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    Recursos Traductor

sunflower seed

Resultado de la traducción
semilla de girasol sunflower seed

sunflower noun

1. Any plant of the genus helianthus having large flower heads with dark disk florets and showy yellow rays.

seed noun

1. A small hard fruit.

The farmer carefully planted the seed in the fertile soil to ensure a healthy crop of juicy grapes. El agricultor plantó con cuidado la semilla en el suelo fértil para asegurar una cosecha saludable de uvas jugosas.

2. A mature fertilized plant ovule consisting of an embryo and its food source and having a protective coat or testa.

The farmer carefully planted the seeds in the fertile soil, making sure not to overcrowd them. El agricultor cuidadosamente plantó las semillas en el suelo fértil, asegurándose de no sobrecargarlas.

3. One of the outstanding players in a tournament.

The top seed, Maria Sharapova, dominated her opponent in the quarterfinals, advancing to the semifinals without breaking a sweat. La número uno, María Sharápova, dominó a su oponente en los cuartos de final y avanzó a las semifinales sin esfuerzo.

4. Anything that provides inspiration for later work.

The conversation with my mentor was a seed that sparked an idea for my novel, which I continued to develop over the next few weeks. La conversación con mi mentor fue una semilla que prendió una idea para mi novela, la cual continué desarrollando durante las siguientes semanas.

5. The thick white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital tract.