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Resultado de la traducción
herida herir, enrollado wound

wound verbo

1. Cause injuries or bodily harm to.

The reckless driver wound the pedestrian with his car, leaving him with serious leg injuries. El conductor imprudente golpeó al peatón con su coche, dejándolo con graves lesiones en las piernas.

2. Hurt the feelings of.

The harsh words from her ex-boyfriend wounded her deeply, leaving her feeling vulnerable and hurt. Las duras palabras de su expareja le hicieron daño profundamente, lo que la dejó sintiéndose vulnerable y lastimada.

wound sustantivo

1. An injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin).

The doctor carefully cleaned and dressed the wound on her arm, which she had received during a fall from her bike. El médico cuidadosamente limpió y vendió la herida en el brazo que había recibido durante una caída de su bicicleta.

2. A casualty to military personnel resulting from combat.

The medic team worked tirelessly to treat the wounded soldiers who had been brought in from the frontline, where they were caught in a fierce battle and suffered multiple wounds. El equipo médico trabajó incansablemente para tratar a los soldados heridos que habían sido llevados desde la primera línea, donde estaban atrapados en una feroz batalla y sufrieron múltiples heridas.

3. A figurative injury (to your feelings or pride).

The cruel comment left a deep wound in her heart, and she struggled to forgive her former friend. El comentario crudo dejó una herida profunda en su corazón y luchó por perdonar a su antiguo amigo.

4. The act of inflicting a wound.

The soldier's wound was caused by an enemy bullet during the intense battle. La herida del soldado fue causada por un proyectil enemigo durante la intensa batalla.

wound adjetivo

1. Put in a coil.

The watchmaker carefully wound the spring to keep it running smoothly throughout the day. El relojero cuidadosamente enrolló la mola para mantenerla funcionando suavemente durante todo el día.