Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To see"
Present Simple (Presente Simple)Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)Past Simple (Pasado Simple)Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)Future Simple (Futuro Simple)Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)Negative
He/She/It hasn't been seeing.
They haven't been seeing.Interrogative
Has he/she/it been seeing? Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)Negative
He/She/It hadn't been seeing.Interrogative
Had he/she/it been seeing? Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)Negative
He/She/It won't have seen.Interrogative
Will he/she/it have seen? Conditional (Condicional)Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)Negative
He/She/It wouldn't have seen.Interrogative
Would he/she/it have seen?