Below are some suggestions for writing a professional email.
Do’s |
- Write a clear subject in the subject line which explains the reason for the message. |
- Write short and concise sentences. |
- Write the most important information first. |
- Use simple grammar. Avoid passive tense, etc. |
- Use numbers or bullet points to make the message clearer. |
- Use paragraphs to keep the email clear and orderly. |
Don’ts |
- Write “Hello” in the subject line. |
- Write long, complicated sentences. E-mail readers want short, to-the-point messages. |
- Give personal information that you don’t want shared with others (your message could be sent to others). |
- Use capitol letters to write words as this is considered shouting in e-mail language. |
- Use different fonts in the message (the receiver may not be able to read it). |
- Use abbreviations or acronyms like “BTW” as the reader may not understand them or may be offended due to cultural differences. |
- Use symbols like this “:=)”; they may be misunderstood and seem unprofessional. |
Useful Phrases
Starting an email
| Hello, Ms. Brown [name of recipient]. |
| I was glad to hear from you. |
| I hope thing are going well with you these days. |
Reason for writing
| The reason I am writing is because… |
| I wanted to ask you for a favor… |
Responding to an email
| It was great to hear from you. |
| Sorry for not writing earlier. |
| I hope you and your family are well. |
Responding to News
| Glad to hear that you’re well. |
| Hope you feel better soon. |
Ending an email
| Thanks for your attention. |
| Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. |
| I look forward to hearing from you. |
Sample Email
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2012 9:14 a.m.
Subject: Interview for secretary position
It was nice meeting you in our interview last Monday. We would like to invite you back for a second interview with the Department head next week. |
Would you be available to come next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.? |
I look forward to hearing from you. |
A continuación tenemos algunas sugerencias para redactar un correo electrónico profesional.
Do’s |
- Write a clear subject in the subject line which explains the reason for the message. Escribir un asunto claro en el apartado “Asunto” que explique el motivo del mensaje. |
- Write short and concise sentences. Escribir frases cortas y concisas. |
- Write the most important information first. Escribir la información más importante primero. |
- Use simple grammar. Avoid passive tense, etc. Usar gramática sencilla. Evitar tiempos en pasivos, etc. |
- Use numbers or bullet points to make the message clearer. Usar números o viñetas para hacer el mensaje más claro. |
- Use paragraphs to keep the email clear and orderly. Usar párrafos para mantener el mensaje claro y ordenado. |
Don’ts |
- Write “Hello” in the subject line. Escribir “Hola” en el asunto. |
- Write long, complicated sentences. E-mail readers want short, to-the-point messages. Escribir frases largas y complicadas. Los lectores de correos electrónicos quieren mensajes cortes y precisos. |
- Give personal information that you don’t want shared with others (your message could be sent to others). Dar información personal que no quiere compartir con otros (su mensaje puede ser re-enviado a otros). |
- Use capitol letters to write words as this is considered shouting in e-mail language. Usar mayúsculas para escribir palabras enteras ya que se entiende como un grito en el lenguaje de correos electrónicos. |
- Use different fonts in the message (the receiver may not be able to read it). Usar diferentes fuentes de letra en el mensaje (puede que el receptor no lo pueda leer). |
- Use abbreviations or acronyms like “BTW” as the reader may not understand them or may be offended due to cultural differences. Usar abreviaturas o acrónimos, ya que puede que el destinatario no los entienda o se ofenda debido a diferencias culturales. |
- Use symbols like this “:=)”; they may be misunderstood and seem unprofessional. Usar símbolos como “:=)”; pueden ser malinterpretados o parecer poco profesional. |
Useful Phrases (Frases útiles)
Starting an E-mail (Empezar un correo electrónico)
| Hello, Ms. Brown [name of recipient].(Hola, Sr. Brown [nombre del destinatario].) |
| How are you?(¿Cómo está?) |
| How’s everything?(¿Cómo va todo?) |
| I was glad to hear from you.(Me alegró tener noticias suyas.) |
| I hope thing are going well with you these days.(Espero que todo vaya bien con Uds. estos días.) |
| I hope you are well.(Espero que esté bien.) |
| What’s new?(¿Qué hay de nuevo?) |
Reason for writing (Motivo del mensaje)
| I am writing because…(Le escribo porque…) |
| The reason I am writing is because…(El motivo de mi mensaje es….) |
| I wanted to ask you for a favor…(Quería pedirle un favor…) |
| I would like to…(Me gustaría…) |
Responding to an E-mail (Responder a un correo electrónico)
| Thanks for your email.(Gracias por su correo electrónico.) |
| It was great to hear from you.(Me alegró mucho recibir noticias tuyas.) |
| Sorry for not writing earlier.(Siento no haberle escrito antes.) |
| I hope you and your family are well.(Espero que Ud. y su familia estén bien.) |
Responding to News (Responder a noticias)
| Glad to hear that you’re well.(Me alegra saber que estás bien) |
| Sorry to hear about…(Lamento oír sobre…) |
| Good luck with…(Buena suerte con…) |
| Hope you feel better soon.(Espero que se recupere pronto.) |
Ending an email (Terminar un correo electrónico)
| Thanks for your attention.(Gracias por su atención.) |
| Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.(Por favor, avíseme si tiene Ud. cualquier pregunta o duda.) |
| Many thanks.(Muchas gracias.) |
| I look forward to hearing from you.(Tengo ganas de tener noticias suyas./Esperaré su respuesta.) |
Sample E-mail (Ejemplo correo electrónico)
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2012 9:14 a.m.
Subject: Interview for secretary position
It was nice meeting you in our interview last Monday. We would like to invite you back for a second interview with the Department head next week. |
Would you be available to come next Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.? |
I look forward to hearing from you. |
Fecha: Jueves, 13 de septiembre, 2012 9:14
Asunto: Entrevista para puesto de secretaria
Hola Srta. Brown.
Fue un placer conocerle en nuesta entrevista el lunes pasado. Nos gustaría invitarle para hacer una segunda entrevista con el jefe del departamento la semana que viene. ¿Estaría disponible para venir el martes que viene a las 10:00 de la mañana?
Espero su respuesta.
Saludos cordiales,
Sra. Samson ES