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Resultado de la traducción
corazón cardíaco, centro heart

heart noun

1. The locus of feelings and intuitions.

As she listened to her favorite love song, Sarah felt her heart swell with nostalgia, reminding her of happy memories from her childhood. Mientras escuchaba su canción de amor favorita, Sarah sintió que su corazón se llenaba de nostalgia, recordándole recuerdos felices de su infancia.

2. The hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs.

The surgeon carefully opened the chest cavity to expose the heart, which was beating steadily despite the patient's fragile condition. El cirujano abrió con cuidado la cavidad torácica para exponer el corazón, que latía constantemente a pesar del estado frágil del paciente.

3. The courage to carry on.

Despite facing numerous setbacks, she drew upon her heart to push through and achieve her goals. A pesar de enfrentar numerosos obstáculos, ella se apoyó en su corazón para superarlos y lograr sus metas.

4. An area that is approximately central within some larger region.

The heart of the city is where you'll find the most vibrant nightlife, with countless bars and clubs lining the streets. El corazón de la ciudad es donde encontrarás el más animado entretenimiento nocturno, con innumerables bares y discotecas rodeando las calles.

5. The choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience.

The heart of the artist's work was her ability to evoke emotions through her paintings, which made her art truly remarkable. El corazón del trabajo del artista era su capacidad para evocar emociones a través de sus pinturas, lo que la convirtió en un arte verdaderamente notable.

6. An inclination or tendency of a certain kind.

She has a heart for adventure, always seeking new experiences and challenges. Ella tiene un corazón para la aventura, siempre buscando nuevas experiencias y desafíos.

7. A plane figure with rounded sides curving inward at the top and intersecting at the bottom.

The engineer carefully drew the heart shape on the whiteboard to illustrate the design concept for the new product. El ingeniero dibujó con cuidado el corazón en la pizarra blanca para ilustrar el concepto de diseño del nuevo producto.

8. A firm rather dry variety meat (usually beef or veal).

The chef carefully sliced the tenderloin heart, serving it with a tangy sauce to complement its rich flavor. El chef cortó con cuidado el corazón de la filete, sirviéndolo con una salsa ácida para complementar su rico sabor.

9. A positive feeling of liking.

She wore her heart on her sleeve, openly expressing her affection for him to everyone at the party. Ella llevaba su corazón en la manga, manifestando abiertamente su afecto por él a todos los invitados en la fiesta.

10. A playing card in the major suit that has one or more red hearts on it.

In the game of bridge, I played the heart of spades to try and take control of the trick. Ese juego de bridge, jugué la corazón de espadas con el fin de tomar el control del truco.