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Resultado de la traducción
perro perrito, canina dog

dog verb

1. Go after with the intent to catch.

The enthusiastic detective dogged the suspect throughout the city, determined to catch them in the act. El detective entusiasta persiguió al sospechoso a lo largo de la ciudad, decidido a atraparlos en el acto.

dog noun

1. A member of the genus canis (probably descended from the common wolf) that has been domesticated by man since prehistoric times.

The dog has been a loyal companion to the family for many years, and its friendly demeanor has earned it a special place in their hearts. El perro ha sido un compañero leal para la familia durante muchos años y su carácter amistoso lo ha ganado un lugar especial en sus corazones.

2. A dull unattractive unpleasant girl or woman.

3. Informal term for a man.

4. Someone who is morally reprehensible.

5. A smooth-textured sausage of minced beef or pork usually smoked.

The chef carefully sliced the dog and served it with sauerkraut and rye bread at the Oktoberfest party. El cocinero cortó con cuidado al perro y lo sirvió con col morada y pan de centeno en la fiesta del Oktoberfest.

6. A hinged catch that fits into a notch of a ratchet to move a wheel forward or prevent it from moving backward.

The dog on the gearshift ensured that the car wouldn't roll backwards down the hill. El perro en el cambio de marchas aseguró que el coche no rodaría hacia atrás por la colina.

7. Metal supports for logs in a fireplace.

After rearranging the living room, she carefully placed the dogs by the chimney to hold up the heavy logs during the winter months. Después de redistribuir el salón, colocó con cuidado a los perros junto a la chimenea para sostener los troncos pesados durante los meses de invierno.