugido que resonaba a través del sabana.

8. A method of examining body organs by scanning them with x rays and using a computer to construct a series of cross-sectional scans along a single axis.

The doctor ordered a CT scan, also known as a CAT, to examine the patient's brain and detect any potential tumors. El médico ordenó un escáner por computed tomografía (CT), también conocido como CAT, para examinar el cerebro del paciente y detectar cualquier tumor potencial.