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Resultado de la traducción
limón lemon

lemon sustantivo

1. Yellow oval fruit with juicy acidic flesh.

The chef carefully sliced the lemon and squeezed its juice over the fish before serving it at the fancy restaurant. El chef cortó con cuidado el limón y exprimió su jugo sobre el pescado antes de servirlo en el restaurante elegante.

2. A strong yellow color.

The bright lemon hue of the sunset caught everyone's attention, and they couldn't help but stop and gaze at its beauty. El intenso color limón del atardecer atrapó la atención de todos y no pudieron evitar parar y contemplar su belleza.

3. A small evergreen tree that originated in asia but is widely cultivated for its fruit.

The lemon tree in our backyard is blooming beautifully this time of year, with its vibrant yellow flowers and fragrant leaves. El limonero en nuestro jardín trasero está floreciendo hermosamente este tiempo del año, con sus flores amarillas vivas y hojas fragantes.

4. A distinctive tart flavor characteristic of lemons.

The chef expertly balanced the sweetness of the dessert with a hint of lemon, which added a burst of citrusy freshness to the dish. El chef equilibró expertamente la dulzura del postre con un toque de limón, lo que añadió un estallido de frescura cítrica al plato.

5. An artifact (especially an automobile) that is defective or unsatisfactory.

The new car was such a lemon that it broke down on the highway just hours after we drove off the lot. El nuevo coche era tan malo que se rompió en la autopista solo horas después de que nos alejáramos del concesionario.