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    Recursos Traductor

chest of drawers

Resultado de la traducción
cómoda chest of drawers

chest sustantivo

1. The part of the human torso between the neck and the diaphragm or the corresponding part in other vertebrates.

The nurse carefully listened to Mr. Smith's chest with a stethoscope to check for any irregular heartbeats. El enfermero escuchó cuidadosamente el pecho del señor Smith con un estetoscopio para verificar si había latidos cardiacos irregulares.

2. Box with a lid.

The antique dealer carefully lifted the lid of the intricately carved chest, revealing a collection of vintage jewelry inside. El anticuario cuidadosamente levantó la tapa del cofre tallado con intrincadas curvas, revelando una colección de joyería vintage dentro.

3. The front of the trunk from the neck to the abdomen.

After running a few miles, Sarah noticed she was breathing heavily due to her tight chest, which made it difficult for her to catch her breath. Después de correr un par de millas, Sarah se dio cuenta de que respiraba con dificultad debido a su pecho estrecho, lo que la hacía tener problemas para tomar aire.

4. Furniture with drawers for keeping clothes.

The antique chest in her bedroom was filled to the brim with folded sweaters and jeans, which she had carefully organized by type and color. El antiguo baúl en su habitación estaba lleno hasta la parte superior con suéteres y tejanos doblados, que había organizado cuidadosamente por tipo y color.

drawers sustantivo

1. Underpants worn by men.

2. Underpants worn by women.

She was afraid that her bloomers might have been showing Tenía miedo de que se le vieran los pantalones