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    Resources Articles Articles of interest Que piensas cuando ves el logo de nike

Why Do You Buy Branded Products?

Reflect on Your Consumption Habits

Do you like buying certain brands of clothing, electronics, and appliances because you think they guarantee quality or because they are currently the most popular? Do you save up your money to buy some of the trendiest brands of clothing or shoes, thinking they will make you appear more attractive? Is the price you pay for different brands really worth it?

Neil Boorman, a British journalist, was someone who had become obsessed with acquiring branded goods. As a child, he realized that wearing the trendiest brands helped him become more popular and accepted by other kids.

It all started in school when his classmates teased him about his sneakers. He wasn’t wearing Adidas, Nike, or Puma at the time, just a pair of plain blue sneakers. So one day, he came home and begged his mother to buy him some “cool” new sneakers from one of the popular brands of the time. The day he wore his new shoes with the coveted logo, he immediately felt more liked and accepted by the other students. From that day on, Neil Boorman became obsessed with buying branded products, an obsession that would last for decades.

As a young professional, he worked hard not only to live comfortably but also to afford the expensive items that would fill his wardrobe and home. He believed that these exclusive clothes, shoes, and electronic gadgets would help him maintain a high self-esteem. They became his identity. However, this compulsive shopping was starting to cause him financial problems and debt. He slowly realized that this obsessive consumption wasn’t making him happier; in fact, it was making him more miserable.

So, what did Boorman decide to do? Something so radical that 99% of people would never consider. He decided to burn all his branded possessions. Everything he owned that had a brand on it ended up in a huge bonfire in central London.

Boorman then spent a year without brands. He bought clothes from charity shops or had them made, bought food from local markets and street vendors, and even made his own toothpaste to avoid buying branded ones. He went a year without watching TV or DVDs since these too were branded. Since almost everything we consume has a brand, the experience was extremely difficult at first. But in the end, he proved to himself that he could consume only to meet his basic needs and not as a mindless leisure activity. He lost weight, cleared his debts, and started living a much simpler life. In his book, he details his year without brands.

Burning all his possessions may seem extreme, and he was criticized by many, but Boorman really made people reflect on their shopping and consumption habits in today’s modern and competitive world.

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