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Resultado de la traducción
zorro fox fox

fox verbo

1. Deceive somebody.

The con artist foxed his client into investing in a fake scheme, leaving them with significant financial losses. El astuto ladrón de confianza engañó a su cliente para que invirtiera en un esquema falso, dejándolos con pérdidas financieras significativas.

2. Be confusing or perplexing to.

The complex math problem foxed me, and I couldn't figure out the solution for hours. El problema matemático complejo me confundió y no pude encontrar la solución durante horas.

3. Become discolored with, or as if with, mildew spots.

The old books had foxed with age, developing unsightly yellow stains that threatened to ruin their historical significance. Los libros antiguos habían envejecido con el tiempo, desarrollando manchas amarillas desagradables que amenazaban con arruinar su significación histórica.

fox sustantivo

1. Alert carnivorous mammal with pointed muzzle and ears and a bushy tail.

The alert fox darted across the forest floor, its pointed muzzle sniffing out small rodents to hunt. El zorro alerta saltó por el suelo del bosque, su hocico puntiagudo oliendo pequeños roedores para cazar.

2. A shifty deceptive person.

The con artist was known as a sly fox on the streets, always managing to talk his way out of trouble and leave his marks with empty pockets. El estafador era conocido como un zorro astuto en la calle, siempre lograba hablar su camino para salir del apuro y dejar sus víctimas con bolsillos vacíos.

3. The grey or reddish-brown fur of a fox.

The hunter's camouflage outfit blended seamlessly into the surrounding fox, allowing him to stalk his prey undetected. La ropa de camuflaje del caza se fusionó perfectamente con el zorro circundante, lo que le permitió acechar a su presa sin ser detectado.

4. English statesman who supported american independence and the french revolution (1749-1806).

Edmund Burke's close friend, Charles James Fox, was a vocal advocate for the rights of the American colonies during the Revolutionary War. El amigo íntimo de Edmund Burke, Charles James Fox, fue un defensor vocacional de los derechos de las colonias americanas durante la Guerra Revolucionaria.

5. English religious leader who founded the society of friends (1624-1691).

The Quaker historian wrote extensively about the life and teachings of George Fox, the founder of the Society of Friends. El historiador cuáquero escribió extensamente sobre la vida y enseñanzas de George Fox, el fundador de la Sociedad de los Amigos.

6. A member of an algonquian people formerly living west of lake michigan along the fox river.

The archaeologists were excited to discover the remains of a Fox warrior in the ancient burial ground. Los arqueólogos estaban emocionados al descubrir los restos del guerrero Zorro en el antiguo cementerio.

7. The algonquian language of the fox.

The Cree linguist spent years studying the Fox language, fascinated by its unique grammatical structures and vocabulary. El lingüista cree pasó años estudiando el lenguaje fox, fascinado por sus estructuras gramaticales únicas y vocabulario.