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ice skating

Resultado de la traducción
patinaje sobre hielo ice skating

ice sustantivo

1. Water frozen in the solid state.

The hockey player skated across the rink, his blades gliding smoothly over the sheet of ice. El jugador de hockey patinó sobre la pista, sus cuchillas deslizándose suavemente sobre el hielo.

2. The frozen part of a body of water.

The hikers carefully made their way across the lake's ice, taking care not to slip and fall. Los excursionistas se desplazaron con cuidado por la superficie helada del lago, teniendo cuidado de no resbalar y caer.

3. Diamonds.

The jeweler showcased her latest collection of ice, including rare and exquisite cuts that sparkled in the light. El joyero exhibió su última colección de hielo, incluyendo cortes raros y exquisitos que brillaban a la luz.

4. A flavored sugar topping used to coat and decorate cakes.

The pastry chef carefully drizzled the pink ice over the wedding cake, creating a beautiful ombre effect that wowed the guests. El pastelero cuidadosamente vertió la helado rosa sobre el pastel de boda, creando un efecto ombre hermoso que impresionó a los invitados.

5. A frozen dessert with fruit flavoring (especially one containing no milk).

After a long hike, Sarah treated herself to a refreshing bowl of watermelon ice for dessert. Después de una larga caminata, Sara se trató a sí misma con un delicioso tazón de agua de sandía con hielo para postre.

6. An amphetamine derivative (trade name methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride.

7. A heat engine in which combustion occurs inside the engine rather than in a separate furnace.

The engineer spent hours fine-tuning the design of the ice engine to increase its efficiency and reduce emissions. El ingeniero pasó horas afinando el diseño del motor de hielo para aumentar su eficiencia y reducir emisiones.

8. A rink with a floor of ice for ice hockey or ice skating.

The local ice is hosting a charity hockey tournament this weekend, and fans are encouraged to attend and cheer on their favorite teams. El hielo local está organizando un torneo de hockey benéfico este fin de semana y se anima a los fanáticos a asistir y aplaudir a sus equipos favoritos.