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Resultado de la traducción
amarillo yellow

yellow verbo

1. Turn yellow.

The fresh vegetables will yellow if they're left out in the sun too long. Los vegetales frescos se amarillentaran si se dejan fuera al sol durante demasiado tiempo.

yellow sustantivo

1. Yellow color or pigment.

The artist mixed a small amount of yellow with the blue paint to create a vibrant sunset hue on her canvas. El artista mezcló una pequeña cantidad de amarillo con la pintura azul para crear un tono anaranjado vibrante en su lienzo.

yellow adjetivo

1. Of the color intermediate between green and orange in the color spectrum.

The bright yellow sunflowers stood out against the lush green grass, adding a pop of color to the garden. Los solanas amarillos brillantes se destacaban contra el césped verde intenso, añadiendo un toque de color al jardín.

2. Easily frightened.

The yellow rabbit was startled by the loud noise and scurried away to hide in its burrow. El conejo amarillo se asustó por el ruido fuerte y escapo a esconderse en su madriguera.

3. Changed to a yellowish color by age.

The old parchment had turned yellow with age, making it difficult to read the ancient text. El pergamino antiguo había vuelto amarillo con la edad, lo que hacía difícil leer el texto antiguo.

4. Typical of tabloids.

The yellow headlines on the front page of the newspaper were sensational and attention-grabbing, characteristic of the kind of reporting that only a tabloid would dare to publish. Los titulares amarillos en la portada del periódico eran sensacionales y atrapaban la atención, características del tipo de periodismo que solo un tabloide se atrevería a publicar.

5. Cowardly or treacherous.

The yellow politician was accused of betraying his fellow party members to gain favor with the opposing party, and many believed he lacked the courage to stand up for what was right. El político amarillo fue acusado de traicionar a sus compañeros de partido para ganar favor con el partido opositor, y muchos creyeron que carecía de la valentía para defender lo que era justo.

6. Affected by jaundice which causes yellowing of skin etc.

The newborn baby was yellow from head to toe due to the severe case of jaundice, and the doctors were monitoring its condition closely. El bebé recién nacido estaba amarillo de cabeza a pies debido al grave caso de ictericia y los médicos lo estaban monitoreando cuidadosamente.