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Resultado de la traducción
fractura fracturar, fracturarse, fisura fracture

fracture verbo

1. Violate or abuse.

This writer really fractures the language Este escritor realmente fractura el lenguaje

2. Interrupt, break, or destroy.

Fracture the balance of power Fracturar el equilibrio de poder

3. Break into pieces.

The pothole fractured a bolt on the axle El bache fracturó un perno del eje

4. Become fractured.

The tibia fractured from the blow of the iron pipe La tibia fracturada por el golpe del tubo de hierro

5. Break (a bone).

She broke her clavicle Ella se rompió la clavícula

6. Fracture a bone of.

I broke my foot while playing hockey Me rompí el pie jugando al hockey

fracture sustantivo

1. Breaking of hard tissue such as bone.

It was a nasty fracture Fue una fractura fea

2. (geology) a crack in the earth's crust resulting from the displacement of one side with respect to the other.

They built it right over a geological fault Lo construyeron justo encima de una falla geológica

3. The act of cracking something.