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    Aprender Verbos irregulares

Verbos Irregulares

Los verbos irregulares son aquellos que no siguen el patrón típico en su conjugación. Existen aproximadamente 200 verbos irregulares en inglés. En la tabla inferior encontrarás más de 100 de los verbos irregulares más comunes. En algunos casos, un verbo puede ser irregular en inglés británico y regular en inglés americano. Lo encontrarás marcado en la tabla. Para mas información dirígete a la lección Pasado Simple Los verbos aquí destacados son un ejemplo de los patrones más comunes.
to be ser; estar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To be"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I am
You are
We are
He/She/It is
You are
They are
I am not
You are not
We are not
He/She/It is not
You are not
They are not
Am I ?
Are you ?
Are we ?
Is he/she/it ?
Are you ?
Are they ?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I was
You were
We were
He/She/It was
You were
They were
I was not
You were not
We were not
He/She/It was not
You were not
They were not
Was I ?
Were you ?
Were we ?
Was he/she/it ?
Were you ?
Were they ?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will be
You will be
We will be
He/She/It will be
You will be
They will be
I will not be
You will not be
We will not be
He/She/It will not be
You will not be
They will not be
Will I be?
Will you be?
Will we be?
Will he/she/it be?
Will you be?
Will they be?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have been
You have been
We have been
He/She/It has been
You have been
They have been
I have not been
You have not been
We have not been
He/She/It has not been
You have not been
They have not been
Have I been?
Have you been?
Have we been?
Has he/she/it been?
Have you been?
Have they been?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had been
You had been
We had been
He/She/It had been
You had been
They had been
I had not been
You had not been
We had not been
He/She/It had not been
You had not been
They had not been
Had I been?
Had you been?
Had we been?
Had he/she/it been?
Had you been?
Had they been?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have been
You will have been
We will have been
He/She/It will have been
You will have been
They will have been
I will not have been
You will not have been
We will not have been
He/She/It will not have been
You will not have been
They will not have been
Will I have been?
Will you have been?
Will we have been?
Will he/she/it have been?
Will you have been?
Will they have been?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would be
You would be
We would be
He/She/It would be
You would be
They would be
I would not be
You would not be
We would not be
He/She/It would not be
You would not be
They would not be
Would I be?
Would you be?
Would we be?
Would he/she/it be?
Would you be?
Would they be?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have been
You would have been
We would have been
He/She/It would have been
You would have been
They would have been
I would not have been
You would not have been
We would not have been
He/She/It would not have been
You would not have been
They would not have been
Would I have been?
Would you have been?
Would we have been?
Would he/she/it have been?
Would you have been?
Would they have been?

to beat golpear; derrotar; latir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To beat"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I beat.
You beat.
We beat.
He/She/It beats.
You beat.
They beat.
I do not beat.
You do not beat.
We do not beat.
He/She/It does not beat.
You do not beat.
They do not beat.
Do I beat?
Do you beat?
Do we beat?
Does he/she/it beat?
Do you beat?
Do they beat?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am beating.
You are beating.
We are beating.
He/She/It is beating.
You are beating.
They are beating.
I am not beating.
You are not beating.
We are not beating.
He/She/It is not beating.
You are not beating.
They are not beating.
Am I beating?
Are you beating?
Are we beating?
Is he/she/it beating?
Are you beating?
Are they beating?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I beat.
You beat.
We beat.
He/She/It beat.
You beat.
They beat.
I did not beat.
You did not beat.
We did not beat.
He/She/It did not beat.
You did not beat.
They did not beat.
Did I beat?
Did you beat?
Did we beat?
Did he/she/it beat?
Did you beat?
Did they beat?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was beating.
You were beating.
We were beating.
He/She/It was beating.
You were beating.
They were beating.
I was not beating.
You were not beating.
We were not beating.
He/She/It was not beating.
You were not beating.
They were not beating.
Was I beating?
Were you beating?
Were we beating?
Was he/she/it beating?
Were you beating?
Were they beating?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will beat.
You will beat.
We will beat.
He/She/It will beat.
You will beat.
They will beat.
I will not beat.
You will not beat.
We will not beat.
He/She/It will not beat.
You will not beat.
They will not beat.
Will I beat?
Will you beat?
Will we beat?
Will he/she/it beat?
Will you beat?
Will they beat?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have beaten.
You have beaten.
We have beaten.
He/She/It has beaten.
You have beaten.
They have beaten.
I have not beaten.
You have not beaten.
We have not beaten.
He/She/It has not beaten.
You have not beaten.
They have not beaten.
Have I beaten?
Have you beaten?
Have we beaten?
Has he/she/it beaten?
Have you beaten?
Have they beaten?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been beating.
You have been beating.
We have been beating.
He/She/It has been beating.
You have been beating.
They have been beating.
I have not been beating.
You have not been beating.
We have not been beating.
He/She/It has not been beating.
You have not been beating.
They have not been beating.
Have I been beating?
Have you been beating?
Have we been beating?
Has he/she/it been beating?
Have you been beating?
Have they been beating?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had beaten.
You had beaten.
We had beaten.
He/She/It had beaten.
You had beaten.
They had beaten.
I had not beaten.
You had not beaten.
We had not beaten.
He/She/It had not beaten.
You had not beaten.
They had not beaten.
Had I beaten?
Had you beaten?
Had we beaten?
Had he/she/it beaten?
Had you beaten?
Had they beaten?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been beating.
You had been beating.
We had been beating.
He/She/It had been beating.
You had been beating.
They had been beating.
I had not been beating.
You had not been beating.
We had not been beating.
He/She/It had not been beating.
You had not been beating.
They had not been beating.
Had I been beating?
Had you been beating?
Had we been beating?
Had he/she/it been beating?
Had you been beating?
Had they been beating?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have beaten.
You will have beaten.
We will have beaten.
He/She/It will have beaten.
You will have beaten.
They will have beaten.
I will not have beaten.
You will not have beaten.
We will not have beaten.
He/She/It will not have beaten.
You will not have beaten.
They will not have beaten.
Will I have beaten?
Will you have beaten?
Will we have beaten?
Will he/she/it have beaten?
Will you have beaten?
Will they have beaten?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would beat.
You would beat.
We would beat.
He/She/It would beat.
You would beat.
They would beat.
I would not beat.
You would not beat.
We would not beat.
He/She/It would not beat.
You would not beat.
They would not beat.
Would I beat?
Would you beat?
Would we beat?
Would he/she/it beat?
Would you beat?
Would they beat?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have beaten.
You would have beaten.
We would have beaten.
He/She/It would have beaten.
You would have beaten.
They would have beaten.
I would not have beaten.
You would not have beaten.
We would not have beaten.
He/She/It would not have beaten.
You would not have beaten.
They would not have beaten.
Would I have beaten?
Would you have beaten?
Would we have beaten?
Would he/she/it have beaten?
Would you have beaten?
Would they have beaten?

to become llegar a ser; hacerse; convertirse
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To become"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I become.
You become.
We become.
He/She/It becomes.
You become.
They become.
I do not become.
You do not become.
We do not become.
He/She/It does not become.
You do not become.
They do not become.
Do I become?
Do you become?
Do we become?
Does he/she/it become?
Do you become?
Do they become?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am becoming.
You are becoming.
We are becoming.
He/She/It is becoming.
You are becoming.
They are becoming.
I am not becoming.
You are not becoming.
We are not becoming.
He/She/It is not becoming.
You are not becoming.
They are not becoming.
Am I becoming?
Are you becoming?
Are we becoming?
Is he/she/it becoming?
Are you becoming?
Are they becoming?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I became.
You became.
We became.
He/She/It became.
You became.
They became.
I did not become.
You did not become.
We did not become.
He/She/It did not become.
You did not become.
They did not become.
Did I become?
Did you become?
Did we become?
Did he/she/it become?
Did you become?
Did they become?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was becoming.
You were becoming.
We were becoming.
He/She/It was becoming.
You were becoming.
They were becoming.
I was not becoming.
You were not becoming.
We were not becoming.
He/She/It was not becoming.
You were not becoming.
They were not becoming.
Was I becoming?
Were you becoming?
Were we becoming?
Was he/she/it becoming?
Were you becoming?
Were they becoming?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will become.
You will become.
We will become.
He/She/It will become.
You will become.
They will become.
I will not become.
You will not become.
We will not become.
He/She/It will not become.
You will not become.
They will not become.
Will I become?
Will you become?
Will we become?
Will he/she/it become?
Will you become?
Will they become?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have become.
You have become.
We have become.
He/She/It has become.
You have become.
They have become.
I have not become.
You have not become.
We have not become.
He/She/It has not become.
You have not become.
They have not become.
Have I become?
Have you become?
Have we become?
Has he/she/it become?
Have you become?
Have they become?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been becoming.
You have been becoming.
We have been becoming.
He/She/It has been becoming.
You have been becoming.
They have been becoming.
I have not been becoming.
You have not been becoming.
We have not been becoming.
He/She/It has not been becoming.
You have not been becoming.
They have not been becoming.
Have I been becoming?
Have you been becoming?
Have we been becoming?
Has he/she/it been becoming?
Have you been becoming?
Have they been becoming?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had become.
You had become.
We had become.
He/She/It had become.
You had become.
They had become.
I had not become.
You had not become.
We had not become.
He/She/It had not become.
You had not become.
They had not become.
Had I become?
Had you become?
Had we become?
Had he/she/it become?
Had you become?
Had they become?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been becoming.
You had been becoming.
We had been becoming.
He/She/It had been becoming.
You had been becoming.
They had been becoming.
I had not been becoming.
You had not been becoming.
We had not been becoming.
He/She/It had not been becoming.
You had not been becoming.
They had not been becoming.
Had I been becoming?
Had you been becoming?
Had we been becoming?
Had he/she/it been becoming?
Had you been becoming?
Had they been becoming?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have become.
You will have become.
We will have become.
He/She/It will have become.
You will have become.
They will have become.
I will not have become.
You will not have become.
We will not have become.
He/She/It will not have become.
You will not have become.
They will not have become.
Will I have become?
Will you have become?
Will we have become?
Will he/she/it have become?
Will you have become?
Will they have become?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would become.
You would become.
We would become.
He/She/It would become.
You would become.
They would become.
I would not become.
You would not become.
We would not become.
He/She/It would not become.
You would not become.
They would not become.
Would I become?
Would you become?
Would we become?
Would he/she/it become?
Would you become?
Would they become?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have become.
You would have become.
We would have become.
He/She/It would have become.
You would have become.
They would have become.
I would not have become.
You would not have become.
We would not have become.
He/She/It would not have become.
You would not have become.
They would not have become.
Would I have become?
Would you have become?
Would we have become?
Would he/she/it have become?
Would you have become?
Would they have become?

to begin empezar; comenzar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To begin"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I begin.
You begin.
We begin.
He/She/It begins.
You begin.
They begin.
I do not begin.
You do not begin.
We do not begin.
He/She/It does not begin.
You do not begin.
They do not begin.
Do I begin?
Do you begin?
Do we begin?
Does he/she/it begin?
Do you begin?
Do they begin?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am beginning.
You are beginning.
We are beginning.
He/She/It is beginning.
You are beginning.
They are beginning.
I am not beginning.
You are not beginning.
We are not beginning.
He/She/It is not beginning.
You are not beginning.
They are not beginning.
Am I beginning?
Are you beginning?
Are we beginning?
Is he/she/it beginning?
Are you beginning?
Are they beginning?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I began.
You began.
We began.
He/She/It began.
You began.
They began.
I did not begin.
You did not begin.
We did not begin.
He/She/It did not begin.
You did not begin.
They did not begin.
Did I begin?
Did you begin?
Did we begin?
Did he/she/it begin?
Did you begin?
Did they begin?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was beginning.
You were beginning.
We were beginning.
He/She/It was beginning.
You were beginning.
They were beginning.
I was not beginning.
You were not beginning.
We were not beginning.
He/She/It was not beginning.
You were not beginning.
They were not beginning.
Was I beginning?
Were you beginning?
Were we beginning?
Was he/she/it beginning?
Were you beginning?
Were they beginning?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will begin.
You will begin.
We will begin.
He/She/It will begin.
You will begin.
They will begin.
I will not begin.
You will not begin.
We will not begin.
He/She/It will not begin.
You will not begin.
They will not begin.
Will I begin?
Will you begin?
Will we begin?
Will he/she/it begin?
Will you begin?
Will they begin?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have begun.
You have begun.
We have begun.
He/She/It has begun.
You have begun.
They have begun.
I have not begun.
You have not begun.
We have not begun.
He/She/It has not begun.
You have not begun.
They have not begun.
Have I begun?
Have you begun?
Have we begun?
Has he/she/it begun?
Have you begun?
Have they begun?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been beginning.
You have been beginning.
We have been beginning.
He/She/It has been beginning.
You have been beginning.
They have been beginning.
I have not been beginning.
You have not been beginning.
We have not been beginning.
He/She/It has not been beginning.
You have not been beginning.
They have not been beginning.
Have I been beginning?
Have you been beginning?
Have we been beginning?
Has he/she/it been beginning?
Have you been beginning?
Have they been beginning?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had begun.
You had begun.
We had begun.
He/She/It had begun.
You had begun.
They had begun.
I had not begun.
You had not begun.
We had not begun.
He/She/It had not begun.
You had not begun.
They had not begun.
Had I begun?
Had you begun?
Had we begun?
Had he/she/it begun?
Had you begun?
Had they begun?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been beginning.
You had been beginning.
We had been beginning.
He/She/It had been beginning.
You had been beginning.
They had been beginning.
I had not been beginning.
You had not been beginning.
We had not been beginning.
He/She/It had not been beginning.
You had not been beginning.
They had not been beginning.
Had I been beginning?
Had you been beginning?
Had we been beginning?
Had he/she/it been beginning?
Had you been beginning?
Had they been beginning?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have begun.
You will have begun.
We will have begun.
He/She/It will have begun.
You will have begun.
They will have begun.
I will not have begun.
You will not have begun.
We will not have begun.
He/She/It will not have begun.
You will not have begun.
They will not have begun.
Will I have begun?
Will you have begun?
Will we have begun?
Will he/she/it have begun?
Will you have begun?
Will they have begun?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would begin.
You would begin.
We would begin.
He/She/It would begin.
You would begin.
They would begin.
I would not begin.
You would not begin.
We would not begin.
He/She/It would not begin.
You would not begin.
They would not begin.
Would I begin?
Would you begin?
Would we begin?
Would he/she/it begin?
Would you begin?
Would they begin?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have begun.
You would have begun.
We would have begun.
He/She/It would have begun.
You would have begun.
They would have begun.
I would not have begun.
You would not have begun.
We would not have begun.
He/She/It would not have begun.
You would not have begun.
They would not have begun.
Would I have begun?
Would you have begun?
Would we have begun?
Would he/she/it have begun?
Would you have begun?
Would they have begun?

to break romper
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To break"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I break.
You break.
We break.
He/She/It breaks.
You break.
They break.
I do not break.
You do not break.
We do not break.
He/She/It does not break.
You do not break.
They do not break.
Do I break?
Do you break?
Do we break?
Does he/she/it break?
Do you break?
Do they break?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am breaking.
You are breaking.
We are breaking.
He/She/It is breaking.
You are breaking.
They are breaking.
I am not breaking.
You are not breaking.
We are not breaking.
He/She/It is not breaking.
You are not breaking.
They are not breaking.
Am I breaking?
Are you breaking?
Are we breaking?
Is he/she/it breaking?
Are you breaking?
Are they breaking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I broke.
You broke.
We broke.
He/She/It broke.
You broke.
They broke.
I did not break.
You did not break.
We did not break.
He/She/It did not break.
You did not break.
They did not break.
Did I break?
Did you break?
Did we break?
Did he/she/it break?
Did you break?
Did they break?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was breaking.
You were breaking.
We were breaking.
He/She/It was breaking.
You were breaking.
They were breaking.
I was not breaking.
You were not breaking.
We were not breaking.
He/She/It was not breaking.
You were not breaking.
They were not breaking.
Was I breaking?
Were you breaking?
Were we breaking?
Was he/she/it breaking?
Were you breaking?
Were they breaking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will break.
You will break.
We will break.
He/She/It will break.
You will break.
They will break.
I will not break.
You will not break.
We will not break.
He/She/It will not break.
You will not break.
They will not break.
Will I break?
Will you break?
Will we break?
Will he/she/it break?
Will you break?
Will they break?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have broken.
You have broken.
We have broken.
He/She/It has broken.
You have broken.
They have broken.
I have not broken.
You have not broken.
We have not broken.
He/She/It has not broken.
You have not broken.
They have not broken.
Have I broken?
Have you broken?
Have we broken?
Has he/she/it broken?
Have you broken?
Have they broken?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been breaking.
You have been breaking.
We have been breaking.
He/She/It has been breaking.
You have been breaking.
They have been breaking.
I have not been breaking.
You have not been breaking.
We have not been breaking.
He/She/It has not been breaking.
You have not been breaking.
They have not been breaking.
Have I been breaking?
Have you been breaking?
Have we been breaking?
Has he/she/it been breaking?
Have you been breaking?
Have they been breaking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had broken.
You had broken.
We had broken.
He/She/It had broken.
You had broken.
They had broken.
I had not broken.
You had not broken.
We had not broken.
He/She/It had not broken.
You had not broken.
They had not broken.
Had I broken?
Had you broken?
Had we broken?
Had he/she/it broken?
Had you broken?
Had they broken?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been breaking.
You had been breaking.
We had been breaking.
He/She/It had been breaking.
You had been breaking.
They had been breaking.
I had not been breaking.
You had not been breaking.
We had not been breaking.
He/She/It had not been breaking.
You had not been breaking.
They had not been breaking.
Had I been breaking?
Had you been breaking?
Had we been breaking?
Had he/she/it been breaking?
Had you been breaking?
Had they been breaking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have broken.
You will have broken.
We will have broken.
He/She/It will have broken.
You will have broken.
They will have broken.
I will not have broken.
You will not have broken.
We will not have broken.
He/She/It will not have broken.
You will not have broken.
They will not have broken.
Will I have broken?
Will you have broken?
Will we have broken?
Will he/she/it have broken?
Will you have broken?
Will they have broken?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would break.
You would break.
We would break.
He/She/It would break.
You would break.
They would break.
I would not break.
You would not break.
We would not break.
He/She/It would not break.
You would not break.
They would not break.
Would I break?
Would you break?
Would we break?
Would he/she/it break?
Would you break?
Would they break?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have broken.
You would have broken.
We would have broken.
He/She/It would have broken.
You would have broken.
They would have broken.
I would not have broken.
You would not have broken.
We would not have broken.
He/She/It would not have broken.
You would not have broken.
They would not have broken.
Would I have broken?
Would you have broken?
Would we have broken?
Would he/she/it have broken?
Would you have broken?
Would they have broken?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To bring"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I bring.
You bring.
We bring.
He/She/It brings.
You bring.
They bring.
I do not bring.
You do not bring.
We do not bring.
He/She/It does not bring.
You do not bring.
They do not bring.
Do I bring?
Do you bring?
Do we bring?
Does he/she/it bring?
Do you bring?
Do they bring?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am bringing.
You are bringing.
We are bringing.
He/She/It is bringing.
You are bringing.
They are bringing.
I am not bringing.
You are not bringing.
We are not bringing.
He/She/It is not bringing.
You are not bringing.
They are not bringing.
Am I bringing?
Are you bringing?
Are we bringing?
Is he/she/it bringing?
Are you bringing?
Are they bringing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I brought.
You brought.
We brought.
He/She/It brought.
You brought.
They brought.
I did not bring.
You did not bring.
We did not bring.
He/She/It did not bring.
You did not bring.
They did not bring.
Did I bring?
Did you bring?
Did we bring?
Did he/she/it bring?
Did you bring?
Did they bring?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was bringing.
You were bringing.
We were bringing.
He/She/It was bringing.
You were bringing.
They were bringing.
I was not bringing.
You were not bringing.
We were not bringing.
He/She/It was not bringing.
You were not bringing.
They were not bringing.
Was I bringing?
Were you bringing?
Were we bringing?
Was he/she/it bringing?
Were you bringing?
Were they bringing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will bring.
You will bring.
We will bring.
He/She/It will bring.
You will bring.
They will bring.
I will not bring.
You will not bring.
We will not bring.
He/She/It will not bring.
You will not bring.
They will not bring.
Will I bring?
Will you bring?
Will we bring?
Will he/she/it bring?
Will you bring?
Will they bring?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have brought.
You have brought.
We have brought.
He/She/It has brought.
You have brought.
They have brought.
I have not brought.
You have not brought.
We have not brought.
He/She/It has not brought.
You have not brought.
They have not brought.
Have I brought?
Have you brought?
Have we brought?
Has he/she/it brought?
Have you brought?
Have they brought?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been bringing.
You have been bringing.
We have been bringing.
He/She/It has been bringing.
You have been bringing.
They have been bringing.
I have not been bringing.
You have not been bringing.
We have not been bringing.
He/She/It has not been bringing.
You have not been bringing.
They have not been bringing.
Have I been bringing?
Have you been bringing?
Have we been bringing?
Has he/she/it been bringing?
Have you been bringing?
Have they been bringing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had brought.
You had brought.
We had brought.
He/She/It had brought.
You had brought.
They had brought.
I had not brought.
You had not brought.
We had not brought.
He/She/It had not brought.
You had not brought.
They had not brought.
Had I brought?
Had you brought?
Had we brought?
Had he/she/it brought?
Had you brought?
Had they brought?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been bringing.
You had been bringing.
We had been bringing.
He/She/It had been bringing.
You had been bringing.
They had been bringing.
I had not been bringing.
You had not been bringing.
We had not been bringing.
He/She/It had not been bringing.
You had not been bringing.
They had not been bringing.
Had I been bringing?
Had you been bringing?
Had we been bringing?
Had he/she/it been bringing?
Had you been bringing?
Had they been bringing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have brought.
You will have brought.
We will have brought.
He/She/It will have brought.
You will have brought.
They will have brought.
I will not have brought.
You will not have brought.
We will not have brought.
He/She/It will not have brought.
You will not have brought.
They will not have brought.
Will I have brought?
Will you have brought?
Will we have brought?
Will he/she/it have brought?
Will you have brought?
Will they have brought?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would bring.
You would bring.
We would bring.
He/She/It would bring.
You would bring.
They would bring.
I would not bring.
You would not bring.
We would not bring.
He/She/It would not bring.
You would not bring.
They would not bring.
Would I bring?
Would you bring?
Would we bring?
Would he/she/it bring?
Would you bring?
Would they bring?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have brought.
You would have brought.
We would have brought.
He/She/It would have brought.
You would have brought.
They would have brought.
I would not have brought.
You would not have brought.
We would not have brought.
He/She/It would not have brought.
You would not have brought.
They would not have brought.
Would I have brought?
Would you have brought?
Would we have brought?
Would he/she/it have brought?
Would you have brought?
Would they have brought?

to build construir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To build"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I build.
You build.
We build.
He/She/It builds.
You build.
They build.
I do not build.
You do not build.
We do not build.
He/She/It does not build.
You do not build.
They do not build.
Do I build?
Do you build?
Do we build?
Does he/she/it build?
Do you build?
Do they build?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am building.
You are building.
We are building.
He/She/It is building.
You are building.
They are building.
I am not building.
You are not building.
We are not building.
He/She/It is not building.
You are not building.
They are not building.
Am I building?
Are you building?
Are we building?
Is he/she/it building?
Are you building?
Are they building?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I built.
You built.
We built.
He/She/It built.
You built.
They built.
I did not build.
You did not build.
We did not build.
He/She/It did not build.
You did not build.
They did not build.
Did I build?
Did you build?
Did we build?
Did he/she/it build?
Did you build?
Did they build?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was building.
You were building.
We were building.
He/She/It was building.
You were building.
They were building.
I was not building.
You were not building.
We were not building.
He/She/It was not building.
You were not building.
They were not building.
Was I building?
Were you building?
Were we building?
Was he/she/it building?
Were you building?
Were they building?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will build.
You will build.
We will build.
He/She/It will build.
You will build.
They will build.
I will not build.
You will not build.
We will not build.
He/She/It will not build.
You will not build.
They will not build.
Will I build?
Will you build?
Will we build?
Will he/she/it build?
Will you build?
Will they build?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have built.
You have built.
We have built.
He/She/It has built.
You have built.
They have built.
I have not built.
You have not built.
We have not built.
He/She/It has not built.
You have not built.
They have not built.
Have I built?
Have you built?
Have we built?
Has he/she/it built?
Have you built?
Have they built?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been building.
You have been building.
We have been building.
He/She/It has been building.
You have been building.
They have been building.
I have not been building.
You have not been building.
We have not been building.
He/She/It has not been building.
You have not been building.
They have not been building.
Have I been building?
Have you been building?
Have we been building?
Has he/she/it been building?
Have you been building?
Have they been building?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had built.
You had built.
We had built.
He/She/It had built.
You had built.
They had built.
I had not built.
You had not built.
We had not built.
He/She/It had not built.
You had not built.
They had not built.
Had I built?
Had you built?
Had we built?
Had he/she/it built?
Had you built?
Had they built?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been building.
You had been building.
We had been building.
He/She/It had been building.
You had been building.
They had been building.
I had not been building.
You had not been building.
We had not been building.
He/She/It had not been building.
You had not been building.
They had not been building.
Had I been building?
Had you been building?
Had we been building?
Had he/she/it been building?
Had you been building?
Had they been building?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have built.
You will have built.
We will have built.
He/She/It will have built.
You will have built.
They will have built.
I will not have built.
You will not have built.
We will not have built.
He/She/It will not have built.
You will not have built.
They will not have built.
Will I have built?
Will you have built?
Will we have built?
Will he/she/it have built?
Will you have built?
Will they have built?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would build.
You would build.
We would build.
He/She/It would build.
You would build.
They would build.
I would not build.
You would not build.
We would not build.
He/She/It would not build.
You would not build.
They would not build.
Would I build?
Would you build?
Would we build?
Would he/she/it build?
Would you build?
Would they build?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have built.
You would have built.
We would have built.
He/She/It would have built.
You would have built.
They would have built.
I would not have built.
You would not have built.
We would not have built.
He/She/It would not have built.
You would not have built.
They would not have built.
Would I have built?
Would you have built?
Would we have built?
Would he/she/it have built?
Would you have built?
Would they have built?

to burn quemar
Past simple
burned (US)
burnt (UK)
Past participle
burned (US)
burnt (UK)
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To burn"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I burn.
You burn.
We burn.
He/She/It burns.
You burn.
They burn.
I do not burn.
You do not burn.
We do not burn.
He/She/It does not burn.
You do not burn.
They do not burn.
Do I burn?
Do you burn?
Do we burn?
Does he/she/it burn?
Do you burn?
Do they burn?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am burning.
You are burning.
We are burning.
He/She/It is burning.
You are burning.
They are burning.
I am not burning.
You are not burning.
We are not burning.
He/She/It is not burning.
You are not burning.
They are not burning.
Am I burning?
Are you burning?
Are we burning?
Is he/she/it burning?
Are you burning?
Are they burning?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I burnt.
You burnt.
We burnt.
He/She/It burnt.
You burnt.
They burnt.
I did not burn.
You did not burn.
We did not burn.
He/She/It did not burn.
You did not burn.
They did not burn.
Did I burn?
Did you burn?
Did we burn?
Did he/she/it burn?
Did you burn?
Did they burn?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was burning.
You were burning.
We were burning.
He/She/It was burning.
You were burning.
They were burning.
I was not burning.
You were not burning.
We were not burning.
He/She/It was not burning.
You were not burning.
They were not burning.
Was I burning?
Were you burning?
Were we burning?
Was he/she/it burning?
Were you burning?
Were they burning?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will burn.
You will burn.
We will burn.
He/She/It will burn.
You will burn.
They will burn.
I will not burn.
You will not burn.
We will not burn.
He/She/It will not burn.
You will not burn.
They will not burn.
Will I burn?
Will you burn?
Will we burn?
Will he/she/it burn?
Will you burn?
Will they burn?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have burnt.
You have burnt.
We have burnt.
He/She/It has burnt.
You have burnt.
They have burnt.
I have not burnt.
You have not burnt.
We have not burnt.
He/She/It has not burnt.
You have not burnt.
They have not burnt.
Have I burnt?
Have you burnt?
Have we burnt?
Has he/she/it burnt?
Have you burnt?
Have they burnt?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been burning.
You have been burning.
We have been burning.
He/She/It has been burning.
You have been burning.
They have been burning.
I have not been burning.
You have not been burning.
We have not been burning.
He/She/It has not been burning.
You have not been burning.
They have not been burning.
Have I been burning?
Have you been burning?
Have we been burning?
Has he/she/it been burning?
Have you been burning?
Have they been burning?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had burnt.
You had burnt.
We had burnt.
He/She/It had burnt.
You had burnt.
They had burnt.
I had not burnt.
You had not burnt.
We had not burnt.
He/She/It had not burnt.
You had not burnt.
They had not burnt.
Had I burnt?
Had you burnt?
Had we burnt?
Had he/she/it burnt?
Had you burnt?
Had they burnt?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been burning.
You had been burning.
We had been burning.
He/She/It had been burning.
You had been burning.
They had been burning.
I had not been burning.
You had not been burning.
We had not been burning.
He/She/It had not been burning.
You had not been burning.
They had not been burning.
Had I been burning?
Had you been burning?
Had we been burning?
Had he/she/it been burning?
Had you been burning?
Had they been burning?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have burnt.
You will have burnt.
We will have burnt.
He/She/It will have burnt.
You will have burnt.
They will have burnt.
I will not have burnt.
You will not have burnt.
We will not have burnt.
He/She/It will not have burnt.
You will not have burnt.
They will not have burnt.
Will I have burnt?
Will you have burnt?
Will we have burnt?
Will he/she/it have burnt?
Will you have burnt?
Will they have burnt?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would burn.
You would burn.
We would burn.
He/She/It would burn.
You would burn.
They would burn.
I would not burn.
You would not burn.
We would not burn.
He/She/It would not burn.
You would not burn.
They would not burn.
Would I burn?
Would you burn?
Would we burn?
Would he/she/it burn?
Would you burn?
Would they burn?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have burnt.
You would have burnt.
We would have burnt.
He/She/It would have burnt.
You would have burnt.
They would have burnt.
I would not have burnt.
You would not have burnt.
We would not have burnt.
He/She/It would not have burnt.
You would not have burnt.
They would not have burnt.
Would I have burnt?
Would you have burnt?
Would we have burnt?
Would he/she/it have burnt?
Would you have burnt?
Would they have burnt?

to buy comprar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To buy"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I buy.
You buy.
We buy.
He/She/It buys.
You buy.
They buy.
I do not buy.
You do not buy.
We do not buy.
He/She/It does not buy.
You do not buy.
They do not buy.
Do I buy?
Do you buy?
Do we buy?
Does he/she/it buy?
Do you buy?
Do they buy?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am buying.
You are buying.
We are buying.
He/She/It is buying.
You are buying.
They are buying.
I am not buying.
You are not buying.
We are not buying.
He/She/It is not buying.
You are not buying.
They are not buying.
Am I buying?
Are you buying?
Are we buying?
Is he/she/it buying?
Are you buying?
Are they buying?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I bought.
You bought.
We bought.
He/She/It bought.
You bought.
They bought.
I did not buy.
You did not buy.
We did not buy.
He/She/It did not buy.
You did not buy.
They did not buy.
Did I buy?
Did you buy?
Did we buy?
Did he/she/it buy?
Did you buy?
Did they buy?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was buying.
You were buying.
We were buying.
He/She/It was buying.
You were buying.
They were buying.
I was not buying.
You were not buying.
We were not buying.
He/She/It was not buying.
You were not buying.
They were not buying.
Was I buying?
Were you buying?
Were we buying?
Was he/she/it buying?
Were you buying?
Were they buying?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will buy.
You will buy.
We will buy.
He/She/It will buy.
You will buy.
They will buy.
I will not buy.
You will not buy.
We will not buy.
He/She/It will not buy.
You will not buy.
They will not buy.
Will I buy?
Will you buy?
Will we buy?
Will he/she/it buy?
Will you buy?
Will they buy?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have bought.
You have bought.
We have bought.
He/She/It has bought.
You have bought.
They have bought.
I have not bought.
You have not bought.
We have not bought.
He/She/It has not bought.
You have not bought.
They have not bought.
Have I bought?
Have you bought?
Have we bought?
Has he/she/it bought?
Have you bought?
Have they bought?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been buying.
You have been buying.
We have been buying.
He/She/It has been buying.
You have been buying.
They have been buying.
I have not been buying.
You have not been buying.
We have not been buying.
He/She/It has not been buying.
You have not been buying.
They have not been buying.
Have I been buying?
Have you been buying?
Have we been buying?
Has he/she/it been buying?
Have you been buying?
Have they been buying?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had bought.
You had bought.
We had bought.
He/She/It had bought.
You had bought.
They had bought.
I had not bought.
You had not bought.
We had not bought.
He/She/It had not bought.
You had not bought.
They had not bought.
Had I bought?
Had you bought?
Had we bought?
Had he/she/it bought?
Had you bought?
Had they bought?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been buying.
You had been buying.
We had been buying.
He/She/It had been buying.
You had been buying.
They had been buying.
I had not been buying.
You had not been buying.
We had not been buying.
He/She/It had not been buying.
You had not been buying.
They had not been buying.
Had I been buying?
Had you been buying?
Had we been buying?
Had he/she/it been buying?
Had you been buying?
Had they been buying?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have bought.
You will have bought.
We will have bought.
He/She/It will have bought.
You will have bought.
They will have bought.
I will not have bought.
You will not have bought.
We will not have bought.
He/She/It will not have bought.
You will not have bought.
They will not have bought.
Will I have bought?
Will you have bought?
Will we have bought?
Will he/she/it have bought?
Will you have bought?
Will they have bought?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would buy.
You would buy.
We would buy.
He/She/It would buy.
You would buy.
They would buy.
I would not buy.
You would not buy.
We would not buy.
He/She/It would not buy.
You would not buy.
They would not buy.
Would I buy?
Would you buy?
Would we buy?
Would he/she/it buy?
Would you buy?
Would they buy?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have bought.
You would have bought.
We would have bought.
He/She/It would have bought.
You would have bought.
They would have bought.
I would not have bought.
You would not have bought.
We would not have bought.
He/She/It would not have bought.
You would not have bought.
They would not have bought.
Would I have bought?
Would you have bought?
Would we have bought?
Would he/she/it have bought?
Would you have bought?
Would they have bought?

to catch coger; pillar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To catch"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I catch.
You catch.
We catch.
He/She/It catches.
You catch.
They catch.
I do not catch.
You do not catch.
We do not catch.
He/She/It does not catch.
You do not catch.
They do not catch.
Do I catch?
Do you catch?
Do we catch?
Does he/she/it catch?
Do you catch?
Do they catch?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am catching.
You are catching.
We are catching.
He/She/It is catching.
You are catching.
They are catching.
I am not catching.
You are not catching.
We are not catching.
He/She/It is not catching.
You are not catching.
They are not catching.
Am I catching?
Are you catching?
Are we catching?
Is he/she/it catching?
Are you catching?
Are they catching?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I caught.
You caught.
We caught.
He/She/It caught.
You caught.
They caught.
I did not catch.
You did not catch.
We did not catch.
He/She/It did not catch.
You did not catch.
They did not catch.
Did I catch?
Did you catch?
Did we catch?
Did he/she/it catch?
Did you catch?
Did they catch?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was catching.
You were catching.
We were catching.
He/She/It was catching.
You were catching.
They were catching.
I was not catching.
You were not catching.
We were not catching.
He/She/It was not catching.
You were not catching.
They were not catching.
Was I catching?
Were you catching?
Were we catching?
Was he/she/it catching?
Were you catching?
Were they catching?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will catch.
You will catch.
We will catch.
He/She/It will catch.
You will catch.
They will catch.
I will not catch.
You will not catch.
We will not catch.
He/She/It will not catch.
You will not catch.
They will not catch.
Will I catch?
Will you catch?
Will we catch?
Will he/she/it catch?
Will you catch?
Will they catch?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have caught.
You have caught.
We have caught.
He/She/It has caught.
You have caught.
They have caught.
I have not caught.
You have not caught.
We have not caught.
He/She/It has not caught.
You have not caught.
They have not caught.
Have I caught?
Have you caught?
Have we caught?
Has he/she/it caught?
Have you caught?
Have they caught?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been catching.
You have been catching.
We have been catching.
He/She/It has been catching.
You have been catching.
They have been catching.
I have not been catching.
You have not been catching.
We have not been catching.
He/She/It has not been catching.
You have not been catching.
They have not been catching.
Have I been catching?
Have you been catching?
Have we been catching?
Has he/she/it been catching?
Have you been catching?
Have they been catching?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had caught.
You had caught.
We had caught.
He/She/It had caught.
You had caught.
They had caught.
I had not caught.
You had not caught.
We had not caught.
He/She/It had not caught.
You had not caught.
They had not caught.
Had I caught?
Had you caught?
Had we caught?
Had he/she/it caught?
Had you caught?
Had they caught?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been catching.
You had been catching.
We had been catching.
He/She/It had been catching.
You had been catching.
They had been catching.
I had not been catching.
You had not been catching.
We had not been catching.
He/She/It had not been catching.
You had not been catching.
They had not been catching.
Had I been catching?
Had you been catching?
Had we been catching?
Had he/she/it been catching?
Had you been catching?
Had they been catching?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have caught.
You will have caught.
We will have caught.
He/She/It will have caught.
You will have caught.
They will have caught.
I will not have caught.
You will not have caught.
We will not have caught.
He/She/It will not have caught.
You will not have caught.
They will not have caught.
Will I have caught?
Will you have caught?
Will we have caught?
Will he/she/it have caught?
Will you have caught?
Will they have caught?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would catch.
You would catch.
We would catch.
He/She/It would catch.
You would catch.
They would catch.
I would not catch.
You would not catch.
We would not catch.
He/She/It would not catch.
You would not catch.
They would not catch.
Would I catch?
Would you catch?
Would we catch?
Would he/she/it catch?
Would you catch?
Would they catch?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have caught.
You would have caught.
We would have caught.
He/She/It would have caught.
You would have caught.
They would have caught.
I would not have caught.
You would not have caught.
We would not have caught.
He/She/It would not have caught.
You would not have caught.
They would not have caught.
Would I have caught?
Would you have caught?
Would we have caught?
Would he/she/it have caught?
Would you have caught?
Would they have caught?

to choose elegir; escoger
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To choose"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I choose.
You choose.
We choose.
He/She/It chooses.
You choose.
They choose.
I do not choose.
You do not choose.
We do not choose.
He/She/It does not choose.
You do not choose.
They do not choose.
Do I choose?
Do you choose?
Do we choose?
Does he/she/it choose?
Do you choose?
Do they choose?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am choosing.
You are choosing.
We are choosing.
He/She/It is choosing.
You are choosing.
They are choosing.
I am not choosing.
You are not choosing.
We are not choosing.
He/She/It is not choosing.
You are not choosing.
They are not choosing.
Am I choosing?
Are you choosing?
Are we choosing?
Is he/she/it choosing?
Are you choosing?
Are they choosing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I chose.
You chose.
We chose.
He/She/It chose.
You chose.
They chose.
I did not choose.
You did not choose.
We did not choose.
He/She/It did not choose.
You did not choose.
They did not choose.
Did I choose?
Did you choose?
Did we choose?
Did he/she/it choose?
Did you choose?
Did they choose?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was choosing.
You were choosing.
We were choosing.
He/She/It was choosing.
You were choosing.
They were choosing.
I was not choosing.
You were not choosing.
We were not choosing.
He/She/It was not choosing.
You were not choosing.
They were not choosing.
Was I choosing?
Were you choosing?
Were we choosing?
Was he/she/it choosing?
Were you choosing?
Were they choosing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will choose.
You will choose.
We will choose.
He/She/It will choose.
You will choose.
They will choose.
I will not choose.
You will not choose.
We will not choose.
He/She/It will not choose.
You will not choose.
They will not choose.
Will I choose?
Will you choose?
Will we choose?
Will he/she/it choose?
Will you choose?
Will they choose?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have chosen.
You have chosen.
We have chosen.
He/She/It has chosen.
You have chosen.
They have chosen.
I have not chosen.
You have not chosen.
We have not chosen.
He/She/It has not chosen.
You have not chosen.
They have not chosen.
Have I chosen?
Have you chosen?
Have we chosen?
Has he/she/it chosen?
Have you chosen?
Have they chosen?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been choosing.
You have been choosing.
We have been choosing.
He/She/It has been choosing.
You have been choosing.
They have been choosing.
I have not been choosing.
You have not been choosing.
We have not been choosing.
He/She/It has not been choosing.
You have not been choosing.
They have not been choosing.
Have I been choosing?
Have you been choosing?
Have we been choosing?
Has he/she/it been choosing?
Have you been choosing?
Have they been choosing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had chosen.
You had chosen.
We had chosen.
He/She/It had chosen.
You had chosen.
They had chosen.
I had not chosen.
You had not chosen.
We had not chosen.
He/She/It had not chosen.
You had not chosen.
They had not chosen.
Had I chosen?
Had you chosen?
Had we chosen?
Had he/she/it chosen?
Had you chosen?
Had they chosen?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been choosing.
You had been choosing.
We had been choosing.
He/She/It had been choosing.
You had been choosing.
They had been choosing.
I had not been choosing.
You had not been choosing.
We had not been choosing.
He/She/It had not been choosing.
You had not been choosing.
They had not been choosing.
Had I been choosing?
Had you been choosing?
Had we been choosing?
Had he/she/it been choosing?
Had you been choosing?
Had they been choosing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have chosen.
You will have chosen.
We will have chosen.
He/She/It will have chosen.
You will have chosen.
They will have chosen.
I will not have chosen.
You will not have chosen.
We will not have chosen.
He/She/It will not have chosen.
You will not have chosen.
They will not have chosen.
Will I have chosen?
Will you have chosen?
Will we have chosen?
Will he/she/it have chosen?
Will you have chosen?
Will they have chosen?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would choose.
You would choose.
We would choose.
He/She/It would choose.
You would choose.
They would choose.
I would not choose.
You would not choose.
We would not choose.
He/She/It would not choose.
You would not choose.
They would not choose.
Would I choose?
Would you choose?
Would we choose?
Would he/she/it choose?
Would you choose?
Would they choose?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have chosen.
You would have chosen.
We would have chosen.
He/She/It would have chosen.
You would have chosen.
They would have chosen.
I would not have chosen.
You would not have chosen.
We would not have chosen.
He/She/It would not have chosen.
You would not have chosen.
They would not have chosen.
Would I have chosen?
Would you have chosen?
Would we have chosen?
Would he/she/it have chosen?
Would you have chosen?
Would they have chosen?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To come"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I come.
You come.
We come.
He/She/It comes.
You come.
They come.
I do not come.
You do not come.
We do not come.
He/She/It does not come.
You do not come.
They do not come.
Do I come?
Do you come?
Do we come?
Does he/she/it come?
Do you come?
Do they come?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am coming.
You are coming.
We are coming.
He/She/It is coming.
You are coming.
They are coming.
I am not coming.
You are not coming.
We are not coming.
He/She/It is not coming.
You are not coming.
They are not coming.
Am I coming?
Are you coming?
Are we coming?
Is he/she/it coming?
Are you coming?
Are they coming?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I came.
You came.
We came.
He/She/It came.
You came.
They came.
I did not come.
You did not come.
We did not come.
He/She/It did not come.
You did not come.
They did not come.
Did I come?
Did you come?
Did we come?
Did he/she/it come?
Did you come?
Did they come?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was coming.
You were coming.
We were coming.
He/She/It was coming.
You were coming.
They were coming.
I was not coming.
You were not coming.
We were not coming.
He/She/It was not coming.
You were not coming.
They were not coming.
Was I coming?
Were you coming?
Were we coming?
Was he/she/it coming?
Were you coming?
Were they coming?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will come.
You will come.
We will come.
He/She/It will come.
You will come.
They will come.
I will not come.
You will not come.
We will not come.
He/She/It will not come.
You will not come.
They will not come.
Will I come?
Will you come?
Will we come?
Will he/she/it come?
Will you come?
Will they come?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have come.
You have come.
We have come.
He/She/It has come.
You have come.
They have come.
I have not come.
You have not come.
We have not come.
He/She/It has not come.
You have not come.
They have not come.
Have I come?
Have you come?
Have we come?
Has he/she/it come?
Have you come?
Have they come?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been coming.
You have been coming.
We have been coming.
He/She/It has been coming.
You have been coming.
They have been coming.
I have not been coming.
You have not been coming.
We have not been coming.
He/She/It has not been coming.
You have not been coming.
They have not been coming.
Have I been coming?
Have you been coming?
Have we been coming?
Has he/she/it been coming?
Have you been coming?
Have they been coming?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had come.
You had come.
We had come.
He/She/It had come.
You had come.
They had come.
I had not come.
You had not come.
We had not come.
He/She/It had not come.
You had not come.
They had not come.
Had I come?
Had you come?
Had we come?
Had he/she/it come?
Had you come?
Had they come?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been coming.
You had been coming.
We had been coming.
He/She/It had been coming.
You had been coming.
They had been coming.
I had not been coming.
You had not been coming.
We had not been coming.
He/She/It had not been coming.
You had not been coming.
They had not been coming.
Had I been coming?
Had you been coming?
Had we been coming?
Had he/she/it been coming?
Had you been coming?
Had they been coming?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have come.
You will have come.
We will have come.
He/She/It will have come.
You will have come.
They will have come.
I will not have come.
You will not have come.
We will not have come.
He/She/It will not have come.
You will not have come.
They will not have come.
Will I have come?
Will you have come?
Will we have come?
Will he/she/it have come?
Will you have come?
Will they have come?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would come.
You would come.
We would come.
He/She/It would come.
You would come.
They would come.
I would not come.
You would not come.
We would not come.
He/She/It would not come.
You would not come.
They would not come.
Would I come?
Would you come?
Would we come?
Would he/she/it come?
Would you come?
Would they come?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have come.
You would have come.
We would have come.
He/She/It would have come.
You would have come.
They would have come.
I would not have come.
You would not have come.
We would not have come.
He/She/It would not have come.
You would not have come.
They would not have come.
Would I have come?
Would you have come?
Would we have come?
Would he/she/it have come?
Would you have come?
Would they have come?

to cost costar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To cost"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I cost.
You cost.
We cost.
He/She/It costs.
You cost.
They cost.
I do not cost.
You do not cost.
We do not cost.
He/She/It does not cost.
You do not cost.
They do not cost.
Do I cost?
Do you cost?
Do we cost?
Does he/she/it cost?
Do you cost?
Do they cost?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am costing.
You are costing.
We are costing.
He/She/It is costing.
You are costing.
They are costing.
I am not costing.
You are not costing.
We are not costing.
He/She/It is not costing.
You are not costing.
They are not costing.
Am I costing?
Are you costing?
Are we costing?
Is he/she/it costing?
Are you costing?
Are they costing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I cost.
You cost.
We cost.
He/She/It cost.
You cost.
They cost.
I did not cost.
You did not cost.
We did not cost.
He/She/It did not cost.
You did not cost.
They did not cost.
Did I cost?
Did you cost?
Did we cost?
Did he/she/it cost?
Did you cost?
Did they cost?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was costing.
You were costing.
We were costing.
He/She/It was costing.
You were costing.
They were costing.
I was not costing.
You were not costing.
We were not costing.
He/She/It was not costing.
You were not costing.
They were not costing.
Was I costing?
Were you costing?
Were we costing?
Was he/she/it costing?
Were you costing?
Were they costing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will cost.
You will cost.
We will cost.
He/She/It will cost.
You will cost.
They will cost.
I will not cost.
You will not cost.
We will not cost.
He/She/It will not cost.
You will not cost.
They will not cost.
Will I cost?
Will you cost?
Will we cost?
Will he/she/it cost?
Will you cost?
Will they cost?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have cost.
You have cost.
We have cost.
He/She/It has cost.
You have cost.
They have cost.
I have not cost.
You have not cost.
We have not cost.
He/She/It has not cost.
You have not cost.
They have not cost.
Have I cost?
Have you cost?
Have we cost?
Has he/she/it cost?
Have you cost?
Have they cost?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been costing.
You have been costing.
We have been costing.
He/She/It has been costing.
You have been costing.
They have been costing.
I have not been costing.
You have not been costing.
We have not been costing.
He/She/It has not been costing.
You have not been costing.
They have not been costing.
Have I been costing?
Have you been costing?
Have we been costing?
Has he/she/it been costing?
Have you been costing?
Have they been costing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had cost.
You had cost.
We had cost.
He/She/It had cost.
You had cost.
They had cost.
I had not cost.
You had not cost.
We had not cost.
He/She/It had not cost.
You had not cost.
They had not cost.
Had I cost?
Had you cost?
Had we cost?
Had he/she/it cost?
Had you cost?
Had they cost?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been costing.
You had been costing.
We had been costing.
He/She/It had been costing.
You had been costing.
They had been costing.
I had not been costing.
You had not been costing.
We had not been costing.
He/She/It had not been costing.
You had not been costing.
They had not been costing.
Had I been costing?
Had you been costing?
Had we been costing?
Had he/she/it been costing?
Had you been costing?
Had they been costing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have cost.
You will have cost.
We will have cost.
He/She/It will have cost.
You will have cost.
They will have cost.
I will not have cost.
You will not have cost.
We will not have cost.
He/She/It will not have cost.
You will not have cost.
They will not have cost.
Will I have cost?
Will you have cost?
Will we have cost?
Will he/she/it have cost?
Will you have cost?
Will they have cost?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would cost.
You would cost.
We would cost.
He/She/It would cost.
You would cost.
They would cost.
I would not cost.
You would not cost.
We would not cost.
He/She/It would not cost.
You would not cost.
They would not cost.
Would I cost?
Would you cost?
Would we cost?
Would he/she/it cost?
Would you cost?
Would they cost?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have cost.
You would have cost.
We would have cost.
He/She/It would have cost.
You would have cost.
They would have cost.
I would not have cost.
You would not have cost.
We would not have cost.
He/She/It would not have cost.
You would not have cost.
They would not have cost.
Would I have cost?
Would you have cost?
Would we have cost?
Would he/she/it have cost?
Would you have cost?
Would they have cost?

to cut cortar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To cut"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I cut.
You cut.
We cut.
He/She/It cuts.
You cut.
They cut.
I do not cut.
You do not cut.
We do not cut.
He/She/It does not cut.
You do not cut.
They do not cut.
Do I cut?
Do you cut?
Do we cut?
Does he/she/it cut?
Do you cut?
Do they cut?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am cutting.
You are cutting.
We are cutting.
He/She/It is cutting.
You are cutting.
They are cutting.
I am not cutting.
You are not cutting.
We are not cutting.
He/She/It is not cutting.
You are not cutting.
They are not cutting.
Am I cutting?
Are you cutting?
Are we cutting?
Is he/she/it cutting?
Are you cutting?
Are they cutting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I cut.
You cut.
We cut.
He/She/It cut.
You cut.
They cut.
I did not cut.
You did not cut.
We did not cut.
He/She/It did not cut.
You did not cut.
They did not cut.
Did I cut?
Did you cut?
Did we cut?
Did he/she/it cut?
Did you cut?
Did they cut?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was cutting.
You were cutting.
We were cutting.
He/She/It was cutting.
You were cutting.
They were cutting.
I was not cutting.
You were not cutting.
We were not cutting.
He/She/It was not cutting.
You were not cutting.
They were not cutting.
Was I cutting?
Were you cutting?
Were we cutting?
Was he/she/it cutting?
Were you cutting?
Were they cutting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will cut.
You will cut.
We will cut.
He/She/It will cut.
You will cut.
They will cut.
I will not cut.
You will not cut.
We will not cut.
He/She/It will not cut.
You will not cut.
They will not cut.
Will I cut?
Will you cut?
Will we cut?
Will he/she/it cut?
Will you cut?
Will they cut?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have cut.
You have cut.
We have cut.
He/She/It has cut.
You have cut.
They have cut.
I have not cut.
You have not cut.
We have not cut.
He/She/It has not cut.
You have not cut.
They have not cut.
Have I cut?
Have you cut?
Have we cut?
Has he/she/it cut?
Have you cut?
Have they cut?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been cutting.
You have been cutting.
We have been cutting.
He/She/It has been cutting.
You have been cutting.
They have been cutting.
I have not been cutting.
You have not been cutting.
We have not been cutting.
He/She/It has not been cutting.
You have not been cutting.
They have not been cutting.
Have I been cutting?
Have you been cutting?
Have we been cutting?
Has he/she/it been cutting?
Have you been cutting?
Have they been cutting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had cut.
You had cut.
We had cut.
He/She/It had cut.
You had cut.
They had cut.
I had not cut.
You had not cut.
We had not cut.
He/She/It had not cut.
You had not cut.
They had not cut.
Had I cut?
Had you cut?
Had we cut?
Had he/she/it cut?
Had you cut?
Had they cut?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been cutting.
You had been cutting.
We had been cutting.
He/She/It had been cutting.
You had been cutting.
They had been cutting.
I had not been cutting.
You had not been cutting.
We had not been cutting.
He/She/It had not been cutting.
You had not been cutting.
They had not been cutting.
Had I been cutting?
Had you been cutting?
Had we been cutting?
Had he/she/it been cutting?
Had you been cutting?
Had they been cutting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have cut.
You will have cut.
We will have cut.
He/She/It will have cut.
You will have cut.
They will have cut.
I will not have cut.
You will not have cut.
We will not have cut.
He/She/It will not have cut.
You will not have cut.
They will not have cut.
Will I have cut?
Will you have cut?
Will we have cut?
Will he/she/it have cut?
Will you have cut?
Will they have cut?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would cut.
You would cut.
We would cut.
He/She/It would cut.
You would cut.
They would cut.
I would not cut.
You would not cut.
We would not cut.
He/She/It would not cut.
You would not cut.
They would not cut.
Would I cut?
Would you cut?
Would we cut?
Would he/she/it cut?
Would you cut?
Would they cut?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have cut.
You would have cut.
We would have cut.
He/She/It would have cut.
You would have cut.
They would have cut.
I would not have cut.
You would not have cut.
We would not have cut.
He/She/It would not have cut.
You would not have cut.
They would not have cut.
Would I have cut?
Would you have cut?
Would we have cut?
Would he/she/it have cut?
Would you have cut?
Would they have cut?

to do hacer
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To do"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I do.
You do.
We do.
He/She/It does.
You do.
They do.
I do not do.
You do not do.
We do not do.
He/She/It does not do.
You do not do.
They do not do.
Do I do?
Do you do?
Do we do?
Does he/she/it do?
Do you do?
Do they do?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am doing.
You are doing.
We are doing.
He/She/It is doing.
You are doing.
They are doing.
I am not doing.
You are not doing.
We are not doing.
He/She/It is not doing.
You are not doing.
They are not doing.
Am I doing?
Are you doing?
Are we doing?
Is he/she/it doing?
Are you doing?
Are they doing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I did.
You did.
We did.
He/She/It did.
You did.
They did.
I did not do.
You did not do.
We did not do.
He/She/It did not do.
You did not do.
They did not do.
Did I do?
Did you do?
Did we do?
Did he/she/it do?
Did you do?
Did they do?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was doing.
You were doing.
We were doing.
He/She/It was doing.
You were doing.
They were doing.
I was not doing.
You were not doing.
We were not doing.
He/She/It was not doing.
You were not doing.
They were not doing.
Was I doing?
Were you doing?
Were we doing?
Was he/she/it doing?
Were you doing?
Were they doing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will do.
You will do.
We will do.
He/She/It will do.
You will do.
They will do.
I will not do.
You will not do.
We will not do.
He/She/It will not do.
You will not do.
They will not do.
Will I do?
Will you do?
Will we do?
Will he/she/it do?
Will you do?
Will they do?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have done.
You have done.
We have done.
He/She/It has done.
You have done.
They have done.
I have not done.
You have not done.
We have not done.
He/She/It has not done.
You have not done.
They have not done.
Have I done?
Have you done?
Have we done?
Has he/she/it done?
Have you done?
Have they done?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been doing.
You have been doing.
We have been doing.
He/She/It has been doing.
You have been doing.
They have been doing.
I have not been doing.
You have not been doing.
We have not been doing.
He/She/It has not been doing.
You have not been doing.
They have not been doing.
Have I been doing?
Have you been doing?
Have we been doing?
Has he/she/it been doing?
Have you been doing?
Have they been doing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had done.
You had done.
We had done.
He/She/It had done.
You had done.
They had done.
I had not done.
You had not done.
We had not done.
He/She/It had not done.
You had not done.
They had not done.
Had I done?
Had you done?
Had we done?
Had he/she/it done?
Had you done?
Had they done?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been doing.
You had been doing.
We had been doing.
He/She/It had been doing.
You had been doing.
They had been doing.
I had not been doing.
You had not been doing.
We had not been doing.
He/She/It had not been doing.
You had not been doing.
They had not been doing.
Had I been doing?
Had you been doing?
Had we been doing?
Had he/she/it been doing?
Had you been doing?
Had they been doing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have done.
You will have done.
We will have done.
He/She/It will have done.
You will have done.
They will have done.
I will not have done.
You will not have done.
We will not have done.
He/She/It will not have done.
You will not have done.
They will not have done.
Will I have done?
Will you have done?
Will we have done?
Will he/she/it have done?
Will you have done?
Will they have done?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would do.
You would do.
We would do.
He/She/It would do.
You would do.
They would do.
I would not do.
You would not do.
We would not do.
He/She/It would not do.
You would not do.
They would not do.
Would I do?
Would you do?
Would we do?
Would he/she/it do?
Would you do?
Would they do?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have done.
You would have done.
We would have done.
He/She/It would have done.
You would have done.
They would have done.
I would not have done.
You would not have done.
We would not have done.
He/She/It would not have done.
You would not have done.
They would not have done.
Would I have done?
Would you have done?
Would we have done?
Would he/she/it have done?
Would you have done?
Would they have done?

to draw dibujar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To draw"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I draw.
You draw.
We draw.
He/She/It draws.
You draw.
They draw.
I do not draw.
You do not draw.
We do not draw.
He/She/It does not draw.
You do not draw.
They do not draw.
Do I draw?
Do you draw?
Do we draw?
Does he/she/it draw?
Do you draw?
Do they draw?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am drawing.
You are drawing.
We are drawing.
He/She/It is drawing.
You are drawing.
They are drawing.
I am not drawing.
You are not drawing.
We are not drawing.
He/She/It is not drawing.
You are not drawing.
They are not drawing.
Am I drawing?
Are you drawing?
Are we drawing?
Is he/she/it drawing?
Are you drawing?
Are they drawing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I drew.
You drew.
We drew.
He/She/It drew.
You drew.
They drew.
I did not draw.
You did not draw.
We did not draw.
He/She/It did not draw.
You did not draw.
They did not draw.
Did I draw?
Did you draw?
Did we draw?
Did he/she/it draw?
Did you draw?
Did they draw?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was drawing.
You were drawing.
We were drawing.
He/She/It was drawing.
You were drawing.
They were drawing.
I was not drawing.
You were not drawing.
We were not drawing.
He/She/It was not drawing.
You were not drawing.
They were not drawing.
Was I drawing?
Were you drawing?
Were we drawing?
Was he/she/it drawing?
Were you drawing?
Were they drawing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will draw.
You will draw.
We will draw.
He/She/It will draw.
You will draw.
They will draw.
I will not draw.
You will not draw.
We will not draw.
He/She/It will not draw.
You will not draw.
They will not draw.
Will I draw?
Will you draw?
Will we draw?
Will he/she/it draw?
Will you draw?
Will they draw?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have drawn.
You have drawn.
We have drawn.
He/She/It has drawn.
You have drawn.
They have drawn.
I have not drawn.
You have not drawn.
We have not drawn.
He/She/It has not drawn.
You have not drawn.
They have not drawn.
Have I drawn?
Have you drawn?
Have we drawn?
Has he/she/it drawn?
Have you drawn?
Have they drawn?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been drawing.
You have been drawing.
We have been drawing.
He/She/It has been drawing.
You have been drawing.
They have been drawing.
I have not been drawing.
You have not been drawing.
We have not been drawing.
He/She/It has not been drawing.
You have not been drawing.
They have not been drawing.
Have I been drawing?
Have you been drawing?
Have we been drawing?
Has he/she/it been drawing?
Have you been drawing?
Have they been drawing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had drawn.
You had drawn.
We had drawn.
He/She/It had drawn.
You had drawn.
They had drawn.
I had not drawn.
You had not drawn.
We had not drawn.
He/She/It had not drawn.
You had not drawn.
They had not drawn.
Had I drawn?
Had you drawn?
Had we drawn?
Had he/she/it drawn?
Had you drawn?
Had they drawn?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been drawing.
You had been drawing.
We had been drawing.
He/She/It had been drawing.
You had been drawing.
They had been drawing.
I had not been drawing.
You had not been drawing.
We had not been drawing.
He/She/It had not been drawing.
You had not been drawing.
They had not been drawing.
Had I been drawing?
Had you been drawing?
Had we been drawing?
Had he/she/it been drawing?
Had you been drawing?
Had they been drawing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have drawn.
You will have drawn.
We will have drawn.
He/She/It will have drawn.
You will have drawn.
They will have drawn.
I will not have drawn.
You will not have drawn.
We will not have drawn.
He/She/It will not have drawn.
You will not have drawn.
They will not have drawn.
Will I have drawn?
Will you have drawn?
Will we have drawn?
Will he/she/it have drawn?
Will you have drawn?
Will they have drawn?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would draw.
You would draw.
We would draw.
He/She/It would draw.
You would draw.
They would draw.
I would not draw.
You would not draw.
We would not draw.
He/She/It would not draw.
You would not draw.
They would not draw.
Would I draw?
Would you draw?
Would we draw?
Would he/she/it draw?
Would you draw?
Would they draw?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have drawn.
You would have drawn.
We would have drawn.
He/She/It would have drawn.
You would have drawn.
They would have drawn.
I would not have drawn.
You would not have drawn.
We would not have drawn.
He/She/It would not have drawn.
You would not have drawn.
They would not have drawn.
Would I have drawn?
Would you have drawn?
Would we have drawn?
Would he/she/it have drawn?
Would you have drawn?
Would they have drawn?

to dream soñar
Past simple
dreamed (US)
dreamt (UK)
Past participle
dreamed (US)
dreamt (UK)
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To dream"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I dream.
You dream.
We dream.
He/She/It dreams.
You dream.
They dream.
I do not dream.
You do not dream.
We do not dream.
He/She/It does not dream.
You do not dream.
They do not dream.
Do I dream?
Do you dream?
Do we dream?
Does he/she/it dream?
Do you dream?
Do they dream?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am dreaming.
You are dreaming.
We are dreaming.
He/She/It is dreaming.
You are dreaming.
They are dreaming.
I am not dreaming.
You are not dreaming.
We are not dreaming.
He/She/It is not dreaming.
You are not dreaming.
They are not dreaming.
Am I dreaming?
Are you dreaming?
Are we dreaming?
Is he/she/it dreaming?
Are you dreaming?
Are they dreaming?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I dreamt.
You dreamt.
We dreamt.
He/She/It dreamt.
You dreamt.
They dreamt.
I did not dream.
You did not dream.
We did not dream.
He/She/It did not dream.
You did not dream.
They did not dream.
Did I dream?
Did you dream?
Did we dream?
Did he/she/it dream?
Did you dream?
Did they dream?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was dreaming.
You were dreaming.
We were dreaming.
He/She/It was dreaming.
You were dreaming.
They were dreaming.
I was not dreaming.
You were not dreaming.
We were not dreaming.
He/She/It was not dreaming.
You were not dreaming.
They were not dreaming.
Was I dreaming?
Were you dreaming?
Were we dreaming?
Was he/she/it dreaming?
Were you dreaming?
Were they dreaming?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will dream.
You will dream.
We will dream.
He/She/It will dream.
You will dream.
They will dream.
I will not dream.
You will not dream.
We will not dream.
He/She/It will not dream.
You will not dream.
They will not dream.
Will I dream?
Will you dream?
Will we dream?
Will he/she/it dream?
Will you dream?
Will they dream?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have dreamt.
You have dreamt.
We have dreamt.
He/She/It has dreamt.
You have dreamt.
They have dreamt.
I have not dreamt.
You have not dreamt.
We have not dreamt.
He/She/It has not dreamt.
You have not dreamt.
They have not dreamt.
Have I dreamt?
Have you dreamt?
Have we dreamt?
Has he/she/it dreamt?
Have you dreamt?
Have they dreamt?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been dreaming.
You have been dreaming.
We have been dreaming.
He/She/It has been dreaming.
You have been dreaming.
They have been dreaming.
I have not been dreaming.
You have not been dreaming.
We have not been dreaming.
He/She/It has not been dreaming.
You have not been dreaming.
They have not been dreaming.
Have I been dreaming?
Have you been dreaming?
Have we been dreaming?
Has he/she/it been dreaming?
Have you been dreaming?
Have they been dreaming?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had dreamt.
You had dreamt.
We had dreamt.
He/She/It had dreamt.
You had dreamt.
They had dreamt.
I had not dreamt.
You had not dreamt.
We had not dreamt.
He/She/It had not dreamt.
You had not dreamt.
They had not dreamt.
Had I dreamt?
Had you dreamt?
Had we dreamt?
Had he/she/it dreamt?
Had you dreamt?
Had they dreamt?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been dreaming.
You had been dreaming.
We had been dreaming.
He/She/It had been dreaming.
You had been dreaming.
They had been dreaming.
I had not been dreaming.
You had not been dreaming.
We had not been dreaming.
He/She/It had not been dreaming.
You had not been dreaming.
They had not been dreaming.
Had I been dreaming?
Had you been dreaming?
Had we been dreaming?
Had he/she/it been dreaming?
Had you been dreaming?
Had they been dreaming?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have dreamt.
You will have dreamt.
We will have dreamt.
He/She/It will have dreamt.
You will have dreamt.
They will have dreamt.
I will not have dreamt.
You will not have dreamt.
We will not have dreamt.
He/She/It will not have dreamt.
You will not have dreamt.
They will not have dreamt.
Will I have dreamt?
Will you have dreamt?
Will we have dreamt?
Will he/she/it have dreamt?
Will you have dreamt?
Will they have dreamt?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would dream.
You would dream.
We would dream.
He/She/It would dream.
You would dream.
They would dream.
I would not dream.
You would not dream.
We would not dream.
He/She/It would not dream.
You would not dream.
They would not dream.
Would I dream?
Would you dream?
Would we dream?
Would he/she/it dream?
Would you dream?
Would they dream?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have dreamt.
You would have dreamt.
We would have dreamt.
He/She/It would have dreamt.
You would have dreamt.
They would have dreamt.
I would not have dreamt.
You would not have dreamt.
We would not have dreamt.
He/She/It would not have dreamt.
You would not have dreamt.
They would not have dreamt.
Would I have dreamt?
Would you have dreamt?
Would we have dreamt?
Would he/she/it have dreamt?
Would you have dreamt?
Would they have dreamt?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To drink"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I drink.
You drink.
We drink.
He/She/It drinks.
You drink.
They drink.
I do not drink.
You do not drink.
We do not drink.
He/She/It does not drink.
You do not drink.
They do not drink.
Do I drink?
Do you drink?
Do we drink?
Does he/she/it drink?
Do you drink?
Do they drink?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am drinking.
You are drinking.
We are drinking.
He/She/It is drinking.
You are drinking.
They are drinking.
I am not drinking.
You are not drinking.
We are not drinking.
He/She/It is not drinking.
You are not drinking.
They are not drinking.
Am I drinking?
Are you drinking?
Are we drinking?
Is he/she/it drinking?
Are you drinking?
Are they drinking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I drank.
You drank.
We drank.
He/She/It drank.
You drank.
They drank.
I did not drink.
You did not drink.
We did not drink.
He/She/It did not drink.
You did not drink.
They did not drink.
Did I drink?
Did you drink?
Did we drink?
Did he/she/it drink?
Did you drink?
Did they drink?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was drinking.
You were drinking.
We were drinking.
He/She/It was drinking.
You were drinking.
They were drinking.
I was not drinking.
You were not drinking.
We were not drinking.
He/She/It was not drinking.
You were not drinking.
They were not drinking.
Was I drinking?
Were you drinking?
Were we drinking?
Was he/she/it drinking?
Were you drinking?
Were they drinking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will drink.
You will drink.
We will drink.
He/She/It will drink.
You will drink.
They will drink.
I will not drink.
You will not drink.
We will not drink.
He/She/It will not drink.
You will not drink.
They will not drink.
Will I drink?
Will you drink?
Will we drink?
Will he/she/it drink?
Will you drink?
Will they drink?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have drunk.
You have drunk.
We have drunk.
He/She/It has drunk.
You have drunk.
They have drunk.
I have not drunk.
You have not drunk.
We have not drunk.
He/She/It has not drunk.
You have not drunk.
They have not drunk.
Have I drunk?
Have you drunk?
Have we drunk?
Has he/she/it drunk?
Have you drunk?
Have they drunk?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been drinking.
You have been drinking.
We have been drinking.
He/She/It has been drinking.
You have been drinking.
They have been drinking.
I have not been drinking.
You have not been drinking.
We have not been drinking.
He/She/It has not been drinking.
You have not been drinking.
They have not been drinking.
Have I been drinking?
Have you been drinking?
Have we been drinking?
Has he/she/it been drinking?
Have you been drinking?
Have they been drinking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had drunk.
You had drunk.
We had drunk.
He/She/It had drunk.
You had drunk.
They had drunk.
I had not drunk.
You had not drunk.
We had not drunk.
He/She/It had not drunk.
You had not drunk.
They had not drunk.
Had I drunk?
Had you drunk?
Had we drunk?
Had he/she/it drunk?
Had you drunk?
Had they drunk?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been drinking.
You had been drinking.
We had been drinking.
He/She/It had been drinking.
You had been drinking.
They had been drinking.
I had not been drinking.
You had not been drinking.
We had not been drinking.
He/She/It had not been drinking.
You had not been drinking.
They had not been drinking.
Had I been drinking?
Had you been drinking?
Had we been drinking?
Had he/she/it been drinking?
Had you been drinking?
Had they been drinking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have drunk.
You will have drunk.
We will have drunk.
He/She/It will have drunk.
You will have drunk.
They will have drunk.
I will not have drunk.
You will not have drunk.
We will not have drunk.
He/She/It will not have drunk.
You will not have drunk.
They will not have drunk.
Will I have drunk?
Will you have drunk?
Will we have drunk?
Will he/she/it have drunk?
Will you have drunk?
Will they have drunk?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would drink.
You would drink.
We would drink.
He/She/It would drink.
You would drink.
They would drink.
I would not drink.
You would not drink.
We would not drink.
He/She/It would not drink.
You would not drink.
They would not drink.
Would I drink?
Would you drink?
Would we drink?
Would he/she/it drink?
Would you drink?
Would they drink?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have drunk.
You would have drunk.
We would have drunk.
He/She/It would have drunk.
You would have drunk.
They would have drunk.
I would not have drunk.
You would not have drunk.
We would not have drunk.
He/She/It would not have drunk.
You would not have drunk.
They would not have drunk.
Would I have drunk?
Would you have drunk?
Would we have drunk?
Would he/she/it have drunk?
Would you have drunk?
Would they have drunk?

to drive conducir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To drive"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I drive.
You drive.
We drive.
He/She/It drives.
You drive.
They drive.
I do not drive.
You do not drive.
We do not drive.
He/She/It does not drive.
You do not drive.
They do not drive.
Do I drive?
Do you drive?
Do we drive?
Does he/she/it drive?
Do you drive?
Do they drive?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am driving.
You are driving.
We are driving.
He/She/It is driving.
You are driving.
They are driving.
I am not driving.
You are not driving.
We are not driving.
He/She/It is not driving.
You are not driving.
They are not driving.
Am I driving?
Are you driving?
Are we driving?
Is he/she/it driving?
Are you driving?
Are they driving?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I drove.
You drove.
We drove.
He/She/It drove.
You drove.
They drove.
I did not drive.
You did not drive.
We did not drive.
He/She/It did not drive.
You did not drive.
They did not drive.
Did I drive?
Did you drive?
Did we drive?
Did he/she/it drive?
Did you drive?
Did they drive?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was driving.
You were driving.
We were driving.
He/She/It was driving.
You were driving.
They were driving.
I was not driving.
You were not driving.
We were not driving.
He/She/It was not driving.
You were not driving.
They were not driving.
Was I driving?
Were you driving?
Were we driving?
Was he/she/it driving?
Were you driving?
Were they driving?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will drive.
You will drive.
We will drive.
He/She/It will drive.
You will drive.
They will drive.
I will not drive.
You will not drive.
We will not drive.
He/She/It will not drive.
You will not drive.
They will not drive.
Will I drive?
Will you drive?
Will we drive?
Will he/she/it drive?
Will you drive?
Will they drive?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have driven.
You have driven.
We have driven.
He/She/It has driven.
You have driven.
They have driven.
I have not driven.
You have not driven.
We have not driven.
He/She/It has not driven.
You have not driven.
They have not driven.
Have I driven?
Have you driven?
Have we driven?
Has he/she/it driven?
Have you driven?
Have they driven?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been driving.
You have been driving.
We have been driving.
He/She/It has been driving.
You have been driving.
They have been driving.
I have not been driving.
You have not been driving.
We have not been driving.
He/She/It has not been driving.
You have not been driving.
They have not been driving.
Have I been driving?
Have you been driving?
Have we been driving?
Has he/she/it been driving?
Have you been driving?
Have they been driving?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had driven.
You had driven.
We had driven.
He/She/It had driven.
You had driven.
They had driven.
I had not driven.
You had not driven.
We had not driven.
He/She/It had not driven.
You had not driven.
They had not driven.
Had I driven?
Had you driven?
Had we driven?
Had he/she/it driven?
Had you driven?
Had they driven?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been driving.
You had been driving.
We had been driving.
He/She/It had been driving.
You had been driving.
They had been driving.
I had not been driving.
You had not been driving.
We had not been driving.
He/She/It had not been driving.
You had not been driving.
They had not been driving.
Had I been driving?
Had you been driving?
Had we been driving?
Had he/she/it been driving?
Had you been driving?
Had they been driving?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have driven.
You will have driven.
We will have driven.
He/She/It will have driven.
You will have driven.
They will have driven.
I will not have driven.
You will not have driven.
We will not have driven.
He/She/It will not have driven.
You will not have driven.
They will not have driven.
Will I have driven?
Will you have driven?
Will we have driven?
Will he/she/it have driven?
Will you have driven?
Will they have driven?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would drive.
You would drive.
We would drive.
He/She/It would drive.
You would drive.
They would drive.
I would not drive.
You would not drive.
We would not drive.
He/She/It would not drive.
You would not drive.
They would not drive.
Would I drive?
Would you drive?
Would we drive?
Would he/she/it drive?
Would you drive?
Would they drive?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have driven.
You would have driven.
We would have driven.
He/She/It would have driven.
You would have driven.
They would have driven.
I would not have driven.
You would not have driven.
We would not have driven.
He/She/It would not have driven.
You would not have driven.
They would not have driven.
Would I have driven?
Would you have driven?
Would we have driven?
Would he/she/it have driven?
Would you have driven?
Would they have driven?

to eat comer
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To eat"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I eat.
You eat.
We eat.
He/She/It eats.
You eat.
They eat.
I do not eat.
You do not eat.
We do not eat.
He/She/It does not eat.
You do not eat.
They do not eat.
Do I eat?
Do you eat?
Do we eat?
Does he/she/it eat?
Do you eat?
Do they eat?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am eating.
You are eating.
We are eating.
He/She/It is eating.
You are eating.
They are eating.
I am not eating.
You are not eating.
We are not eating.
He/She/It is not eating.
You are not eating.
They are not eating.
Am I eating?
Are you eating?
Are we eating?
Is he/she/it eating?
Are you eating?
Are they eating?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I ate.
You ate.
We ate.
He/She/It ate.
You ate.
They ate.
I did not eat.
You did not eat.
We did not eat.
He/She/It did not eat.
You did not eat.
They did not eat.
Did I eat?
Did you eat?
Did we eat?
Did he/she/it eat?
Did you eat?
Did they eat?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was eating.
You were eating.
We were eating.
He/She/It was eating.
You were eating.
They were eating.
I was not eating.
You were not eating.
We were not eating.
He/She/It was not eating.
You were not eating.
They were not eating.
Was I eating?
Were you eating?
Were we eating?
Was he/she/it eating?
Were you eating?
Were they eating?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will eat.
You will eat.
We will eat.
He/She/It will eat.
You will eat.
They will eat.
I will not eat.
You will not eat.
We will not eat.
He/She/It will not eat.
You will not eat.
They will not eat.
Will I eat?
Will you eat?
Will we eat?
Will he/she/it eat?
Will you eat?
Will they eat?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have eaten.
You have eaten.
We have eaten.
He/She/It has eaten.
You have eaten.
They have eaten.
I have not eaten.
You have not eaten.
We have not eaten.
He/She/It has not eaten.
You have not eaten.
They have not eaten.
Have I eaten?
Have you eaten?
Have we eaten?
Has he/she/it eaten?
Have you eaten?
Have they eaten?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been eating.
You have been eating.
We have been eating.
He/She/It has been eating.
You have been eating.
They have been eating.
I have not been eating.
You have not been eating.
We have not been eating.
He/She/It has not been eating.
You have not been eating.
They have not been eating.
Have I been eating?
Have you been eating?
Have we been eating?
Has he/she/it been eating?
Have you been eating?
Have they been eating?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had eaten.
You had eaten.
We had eaten.
He/She/It had eaten.
You had eaten.
They had eaten.
I had not eaten.
You had not eaten.
We had not eaten.
He/She/It had not eaten.
You had not eaten.
They had not eaten.
Had I eaten?
Had you eaten?
Had we eaten?
Had he/she/it eaten?
Had you eaten?
Had they eaten?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been eating.
You had been eating.
We had been eating.
He/She/It had been eating.
You had been eating.
They had been eating.
I had not been eating.
You had not been eating.
We had not been eating.
He/She/It had not been eating.
You had not been eating.
They had not been eating.
Had I been eating?
Had you been eating?
Had we been eating?
Had he/she/it been eating?
Had you been eating?
Had they been eating?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have eaten.
You will have eaten.
We will have eaten.
He/She/It will have eaten.
You will have eaten.
They will have eaten.
I will not have eaten.
You will not have eaten.
We will not have eaten.
He/She/It will not have eaten.
You will not have eaten.
They will not have eaten.
Will I have eaten?
Will you have eaten?
Will we have eaten?
Will he/she/it have eaten?
Will you have eaten?
Will they have eaten?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would eat.
You would eat.
We would eat.
He/She/It would eat.
You would eat.
They would eat.
I would not eat.
You would not eat.
We would not eat.
He/She/It would not eat.
You would not eat.
They would not eat.
Would I eat?
Would you eat?
Would we eat?
Would he/she/it eat?
Would you eat?
Would they eat?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have eaten.
You would have eaten.
We would have eaten.
He/She/It would have eaten.
You would have eaten.
They would have eaten.
I would not have eaten.
You would not have eaten.
We would not have eaten.
He/She/It would not have eaten.
You would not have eaten.
They would not have eaten.
Would I have eaten?
Would you have eaten?
Would we have eaten?
Would he/she/it have eaten?
Would you have eaten?
Would they have eaten?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To fall"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I fall.
You fall.
We fall.
He/She/It falls.
You fall.
They fall.
I do not fall.
You do not fall.
We do not fall.
He/She/It does not fall.
You do not fall.
They do not fall.
Do I fall?
Do you fall?
Do we fall?
Does he/she/it fall?
Do you fall?
Do they fall?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am falling.
You are falling.
We are falling.
He/She/It is falling.
You are falling.
They are falling.
I am not falling.
You are not falling.
We are not falling.
He/She/It is not falling.
You are not falling.
They are not falling.
Am I falling?
Are you falling?
Are we falling?
Is he/she/it falling?
Are you falling?
Are they falling?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I fell.
You fell.
We fell.
He/She/It fell.
You fell.
They fell.
I did not fall.
You did not fall.
We did not fall.
He/She/It did not fall.
You did not fall.
They did not fall.
Did I fall?
Did you fall?
Did we fall?
Did he/she/it fall?
Did you fall?
Did they fall?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was falling.
You were falling.
We were falling.
He/She/It was falling.
You were falling.
They were falling.
I was not falling.
You were not falling.
We were not falling.
He/She/It was not falling.
You were not falling.
They were not falling.
Was I falling?
Were you falling?
Were we falling?
Was he/she/it falling?
Were you falling?
Were they falling?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will fall.
You will fall.
We will fall.
He/She/It will fall.
You will fall.
They will fall.
I will not fall.
You will not fall.
We will not fall.
He/She/It will not fall.
You will not fall.
They will not fall.
Will I fall?
Will you fall?
Will we fall?
Will he/she/it fall?
Will you fall?
Will they fall?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have fallen.
You have fallen.
We have fallen.
He/She/It has fallen.
You have fallen.
They have fallen.
I have not fallen.
You have not fallen.
We have not fallen.
He/She/It has not fallen.
You have not fallen.
They have not fallen.
Have I fallen?
Have you fallen?
Have we fallen?
Has he/she/it fallen?
Have you fallen?
Have they fallen?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been falling.
You have been falling.
We have been falling.
He/She/It has been falling.
You have been falling.
They have been falling.
I have not been falling.
You have not been falling.
We have not been falling.
He/She/It has not been falling.
You have not been falling.
They have not been falling.
Have I been falling?
Have you been falling?
Have we been falling?
Has he/she/it been falling?
Have you been falling?
Have they been falling?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had fallen.
You had fallen.
We had fallen.
He/She/It had fallen.
You had fallen.
They had fallen.
I had not fallen.
You had not fallen.
We had not fallen.
He/She/It had not fallen.
You had not fallen.
They had not fallen.
Had I fallen?
Had you fallen?
Had we fallen?
Had he/she/it fallen?
Had you fallen?
Had they fallen?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been falling.
You had been falling.
We had been falling.
He/She/It had been falling.
You had been falling.
They had been falling.
I had not been falling.
You had not been falling.
We had not been falling.
He/She/It had not been falling.
You had not been falling.
They had not been falling.
Had I been falling?
Had you been falling?
Had we been falling?
Had he/she/it been falling?
Had you been falling?
Had they been falling?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have fallen.
You will have fallen.
We will have fallen.
He/She/It will have fallen.
You will have fallen.
They will have fallen.
I will not have fallen.
You will not have fallen.
We will not have fallen.
He/She/It will not have fallen.
You will not have fallen.
They will not have fallen.
Will I have fallen?
Will you have fallen?
Will we have fallen?
Will he/she/it have fallen?
Will you have fallen?
Will they have fallen?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would fall.
You would fall.
We would fall.
He/She/It would fall.
You would fall.
They would fall.
I would not fall.
You would not fall.
We would not fall.
He/She/It would not fall.
You would not fall.
They would not fall.
Would I fall?
Would you fall?
Would we fall?
Would he/she/it fall?
Would you fall?
Would they fall?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have fallen.
You would have fallen.
We would have fallen.
He/She/It would have fallen.
You would have fallen.
They would have fallen.
I would not have fallen.
You would not have fallen.
We would not have fallen.
He/She/It would not have fallen.
You would not have fallen.
They would not have fallen.
Would I have fallen?
Would you have fallen?
Would we have fallen?
Would he/she/it have fallen?
Would you have fallen?
Would they have fallen?

to feel sentir(se)
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To feel"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I feel.
You feel.
We feel.
He/She/It feels.
You feel.
They feel.
I do not feel.
You do not feel.
We do not feel.
He/She/It does not feel.
You do not feel.
They do not feel.
Do I feel?
Do you feel?
Do we feel?
Does he/she/it feel?
Do you feel?
Do they feel?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am feeling.
You are feeling.
We are feeling.
He/She/It is feeling.
You are feeling.
They are feeling.
I am not feeling.
You are not feeling.
We are not feeling.
He/She/It is not feeling.
You are not feeling.
They are not feeling.
Am I feeling?
Are you feeling?
Are we feeling?
Is he/she/it feeling?
Are you feeling?
Are they feeling?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I felt.
You felt.
We felt.
He/She/It felt.
You felt.
They felt.
I did not feel.
You did not feel.
We did not feel.
He/She/It did not feel.
You did not feel.
They did not feel.
Did I feel?
Did you feel?
Did we feel?
Did he/she/it feel?
Did you feel?
Did they feel?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was feeling.
You were feeling.
We were feeling.
He/She/It was feeling.
You were feeling.
They were feeling.
I was not feeling.
You were not feeling.
We were not feeling.
He/She/It was not feeling.
You were not feeling.
They were not feeling.
Was I feeling?
Were you feeling?
Were we feeling?
Was he/she/it feeling?
Were you feeling?
Were they feeling?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will feel.
You will feel.
We will feel.
He/She/It will feel.
You will feel.
They will feel.
I will not feel.
You will not feel.
We will not feel.
He/She/It will not feel.
You will not feel.
They will not feel.
Will I feel?
Will you feel?
Will we feel?
Will he/she/it feel?
Will you feel?
Will they feel?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have felt.
You have felt.
We have felt.
He/She/It has felt.
You have felt.
They have felt.
I have not felt.
You have not felt.
We have not felt.
He/She/It has not felt.
You have not felt.
They have not felt.
Have I felt?
Have you felt?
Have we felt?
Has he/she/it felt?
Have you felt?
Have they felt?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been feeling.
You have been feeling.
We have been feeling.
He/She/It has been feeling.
You have been feeling.
They have been feeling.
I have not been feeling.
You have not been feeling.
We have not been feeling.
He/She/It has not been feeling.
You have not been feeling.
They have not been feeling.
Have I been feeling?
Have you been feeling?
Have we been feeling?
Has he/she/it been feeling?
Have you been feeling?
Have they been feeling?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had felt.
You had felt.
We had felt.
He/She/It had felt.
You had felt.
They had felt.
I had not felt.
You had not felt.
We had not felt.
He/She/It had not felt.
You had not felt.
They had not felt.
Had I felt?
Had you felt?
Had we felt?
Had he/she/it felt?
Had you felt?
Had they felt?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been feeling.
You had been feeling.
We had been feeling.
He/She/It had been feeling.
You had been feeling.
They had been feeling.
I had not been feeling.
You had not been feeling.
We had not been feeling.
He/She/It had not been feeling.
You had not been feeling.
They had not been feeling.
Had I been feeling?
Had you been feeling?
Had we been feeling?
Had he/she/it been feeling?
Had you been feeling?
Had they been feeling?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have felt.
You will have felt.
We will have felt.
He/She/It will have felt.
You will have felt.
They will have felt.
I will not have felt.
You will not have felt.
We will not have felt.
He/She/It will not have felt.
You will not have felt.
They will not have felt.
Will I have felt?
Will you have felt?
Will we have felt?
Will he/she/it have felt?
Will you have felt?
Will they have felt?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would feel.
You would feel.
We would feel.
He/She/It would feel.
You would feel.
They would feel.
I would not feel.
You would not feel.
We would not feel.
He/She/It would not feel.
You would not feel.
They would not feel.
Would I feel?
Would you feel?
Would we feel?
Would he/she/it feel?
Would you feel?
Would they feel?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have felt.
You would have felt.
We would have felt.
He/She/It would have felt.
You would have felt.
They would have felt.
I would not have felt.
You would not have felt.
We would not have felt.
He/She/It would not have felt.
You would not have felt.
They would not have felt.
Would I have felt?
Would you have felt?
Would we have felt?
Would he/she/it have felt?
Would you have felt?
Would they have felt?

to fight pelear; luchar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To fight"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I fight.
You fight.
We fight.
He/She/It fights.
You fight.
They fight.
I do not fight.
You do not fight.
We do not fight.
He/She/It does not fight.
You do not fight.
They do not fight.
Do I fight?
Do you fight?
Do we fight?
Does he/she/it fight?
Do you fight?
Do they fight?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am fighting.
You are fighting.
We are fighting.
He/She/It is fighting.
You are fighting.
They are fighting.
I am not fighting.
You are not fighting.
We are not fighting.
He/She/It is not fighting.
You are not fighting.
They are not fighting.
Am I fighting?
Are you fighting?
Are we fighting?
Is he/she/it fighting?
Are you fighting?
Are they fighting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I fought.
You fought.
We fought.
He/She/It fought.
You fought.
They fought.
I did not fight.
You did not fight.
We did not fight.
He/She/It did not fight.
You did not fight.
They did not fight.
Did I fight?
Did you fight?
Did we fight?
Did he/she/it fight?
Did you fight?
Did they fight?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was fighting.
You were fighting.
We were fighting.
He/She/It was fighting.
You were fighting.
They were fighting.
I was not fighting.
You were not fighting.
We were not fighting.
He/She/It was not fighting.
You were not fighting.
They were not fighting.
Was I fighting?
Were you fighting?
Were we fighting?
Was he/she/it fighting?
Were you fighting?
Were they fighting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will fight.
You will fight.
We will fight.
He/She/It will fight.
You will fight.
They will fight.
I will not fight.
You will not fight.
We will not fight.
He/She/It will not fight.
You will not fight.
They will not fight.
Will I fight?
Will you fight?
Will we fight?
Will he/she/it fight?
Will you fight?
Will they fight?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have fought.
You have fought.
We have fought.
He/She/It has fought.
You have fought.
They have fought.
I have not fought.
You have not fought.
We have not fought.
He/She/It has not fought.
You have not fought.
They have not fought.
Have I fought?
Have you fought?
Have we fought?
Has he/she/it fought?
Have you fought?
Have they fought?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been fighting.
You have been fighting.
We have been fighting.
He/She/It has been fighting.
You have been fighting.
They have been fighting.
I have not been fighting.
You have not been fighting.
We have not been fighting.
He/She/It has not been fighting.
You have not been fighting.
They have not been fighting.
Have I been fighting?
Have you been fighting?
Have we been fighting?
Has he/she/it been fighting?
Have you been fighting?
Have they been fighting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had fought.
You had fought.
We had fought.
He/She/It had fought.
You had fought.
They had fought.
I had not fought.
You had not fought.
We had not fought.
He/She/It had not fought.
You had not fought.
They had not fought.
Had I fought?
Had you fought?
Had we fought?
Had he/she/it fought?
Had you fought?
Had they fought?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been fighting.
You had been fighting.
We had been fighting.
He/She/It had been fighting.
You had been fighting.
They had been fighting.
I had not been fighting.
You had not been fighting.
We had not been fighting.
He/She/It had not been fighting.
You had not been fighting.
They had not been fighting.
Had I been fighting?
Had you been fighting?
Had we been fighting?
Had he/she/it been fighting?
Had you been fighting?
Had they been fighting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have fought.
You will have fought.
We will have fought.
He/She/It will have fought.
You will have fought.
They will have fought.
I will not have fought.
You will not have fought.
We will not have fought.
He/She/It will not have fought.
You will not have fought.
They will not have fought.
Will I have fought?
Will you have fought?
Will we have fought?
Will he/she/it have fought?
Will you have fought?
Will they have fought?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would fight.
You would fight.
We would fight.
He/She/It would fight.
You would fight.
They would fight.
I would not fight.
You would not fight.
We would not fight.
He/She/It would not fight.
You would not fight.
They would not fight.
Would I fight?
Would you fight?
Would we fight?
Would he/she/it fight?
Would you fight?
Would they fight?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have fought.
You would have fought.
We would have fought.
He/She/It would have fought.
You would have fought.
They would have fought.
I would not have fought.
You would not have fought.
We would not have fought.
He/She/It would not have fought.
You would not have fought.
They would not have fought.
Would I have fought?
Would you have fought?
Would we have fought?
Would he/she/it have fought?
Would you have fought?
Would they have fought?

to find encontrar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To find"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I find.
You find.
We find.
He/She/It finds.
You find.
They find.
I do not find.
You do not find.
We do not find.
He/She/It does not find.
You do not find.
They do not find.
Do I find?
Do you find?
Do we find?
Does he/she/it find?
Do you find?
Do they find?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am finding.
You are finding.
We are finding.
He/She/It is finding.
You are finding.
They are finding.
I am not finding.
You are not finding.
We are not finding.
He/She/It is not finding.
You are not finding.
They are not finding.
Am I finding?
Are you finding?
Are we finding?
Is he/she/it finding?
Are you finding?
Are they finding?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I found.
You found.
We found.
He/She/It found.
You found.
They found.
I did not find.
You did not find.
We did not find.
He/She/It did not find.
You did not find.
They did not find.
Did I find?
Did you find?
Did we find?
Did he/she/it find?
Did you find?
Did they find?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was finding.
You were finding.
We were finding.
He/She/It was finding.
You were finding.
They were finding.
I was not finding.
You were not finding.
We were not finding.
He/She/It was not finding.
You were not finding.
They were not finding.
Was I finding?
Were you finding?
Were we finding?
Was he/she/it finding?
Were you finding?
Were they finding?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will find.
You will find.
We will find.
He/She/It will find.
You will find.
They will find.
I will not find.
You will not find.
We will not find.
He/She/It will not find.
You will not find.
They will not find.
Will I find?
Will you find?
Will we find?
Will he/she/it find?
Will you find?
Will they find?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have found.
You have found.
We have found.
He/She/It has found.
You have found.
They have found.
I have not found.
You have not found.
We have not found.
He/She/It has not found.
You have not found.
They have not found.
Have I found?
Have you found?
Have we found?
Has he/she/it found?
Have you found?
Have they found?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been finding.
You have been finding.
We have been finding.
He/She/It has been finding.
You have been finding.
They have been finding.
I have not been finding.
You have not been finding.
We have not been finding.
He/She/It has not been finding.
You have not been finding.
They have not been finding.
Have I been finding?
Have you been finding?
Have we been finding?
Has he/she/it been finding?
Have you been finding?
Have they been finding?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had found.
You had found.
We had found.
He/She/It had found.
You had found.
They had found.
I had not found.
You had not found.
We had not found.
He/She/It had not found.
You had not found.
They had not found.
Had I found?
Had you found?
Had we found?
Had he/she/it found?
Had you found?
Had they found?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been finding.
You had been finding.
We had been finding.
He/She/It had been finding.
You had been finding.
They had been finding.
I had not been finding.
You had not been finding.
We had not been finding.
He/She/It had not been finding.
You had not been finding.
They had not been finding.
Had I been finding?
Had you been finding?
Had we been finding?
Had he/she/it been finding?
Had you been finding?
Had they been finding?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have found.
You will have found.
We will have found.
He/She/It will have found.
You will have found.
They will have found.
I will not have found.
You will not have found.
We will not have found.
He/She/It will not have found.
You will not have found.
They will not have found.
Will I have found?
Will you have found?
Will we have found?
Will he/she/it have found?
Will you have found?
Will they have found?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would find.
You would find.
We would find.
He/She/It would find.
You would find.
They would find.
I would not find.
You would not find.
We would not find.
He/She/It would not find.
You would not find.
They would not find.
Would I find?
Would you find?
Would we find?
Would he/she/it find?
Would you find?
Would they find?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have found.
You would have found.
We would have found.
He/She/It would have found.
You would have found.
They would have found.
I would not have found.
You would not have found.
We would not have found.
He/She/It would not have found.
You would not have found.
They would not have found.
Would I have found?
Would you have found?
Would we have found?
Would he/she/it have found?
Would you have found?
Would they have found?

to fly volar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To fly"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I fly.
You fly.
We fly.
He/She/It flies.
You fly.
They fly.
I do not fly.
You do not fly.
We do not fly.
He/She/It does not fly.
You do not fly.
They do not fly.
Do I fly?
Do you fly?
Do we fly?
Does he/she/it fly?
Do you fly?
Do they fly?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am flying.
You are flying.
We are flying.
He/She/It is flying.
You are flying.
They are flying.
I am not flying.
You are not flying.
We are not flying.
He/She/It is not flying.
You are not flying.
They are not flying.
Am I flying?
Are you flying?
Are we flying?
Is he/she/it flying?
Are you flying?
Are they flying?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I flew.
You flew.
We flew.
He/She/It flew.
You flew.
They flew.
I did not fly.
You did not fly.
We did not fly.
He/She/It did not fly.
You did not fly.
They did not fly.
Did I fly?
Did you fly?
Did we fly?
Did he/she/it fly?
Did you fly?
Did they fly?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was flying.
You were flying.
We were flying.
He/She/It was flying.
You were flying.
They were flying.
I was not flying.
You were not flying.
We were not flying.
He/She/It was not flying.
You were not flying.
They were not flying.
Was I flying?
Were you flying?
Were we flying?
Was he/she/it flying?
Were you flying?
Were they flying?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will fly.
You will fly.
We will fly.
He/She/It will fly.
You will fly.
They will fly.
I will not fly.
You will not fly.
We will not fly.
He/She/It will not fly.
You will not fly.
They will not fly.
Will I fly?
Will you fly?
Will we fly?
Will he/she/it fly?
Will you fly?
Will they fly?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have flown.
You have flown.
We have flown.
He/She/It has flown.
You have flown.
They have flown.
I have not flown.
You have not flown.
We have not flown.
He/She/It has not flown.
You have not flown.
They have not flown.
Have I flown?
Have you flown?
Have we flown?
Has he/she/it flown?
Have you flown?
Have they flown?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been flying.
You have been flying.
We have been flying.
He/She/It has been flying.
You have been flying.
They have been flying.
I have not been flying.
You have not been flying.
We have not been flying.
He/She/It has not been flying.
You have not been flying.
They have not been flying.
Have I been flying?
Have you been flying?
Have we been flying?
Has he/she/it been flying?
Have you been flying?
Have they been flying?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had flown.
You had flown.
We had flown.
He/She/It had flown.
You had flown.
They had flown.
I had not flown.
You had not flown.
We had not flown.
He/She/It had not flown.
You had not flown.
They had not flown.
Had I flown?
Had you flown?
Had we flown?
Had he/she/it flown?
Had you flown?
Had they flown?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been flying.
You had been flying.
We had been flying.
He/She/It had been flying.
You had been flying.
They had been flying.
I had not been flying.
You had not been flying.
We had not been flying.
He/She/It had not been flying.
You had not been flying.
They had not been flying.
Had I been flying?
Had you been flying?
Had we been flying?
Had he/she/it been flying?
Had you been flying?
Had they been flying?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have flown.
You will have flown.
We will have flown.
He/She/It will have flown.
You will have flown.
They will have flown.
I will not have flown.
You will not have flown.
We will not have flown.
He/She/It will not have flown.
You will not have flown.
They will not have flown.
Will I have flown?
Will you have flown?
Will we have flown?
Will he/she/it have flown?
Will you have flown?
Will they have flown?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would fly.
You would fly.
We would fly.
He/She/It would fly.
You would fly.
They would fly.
I would not fly.
You would not fly.
We would not fly.
He/She/It would not fly.
You would not fly.
They would not fly.
Would I fly?
Would you fly?
Would we fly?
Would he/she/it fly?
Would you fly?
Would they fly?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have flown.
You would have flown.
We would have flown.
He/She/It would have flown.
You would have flown.
They would have flown.
I would not have flown.
You would not have flown.
We would not have flown.
He/She/It would not have flown.
You would not have flown.
They would not have flown.
Would I have flown?
Would you have flown?
Would we have flown?
Would he/she/it have flown?
Would you have flown?
Would they have flown?

to forget olvidar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To forget"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I forget.
You forget.
We forget.
He/She/It forgets.
You forget.
They forget.
I do not forget.
You do not forget.
We do not forget.
He/She/It does not forget.
You do not forget.
They do not forget.
Do I forget?
Do you forget?
Do we forget?
Does he/she/it forget?
Do you forget?
Do they forget?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am forgetting.
You are forgetting.
We are forgetting.
He/She/It is forgetting.
You are forgetting.
They are forgetting.
I am not forgetting.
You are not forgetting.
We are not forgetting.
He/She/It is not forgetting.
You are not forgetting.
They are not forgetting.
Am I forgetting?
Are you forgetting?
Are we forgetting?
Is he/she/it forgetting?
Are you forgetting?
Are they forgetting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I forgot.
You forgot.
We forgot.
He/She/It forgot.
You forgot.
They forgot.
I did not forget.
You did not forget.
We did not forget.
He/She/It did not forget.
You did not forget.
They did not forget.
Did I forget?
Did you forget?
Did we forget?
Did he/she/it forget?
Did you forget?
Did they forget?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was forgetting.
You were forgetting.
We were forgetting.
He/She/It was forgetting.
You were forgetting.
They were forgetting.
I was not forgetting.
You were not forgetting.
We were not forgetting.
He/She/It was not forgetting.
You were not forgetting.
They were not forgetting.
Was I forgetting?
Were you forgetting?
Were we forgetting?
Was he/she/it forgetting?
Were you forgetting?
Were they forgetting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will forget.
You will forget.
We will forget.
He/She/It will forget.
You will forget.
They will forget.
I will not forget.
You will not forget.
We will not forget.
He/She/It will not forget.
You will not forget.
They will not forget.
Will I forget?
Will you forget?
Will we forget?
Will he/she/it forget?
Will you forget?
Will they forget?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have forgotten.
You have forgotten.
We have forgotten.
He/She/It has forgotten.
You have forgotten.
They have forgotten.
I have not forgotten.
You have not forgotten.
We have not forgotten.
He/She/It has not forgotten.
You have not forgotten.
They have not forgotten.
Have I forgotten?
Have you forgotten?
Have we forgotten?
Has he/she/it forgotten?
Have you forgotten?
Have they forgotten?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been forgetting.
You have been forgetting.
We have been forgetting.
He/She/It has been forgetting.
You have been forgetting.
They have been forgetting.
I have not been forgetting.
You have not been forgetting.
We have not been forgetting.
He/She/It has not been forgetting.
You have not been forgetting.
They have not been forgetting.
Have I been forgetting?
Have you been forgetting?
Have we been forgetting?
Has he/she/it been forgetting?
Have you been forgetting?
Have they been forgetting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had forgotten.
You had forgotten.
We had forgotten.
He/She/It had forgotten.
You had forgotten.
They had forgotten.
I had not forgotten.
You had not forgotten.
We had not forgotten.
He/She/It had not forgotten.
You had not forgotten.
They had not forgotten.
Had I forgotten?
Had you forgotten?
Had we forgotten?
Had he/she/it forgotten?
Had you forgotten?
Had they forgotten?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been forgetting.
You had been forgetting.
We had been forgetting.
He/She/It had been forgetting.
You had been forgetting.
They had been forgetting.
I had not been forgetting.
You had not been forgetting.
We had not been forgetting.
He/She/It had not been forgetting.
You had not been forgetting.
They had not been forgetting.
Had I been forgetting?
Had you been forgetting?
Had we been forgetting?
Had he/she/it been forgetting?
Had you been forgetting?
Had they been forgetting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have forgotten.
You will have forgotten.
We will have forgotten.
He/She/It will have forgotten.
You will have forgotten.
They will have forgotten.
I will not have forgotten.
You will not have forgotten.
We will not have forgotten.
He/She/It will not have forgotten.
You will not have forgotten.
They will not have forgotten.
Will I have forgotten?
Will you have forgotten?
Will we have forgotten?
Will he/she/it have forgotten?
Will you have forgotten?
Will they have forgotten?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would forget.
You would forget.
We would forget.
He/She/It would forget.
You would forget.
They would forget.
I would not forget.
You would not forget.
We would not forget.
He/She/It would not forget.
You would not forget.
They would not forget.
Would I forget?
Would you forget?
Would we forget?
Would he/she/it forget?
Would you forget?
Would they forget?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have forgotten.
You would have forgotten.
We would have forgotten.
He/She/It would have forgotten.
You would have forgotten.
They would have forgotten.
I would not have forgotten.
You would not have forgotten.
We would not have forgotten.
He/She/It would not have forgotten.
You would not have forgotten.
They would not have forgotten.
Would I have forgotten?
Would you have forgotten?
Would we have forgotten?
Would he/she/it have forgotten?
Would you have forgotten?
Would they have forgotten?

to get conseguir
Past simple
Past participle
gotten (US)
got (UK)
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To get"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I get.
You get.
We get.
He/She/It gets.
You get.
They get.
I do not get.
You do not get.
We do not get.
He/She/It does not get.
You do not get.
They do not get.
Do I get?
Do you get?
Do we get?
Does he/she/it get?
Do you get?
Do they get?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am getting.
You are getting.
We are getting.
He/She/It is getting.
You are getting.
They are getting.
I am not getting.
You are not getting.
We are not getting.
He/She/It is not getting.
You are not getting.
They are not getting.
Am I getting?
Are you getting?
Are we getting?
Is he/she/it getting?
Are you getting?
Are they getting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I got.
You got.
We got.
He/She/It got.
You got.
They got.
I did not get.
You did not get.
We did not get.
He/She/It did not get.
You did not get.
They did not get.
Did I get?
Did you get?
Did we get?
Did he/she/it get?
Did you get?
Did they get?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was getting.
You were getting.
We were getting.
He/She/It was getting.
You were getting.
They were getting.
I was not getting.
You were not getting.
We were not getting.
He/She/It was not getting.
You were not getting.
They were not getting.
Was I getting?
Were you getting?
Were we getting?
Was he/she/it getting?
Were you getting?
Were they getting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will get.
You will get.
We will get.
He/She/It will get.
You will get.
They will get.
I will not get.
You will not get.
We will not get.
He/She/It will not get.
You will not get.
They will not get.
Will I get?
Will you get?
Will we get?
Will he/she/it get?
Will you get?
Will they get?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have got.
You have got.
We have got.
He/She/It has got.
You have got.
They have got.
I have not got.
You have not got.
We have not got.
He/She/It has not got.
You have not got.
They have not got.
Have I got?
Have you got?
Have we got?
Has he/she/it got?
Have you got?
Have they got?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been getting.
You have been getting.
We have been getting.
He/She/It has been getting.
You have been getting.
They have been getting.
I have not been getting.
You have not been getting.
We have not been getting.
He/She/It has not been getting.
You have not been getting.
They have not been getting.
Have I been getting?
Have you been getting?
Have we been getting?
Has he/she/it been getting?
Have you been getting?
Have they been getting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had got.
You had got.
We had got.
He/She/It had got.
You had got.
They had got.
I had not got.
You had not got.
We had not got.
He/She/It had not got.
You had not got.
They had not got.
Had I got?
Had you got?
Had we got?
Had he/she/it got?
Had you got?
Had they got?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been getting.
You had been getting.
We had been getting.
He/She/It had been getting.
You had been getting.
They had been getting.
I had not been getting.
You had not been getting.
We had not been getting.
He/She/It had not been getting.
You had not been getting.
They had not been getting.
Had I been getting?
Had you been getting?
Had we been getting?
Had he/she/it been getting?
Had you been getting?
Had they been getting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have got.
You will have got.
We will have got.
He/She/It will have got.
You will have got.
They will have got.
I will not have got.
You will not have got.
We will not have got.
He/She/It will not have got.
You will not have got.
They will not have got.
Will I have got?
Will you have got?
Will we have got?
Will he/she/it have got?
Will you have got?
Will they have got?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would get.
You would get.
We would get.
He/She/It would get.
You would get.
They would get.
I would not get.
You would not get.
We would not get.
He/She/It would not get.
You would not get.
They would not get.
Would I get?
Would you get?
Would we get?
Would he/she/it get?
Would you get?
Would they get?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have got.
You would have got.
We would have got.
He/She/It would have got.
You would have got.
They would have got.
I would not have got.
You would not have got.
We would not have got.
He/She/It would not have got.
You would not have got.
They would not have got.
Would I have got?
Would you have got?
Would we have got?
Would he/she/it have got?
Would you have got?
Would they have got?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To give"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I give.
You give.
We give.
He/She/It gives.
You give.
They give.
I do not give.
You do not give.
We do not give.
He/She/It does not give.
You do not give.
They do not give.
Do I give?
Do you give?
Do we give?
Does he/she/it give?
Do you give?
Do they give?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am giving.
You are giving.
We are giving.
He/She/It is giving.
You are giving.
They are giving.
I am not giving.
You are not giving.
We are not giving.
He/She/It is not giving.
You are not giving.
They are not giving.
Am I giving?
Are you giving?
Are we giving?
Is he/she/it giving?
Are you giving?
Are they giving?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I gave.
You gave.
We gave.
He/She/It gave.
You gave.
They gave.
I did not give.
You did not give.
We did not give.
He/She/It did not give.
You did not give.
They did not give.
Did I give?
Did you give?
Did we give?
Did he/she/it give?
Did you give?
Did they give?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was giving.
You were giving.
We were giving.
He/She/It was giving.
You were giving.
They were giving.
I was not giving.
You were not giving.
We were not giving.
He/She/It was not giving.
You were not giving.
They were not giving.
Was I giving?
Were you giving?
Were we giving?
Was he/she/it giving?
Were you giving?
Were they giving?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will give.
You will give.
We will give.
He/She/It will give.
You will give.
They will give.
I will not give.
You will not give.
We will not give.
He/She/It will not give.
You will not give.
They will not give.
Will I give?
Will you give?
Will we give?
Will he/she/it give?
Will you give?
Will they give?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have given.
You have given.
We have given.
He/She/It has given.
You have given.
They have given.
I have not given.
You have not given.
We have not given.
He/She/It has not given.
You have not given.
They have not given.
Have I given?
Have you given?
Have we given?
Has he/she/it given?
Have you given?
Have they given?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been giving.
You have been giving.
We have been giving.
He/She/It has been giving.
You have been giving.
They have been giving.
I have not been giving.
You have not been giving.
We have not been giving.
He/She/It has not been giving.
You have not been giving.
They have not been giving.
Have I been giving?
Have you been giving?
Have we been giving?
Has he/she/it been giving?
Have you been giving?
Have they been giving?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had given.
You had given.
We had given.
He/She/It had given.
You had given.
They had given.
I had not given.
You had not given.
We had not given.
He/She/It had not given.
You had not given.
They had not given.
Had I given?
Had you given?
Had we given?
Had he/she/it given?
Had you given?
Had they given?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been giving.
You had been giving.
We had been giving.
He/She/It had been giving.
You had been giving.
They had been giving.
I had not been giving.
You had not been giving.
We had not been giving.
He/She/It had not been giving.
You had not been giving.
They had not been giving.
Had I been giving?
Had you been giving?
Had we been giving?
Had he/she/it been giving?
Had you been giving?
Had they been giving?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have given.
You will have given.
We will have given.
He/She/It will have given.
You will have given.
They will have given.
I will not have given.
You will not have given.
We will not have given.
He/She/It will not have given.
You will not have given.
They will not have given.
Will I have given?
Will you have given?
Will we have given?
Will he/she/it have given?
Will you have given?
Will they have given?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would give.
You would give.
We would give.
He/She/It would give.
You would give.
They would give.
I would not give.
You would not give.
We would not give.
He/She/It would not give.
You would not give.
They would not give.
Would I give?
Would you give?
Would we give?
Would he/she/it give?
Would you give?
Would they give?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have given.
You would have given.
We would have given.
He/She/It would have given.
You would have given.
They would have given.
I would not have given.
You would not have given.
We would not have given.
He/She/It would not have given.
You would not have given.
They would not have given.
Would I have given?
Would you have given?
Would we have given?
Would he/she/it have given?
Would you have given?
Would they have given?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To go"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I go.
You go.
We go.
He/She/It goes.
You go.
They go.
I do not go.
You do not go.
We do not go.
He/She/It does not go.
You do not go.
They do not go.
Do I go?
Do you go?
Do we go?
Does he/she/it go?
Do you go?
Do they go?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am going.
You are going.
We are going.
He/She/It is going.
You are going.
They are going.
I am not going.
You are not going.
We are not going.
He/She/It is not going.
You are not going.
They are not going.
Am I going?
Are you going?
Are we going?
Is he/she/it going?
Are you going?
Are they going?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I went.
You went.
We went.
He/She/It went.
You went.
They went.
I did not go.
You did not go.
We did not go.
He/She/It did not go.
You did not go.
They did not go.
Did I go?
Did you go?
Did we go?
Did he/she/it go?
Did you go?
Did they go?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was going.
You were going.
We were going.
He/She/It was going.
You were going.
They were going.
I was not going.
You were not going.
We were not going.
He/She/It was not going.
You were not going.
They were not going.
Was I going?
Were you going?
Were we going?
Was he/she/it going?
Were you going?
Were they going?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will go.
You will go.
We will go.
He/She/It will go.
You will go.
They will go.
I will not go.
You will not go.
We will not go.
He/She/It will not go.
You will not go.
They will not go.
Will I go?
Will you go?
Will we go?
Will he/she/it go?
Will you go?
Will they go?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have gone.
You have gone.
We have gone.
He/She/It has gone.
You have gone.
They have gone.
I have not gone.
You have not gone.
We have not gone.
He/She/It has not gone.
You have not gone.
They have not gone.
Have I gone?
Have you gone?
Have we gone?
Has he/she/it gone?
Have you gone?
Have they gone?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been going.
You have been going.
We have been going.
He/She/It has been going.
You have been going.
They have been going.
I have not been going.
You have not been going.
We have not been going.
He/She/It has not been going.
You have not been going.
They have not been going.
Have I been going?
Have you been going?
Have we been going?
Has he/she/it been going?
Have you been going?
Have they been going?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had gone.
You had gone.
We had gone.
He/She/It had gone.
You had gone.
They had gone.
I had not gone.
You had not gone.
We had not gone.
He/She/It had not gone.
You had not gone.
They had not gone.
Had I gone?
Had you gone?
Had we gone?
Had he/she/it gone?
Had you gone?
Had they gone?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been going.
You had been going.
We had been going.
He/She/It had been going.
You had been going.
They had been going.
I had not been going.
You had not been going.
We had not been going.
He/She/It had not been going.
You had not been going.
They had not been going.
Had I been going?
Had you been going?
Had we been going?
Had he/she/it been going?
Had you been going?
Had they been going?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have gone.
You will have gone.
We will have gone.
He/She/It will have gone.
You will have gone.
They will have gone.
I will not have gone.
You will not have gone.
We will not have gone.
He/She/It will not have gone.
You will not have gone.
They will not have gone.
Will I have gone?
Will you have gone?
Will we have gone?
Will he/she/it have gone?
Will you have gone?
Will they have gone?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would go.
You would go.
We would go.
He/She/It would go.
You would go.
They would go.
I would not go.
You would not go.
We would not go.
He/She/It would not go.
You would not go.
They would not go.
Would I go?
Would you go?
Would we go?
Would he/she/it go?
Would you go?
Would they go?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have gone.
You would have gone.
We would have gone.
He/She/It would have gone.
You would have gone.
They would have gone.
I would not have gone.
You would not have gone.
We would not have gone.
He/She/It would not have gone.
You would not have gone.
They would not have gone.
Would I have gone?
Would you have gone?
Would we have gone?
Would he/she/it have gone?
Would you have gone?
Would they have gone?

to grow crecer
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To grow"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I grow.
You grow.
We grow.
He/She/It grows.
You grow.
They grow.
I do not grow.
You do not grow.
We do not grow.
He/She/It does not grow.
You do not grow.
They do not grow.
Do I grow?
Do you grow?
Do we grow?
Does he/she/it grow?
Do you grow?
Do they grow?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am growing.
You are growing.
We are growing.
He/She/It is growing.
You are growing.
They are growing.
I am not growing.
You are not growing.
We are not growing.
He/She/It is not growing.
You are not growing.
They are not growing.
Am I growing?
Are you growing?
Are we growing?
Is he/she/it growing?
Are you growing?
Are they growing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I grew.
You grew.
We grew.
He/She/It grew.
You grew.
They grew.
I did not grow.
You did not grow.
We did not grow.
He/She/It did not grow.
You did not grow.
They did not grow.
Did I grow?
Did you grow?
Did we grow?
Did he/she/it grow?
Did you grow?
Did they grow?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was growing.
You were growing.
We were growing.
He/She/It was growing.
You were growing.
They were growing.
I was not growing.
You were not growing.
We were not growing.
He/She/It was not growing.
You were not growing.
They were not growing.
Was I growing?
Were you growing?
Were we growing?
Was he/she/it growing?
Were you growing?
Were they growing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will grow.
You will grow.
We will grow.
He/She/It will grow.
You will grow.
They will grow.
I will not grow.
You will not grow.
We will not grow.
He/She/It will not grow.
You will not grow.
They will not grow.
Will I grow?
Will you grow?
Will we grow?
Will he/she/it grow?
Will you grow?
Will they grow?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have grown.
You have grown.
We have grown.
He/She/It has grown.
You have grown.
They have grown.
I have not grown.
You have not grown.
We have not grown.
He/She/It has not grown.
You have not grown.
They have not grown.
Have I grown?
Have you grown?
Have we grown?
Has he/she/it grown?
Have you grown?
Have they grown?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been growing.
You have been growing.
We have been growing.
He/She/It has been growing.
You have been growing.
They have been growing.
I have not been growing.
You have not been growing.
We have not been growing.
He/She/It has not been growing.
You have not been growing.
They have not been growing.
Have I been growing?
Have you been growing?
Have we been growing?
Has he/she/it been growing?
Have you been growing?
Have they been growing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had grown.
You had grown.
We had grown.
He/She/It had grown.
You had grown.
They had grown.
I had not grown.
You had not grown.
We had not grown.
He/She/It had not grown.
You had not grown.
They had not grown.
Had I grown?
Had you grown?
Had we grown?
Had he/she/it grown?
Had you grown?
Had they grown?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been growing.
You had been growing.
We had been growing.
He/She/It had been growing.
You had been growing.
They had been growing.
I had not been growing.
You had not been growing.
We had not been growing.
He/She/It had not been growing.
You had not been growing.
They had not been growing.
Had I been growing?
Had you been growing?
Had we been growing?
Had he/she/it been growing?
Had you been growing?
Had they been growing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have grown.
You will have grown.
We will have grown.
He/She/It will have grown.
You will have grown.
They will have grown.
I will not have grown.
You will not have grown.
We will not have grown.
He/She/It will not have grown.
You will not have grown.
They will not have grown.
Will I have grown?
Will you have grown?
Will we have grown?
Will he/she/it have grown?
Will you have grown?
Will they have grown?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would grow.
You would grow.
We would grow.
He/She/It would grow.
You would grow.
They would grow.
I would not grow.
You would not grow.
We would not grow.
He/She/It would not grow.
You would not grow.
They would not grow.
Would I grow?
Would you grow?
Would we grow?
Would he/she/it grow?
Would you grow?
Would they grow?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have grown.
You would have grown.
We would have grown.
He/She/It would have grown.
You would have grown.
They would have grown.
I would not have grown.
You would not have grown.
We would not have grown.
He/She/It would not have grown.
You would not have grown.
They would not have grown.
Would I have grown?
Would you have grown?
Would we have grown?
Would he/she/it have grown?
Would you have grown?
Would they have grown?

to have tener; haber
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To have"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I have.
You have.
We have.
He/She/It has.
You have.
They have.
I do not have.
You do not have.
We do not have.
He/She/It does not have.
You do not have.
They do not have.
Do I have?
Do you have?
Do we have?
Does he/she/it have?
Do you have?
Do they have?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am having.
You are having.
We are having.
He/She/It is having.
You are having.
They are having.
I am not having.
You are not having.
We are not having.
He/She/It is not having.
You are not having.
They are not having.
Am I having?
Are you having?
Are we having?
Is he/she/it having?
Are you having?
Are they having?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I had.
You had.
We had.
He/She/It had.
You had.
They had.
I did not have.
You did not have.
We did not have.
He/She/It did not have.
You did not have.
They did not have.
Did I have?
Did you have?
Did we have?
Did he/she/it have?
Did you have?
Did they have?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was having.
You were having.
We were having.
He/She/It was having.
You were having.
They were having.
I was not having.
You were not having.
We were not having.
He/She/It was not having.
You were not having.
They were not having.
Was I having?
Were you having?
Were we having?
Was he/she/it having?
Were you having?
Were they having?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will have.
You will have.
We will have.
He/She/It will have.
You will have.
They will have.
I will not have.
You will not have.
We will not have.
He/She/It will not have.
You will not have.
They will not have.
Will I have?
Will you have?
Will we have?
Will he/she/it have?
Will you have?
Will they have?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have had.
You have had.
We have had.
He/She/It has had.
You have had.
They have had.
I have not had.
You have not had.
We have not had.
He/She/It has not had.
You have not had.
They have not had.
Have I had?
Have you had?
Have we had?
Has he/she/it had?
Have you had?
Have they had?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been having.
You have been having.
We have been having.
He/She/It has been having.
You have been having.
They have been having.
I have not been having.
You have not been having.
We have not been having.
He/She/It has not been having.
You have not been having.
They have not been having.
Have I been having?
Have you been having?
Have we been having?
Has he/she/it been having?
Have you been having?
Have they been having?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had had.
You had had.
We had had.
He/She/It had had.
You had had.
They had had.
I had not had.
You had not had.
We had not had.
He/She/It had not had.
You had not had.
They had not had.
Had I had?
Had you had?
Had we had?
Had he/she/it had?
Had you had?
Had they had?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been having.
You had been having.
We had been having.
He/She/It had been having.
You had been having.
They had been having.
I had not been having.
You had not been having.
We had not been having.
He/She/It had not been having.
You had not been having.
They had not been having.
Had I been having?
Had you been having?
Had we been having?
Had he/she/it been having?
Had you been having?
Had they been having?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have had.
You will have had.
We will have had.
He/She/It will have had.
You will have had.
They will have had.
I will not have had.
You will not have had.
We will not have had.
He/She/It will not have had.
You will not have had.
They will not have had.
Will I have had?
Will you have had?
Will we have had?
Will he/she/it have had?
Will you have had?
Will they have had?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would have.
You would have.
We would have.
He/She/It would have.
You would have.
They would have.
I would not have.
You would not have.
We would not have.
He/She/It would not have.
You would not have.
They would not have.
Would I have?
Would you have?
Would we have?
Would he/she/it have?
Would you have?
Would they have?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have had.
You would have had.
We would have had.
He/She/It would have had.
You would have had.
They would have had.
I would not have had.
You would not have had.
We would not have had.
He/She/It would not have had.
You would not have had.
They would not have had.
Would I have had?
Would you have had?
Would we have had?
Would he/she/it have had?
Would you have had?
Would they have had?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To hear"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I hear.
You hear.
We hear.
He/She/It hears.
You hear.
They hear.
I do not hear.
You do not hear.
We do not hear.
He/She/It does not hear.
You do not hear.
They do not hear.
Do I hear?
Do you hear?
Do we hear?
Does he/she/it hear?
Do you hear?
Do they hear?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am hearing.
You are hearing.
We are hearing.
He/She/It is hearing.
You are hearing.
They are hearing.
I am not hearing.
You are not hearing.
We are not hearing.
He/She/It is not hearing.
You are not hearing.
They are not hearing.
Am I hearing?
Are you hearing?
Are we hearing?
Is he/she/it hearing?
Are you hearing?
Are they hearing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I heard.
You heard.
We heard.
He/She/It heard.
You heard.
They heard.
I did not hear.
You did not hear.
We did not hear.
He/She/It did not hear.
You did not hear.
They did not hear.
Did I hear?
Did you hear?
Did we hear?
Did he/she/it hear?
Did you hear?
Did they hear?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was hearing.
You were hearing.
We were hearing.
He/She/It was hearing.
You were hearing.
They were hearing.
I was not hearing.
You were not hearing.
We were not hearing.
He/She/It was not hearing.
You were not hearing.
They were not hearing.
Was I hearing?
Were you hearing?
Were we hearing?
Was he/she/it hearing?
Were you hearing?
Were they hearing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will hear.
You will hear.
We will hear.
He/She/It will hear.
You will hear.
They will hear.
I will not hear.
You will not hear.
We will not hear.
He/She/It will not hear.
You will not hear.
They will not hear.
Will I hear?
Will you hear?
Will we hear?
Will he/she/it hear?
Will you hear?
Will they hear?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have heard.
You have heard.
We have heard.
He/She/It has heard.
You have heard.
They have heard.
I have not heard.
You have not heard.
We have not heard.
He/She/It has not heard.
You have not heard.
They have not heard.
Have I heard?
Have you heard?
Have we heard?
Has he/she/it heard?
Have you heard?
Have they heard?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been hearing.
You have been hearing.
We have been hearing.
He/She/It has been hearing.
You have been hearing.
They have been hearing.
I have not been hearing.
You have not been hearing.
We have not been hearing.
He/She/It has not been hearing.
You have not been hearing.
They have not been hearing.
Have I been hearing?
Have you been hearing?
Have we been hearing?
Has he/she/it been hearing?
Have you been hearing?
Have they been hearing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had heard.
You had heard.
We had heard.
He/She/It had heard.
You had heard.
They had heard.
I had not heard.
You had not heard.
We had not heard.
He/She/It had not heard.
You had not heard.
They had not heard.
Had I heard?
Had you heard?
Had we heard?
Had he/she/it heard?
Had you heard?
Had they heard?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been hearing.
You had been hearing.
We had been hearing.
He/She/It had been hearing.
You had been hearing.
They had been hearing.
I had not been hearing.
You had not been hearing.
We had not been hearing.
He/She/It had not been hearing.
You had not been hearing.
They had not been hearing.
Had I been hearing?
Had you been hearing?
Had we been hearing?
Had he/she/it been hearing?
Had you been hearing?
Had they been hearing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have heard.
You will have heard.
We will have heard.
He/She/It will have heard.
You will have heard.
They will have heard.
I will not have heard.
You will not have heard.
We will not have heard.
He/She/It will not have heard.
You will not have heard.
They will not have heard.
Will I have heard?
Will you have heard?
Will we have heard?
Will he/she/it have heard?
Will you have heard?
Will they have heard?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would hear.
You would hear.
We would hear.
He/She/It would hear.
You would hear.
They would hear.
I would not hear.
You would not hear.
We would not hear.
He/She/It would not hear.
You would not hear.
They would not hear.
Would I hear?
Would you hear?
Would we hear?
Would he/she/it hear?
Would you hear?
Would they hear?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have heard.
You would have heard.
We would have heard.
He/She/It would have heard.
You would have heard.
They would have heard.
I would not have heard.
You would not have heard.
We would not have heard.
He/She/It would not have heard.
You would not have heard.
They would not have heard.
Would I have heard?
Would you have heard?
Would we have heard?
Would he/she/it have heard?
Would you have heard?
Would they have heard?

to hit golpear; pegar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To hit"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I hit.
You hit.
We hit.
He/She/It hits.
You hit.
They hit.
I do not hit.
You do not hit.
We do not hit.
He/She/It does not hit.
You do not hit.
They do not hit.
Do I hit?
Do you hit?
Do we hit?
Does he/she/it hit?
Do you hit?
Do they hit?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am hitting.
You are hitting.
We are hitting.
He/She/It is hitting.
You are hitting.
They are hitting.
I am not hitting.
You are not hitting.
We are not hitting.
He/She/It is not hitting.
You are not hitting.
They are not hitting.
Am I hitting?
Are you hitting?
Are we hitting?
Is he/she/it hitting?
Are you hitting?
Are they hitting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I hit.
You hit.
We hit.
He/She/It hit.
You hit.
They hit.
I did not hit.
You did not hit.
We did not hit.
He/She/It did not hit.
You did not hit.
They did not hit.
Did I hit?
Did you hit?
Did we hit?
Did he/she/it hit?
Did you hit?
Did they hit?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was hitting.
You were hitting.
We were hitting.
He/She/It was hitting.
You were hitting.
They were hitting.
I was not hitting.
You were not hitting.
We were not hitting.
He/She/It was not hitting.
You were not hitting.
They were not hitting.
Was I hitting?
Were you hitting?
Were we hitting?
Was he/she/it hitting?
Were you hitting?
Were they hitting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will hit.
You will hit.
We will hit.
He/She/It will hit.
You will hit.
They will hit.
I will not hit.
You will not hit.
We will not hit.
He/She/It will not hit.
You will not hit.
They will not hit.
Will I hit?
Will you hit?
Will we hit?
Will he/she/it hit?
Will you hit?
Will they hit?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have hit.
You have hit.
We have hit.
He/She/It has hit.
You have hit.
They have hit.
I have not hit.
You have not hit.
We have not hit.
He/She/It has not hit.
You have not hit.
They have not hit.
Have I hit?
Have you hit?
Have we hit?
Has he/she/it hit?
Have you hit?
Have they hit?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been hitting.
You have been hitting.
We have been hitting.
He/She/It has been hitting.
You have been hitting.
They have been hitting.
I have not been hitting.
You have not been hitting.
We have not been hitting.
He/She/It has not been hitting.
You have not been hitting.
They have not been hitting.
Have I been hitting?
Have you been hitting?
Have we been hitting?
Has he/she/it been hitting?
Have you been hitting?
Have they been hitting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had hit.
You had hit.
We had hit.
He/She/It had hit.
You had hit.
They had hit.
I had not hit.
You had not hit.
We had not hit.
He/She/It had not hit.
You had not hit.
They had not hit.
Had I hit?
Had you hit?
Had we hit?
Had he/she/it hit?
Had you hit?
Had they hit?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been hitting.
You had been hitting.
We had been hitting.
He/She/It had been hitting.
You had been hitting.
They had been hitting.
I had not been hitting.
You had not been hitting.
We had not been hitting.
He/She/It had not been hitting.
You had not been hitting.
They had not been hitting.
Had I been hitting?
Had you been hitting?
Had we been hitting?
Had he/she/it been hitting?
Had you been hitting?
Had they been hitting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have hit.
You will have hit.
We will have hit.
He/She/It will have hit.
You will have hit.
They will have hit.
I will not have hit.
You will not have hit.
We will not have hit.
He/She/It will not have hit.
You will not have hit.
They will not have hit.
Will I have hit?
Will you have hit?
Will we have hit?
Will he/she/it have hit?
Will you have hit?
Will they have hit?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would hit.
You would hit.
We would hit.
He/She/It would hit.
You would hit.
They would hit.
I would not hit.
You would not hit.
We would not hit.
He/She/It would not hit.
You would not hit.
They would not hit.
Would I hit?
Would you hit?
Would we hit?
Would he/she/it hit?
Would you hit?
Would they hit?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have hit.
You would have hit.
We would have hit.
He/She/It would have hit.
You would have hit.
They would have hit.
I would not have hit.
You would not have hit.
We would not have hit.
He/She/It would not have hit.
You would not have hit.
They would not have hit.
Would I have hit?
Would you have hit?
Would we have hit?
Would he/she/it have hit?
Would you have hit?
Would they have hit?

to hurt herir; hacer daño a; perjudicar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To hurt"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I hurt.
You hurt.
We hurt.
He/She/It hurts.
You hurt.
They hurt.
I do not hurt.
You do not hurt.
We do not hurt.
He/She/It does not hurt.
You do not hurt.
They do not hurt.
Do I hurt?
Do you hurt?
Do we hurt?
Does he/she/it hurt?
Do you hurt?
Do they hurt?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am hurting.
You are hurting.
We are hurting.
He/She/It is hurting.
You are hurting.
They are hurting.
I am not hurting.
You are not hurting.
We are not hurting.
He/She/It is not hurting.
You are not hurting.
They are not hurting.
Am I hurting?
Are you hurting?
Are we hurting?
Is he/she/it hurting?
Are you hurting?
Are they hurting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I hurt.
You hurt.
We hurt.
He/She/It hurt.
You hurt.
They hurt.
I did not hurt.
You did not hurt.
We did not hurt.
He/She/It did not hurt.
You did not hurt.
They did not hurt.
Did I hurt?
Did you hurt?
Did we hurt?
Did he/she/it hurt?
Did you hurt?
Did they hurt?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was hurting.
You were hurting.
We were hurting.
He/She/It was hurting.
You were hurting.
They were hurting.
I was not hurting.
You were not hurting.
We were not hurting.
He/She/It was not hurting.
You were not hurting.
They were not hurting.
Was I hurting?
Were you hurting?
Were we hurting?
Was he/she/it hurting?
Were you hurting?
Were they hurting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will hurt.
You will hurt.
We will hurt.
He/She/It will hurt.
You will hurt.
They will hurt.
I will not hurt.
You will not hurt.
We will not hurt.
He/She/It will not hurt.
You will not hurt.
They will not hurt.
Will I hurt?
Will you hurt?
Will we hurt?
Will he/she/it hurt?
Will you hurt?
Will they hurt?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have hurt.
You have hurt.
We have hurt.
He/She/It has hurt.
You have hurt.
They have hurt.
I have not hurt.
You have not hurt.
We have not hurt.
He/She/It has not hurt.
You have not hurt.
They have not hurt.
Have I hurt?
Have you hurt?
Have we hurt?
Has he/she/it hurt?
Have you hurt?
Have they hurt?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been hurting.
You have been hurting.
We have been hurting.
He/She/It has been hurting.
You have been hurting.
They have been hurting.
I have not been hurting.
You have not been hurting.
We have not been hurting.
He/She/It has not been hurting.
You have not been hurting.
They have not been hurting.
Have I been hurting?
Have you been hurting?
Have we been hurting?
Has he/she/it been hurting?
Have you been hurting?
Have they been hurting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had hurt.
You had hurt.
We had hurt.
He/She/It had hurt.
You had hurt.
They had hurt.
I had not hurt.
You had not hurt.
We had not hurt.
He/She/It had not hurt.
You had not hurt.
They had not hurt.
Had I hurt?
Had you hurt?
Had we hurt?
Had he/she/it hurt?
Had you hurt?
Had they hurt?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been hurting.
You had been hurting.
We had been hurting.
He/She/It had been hurting.
You had been hurting.
They had been hurting.
I had not been hurting.
You had not been hurting.
We had not been hurting.
He/She/It had not been hurting.
You had not been hurting.
They had not been hurting.
Had I been hurting?
Had you been hurting?
Had we been hurting?
Had he/she/it been hurting?
Had you been hurting?
Had they been hurting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have hurt.
You will have hurt.
We will have hurt.
He/She/It will have hurt.
You will have hurt.
They will have hurt.
I will not have hurt.
You will not have hurt.
We will not have hurt.
He/She/It will not have hurt.
You will not have hurt.
They will not have hurt.
Will I have hurt?
Will you have hurt?
Will we have hurt?
Will he/she/it have hurt?
Will you have hurt?
Will they have hurt?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would hurt.
You would hurt.
We would hurt.
He/She/It would hurt.
You would hurt.
They would hurt.
I would not hurt.
You would not hurt.
We would not hurt.
He/She/It would not hurt.
You would not hurt.
They would not hurt.
Would I hurt?
Would you hurt?
Would we hurt?
Would he/she/it hurt?
Would you hurt?
Would they hurt?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have hurt.
You would have hurt.
We would have hurt.
He/She/It would have hurt.
You would have hurt.
They would have hurt.
I would not have hurt.
You would not have hurt.
We would not have hurt.
He/She/It would not have hurt.
You would not have hurt.
They would not have hurt.
Would I have hurt?
Would you have hurt?
Would we have hurt?
Would he/she/it have hurt?
Would you have hurt?
Would they have hurt?

to keep guardar; mantener; conservar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To keep"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I keep.
You keep.
We keep.
He/She/It keeps.
You keep.
They keep.
I do not keep.
You do not keep.
We do not keep.
He/She/It does not keep.
You do not keep.
They do not keep.
Do I keep?
Do you keep?
Do we keep?
Does he/she/it keep?
Do you keep?
Do they keep?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am keeping.
You are keeping.
We are keeping.
He/She/It is keeping.
You are keeping.
They are keeping.
I am not keeping.
You are not keeping.
We are not keeping.
He/She/It is not keeping.
You are not keeping.
They are not keeping.
Am I keeping?
Are you keeping?
Are we keeping?
Is he/she/it keeping?
Are you keeping?
Are they keeping?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I kept.
You kept.
We kept.
He/She/It kept.
You kept.
They kept.
I did not keep.
You did not keep.
We did not keep.
He/She/It did not keep.
You did not keep.
They did not keep.
Did I keep?
Did you keep?
Did we keep?
Did he/she/it keep?
Did you keep?
Did they keep?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was keeping.
You were keeping.
We were keeping.
He/She/It was keeping.
You were keeping.
They were keeping.
I was not keeping.
You were not keeping.
We were not keeping.
He/She/It was not keeping.
You were not keeping.
They were not keeping.
Was I keeping?
Were you keeping?
Were we keeping?
Was he/she/it keeping?
Were you keeping?
Were they keeping?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will keep.
You will keep.
We will keep.
He/She/It will keep.
You will keep.
They will keep.
I will not keep.
You will not keep.
We will not keep.
He/She/It will not keep.
You will not keep.
They will not keep.
Will I keep?
Will you keep?
Will we keep?
Will he/she/it keep?
Will you keep?
Will they keep?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have kept.
You have kept.
We have kept.
He/She/It has kept.
You have kept.
They have kept.
I have not kept.
You have not kept.
We have not kept.
He/She/It has not kept.
You have not kept.
They have not kept.
Have I kept?
Have you kept?
Have we kept?
Has he/she/it kept?
Have you kept?
Have they kept?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been keeping.
You have been keeping.
We have been keeping.
He/She/It has been keeping.
You have been keeping.
They have been keeping.
I have not been keeping.
You have not been keeping.
We have not been keeping.
He/She/It has not been keeping.
You have not been keeping.
They have not been keeping.
Have I been keeping?
Have you been keeping?
Have we been keeping?
Has he/she/it been keeping?
Have you been keeping?
Have they been keeping?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had kept.
You had kept.
We had kept.
He/She/It had kept.
You had kept.
They had kept.
I had not kept.
You had not kept.
We had not kept.
He/She/It had not kept.
You had not kept.
They had not kept.
Had I kept?
Had you kept?
Had we kept?
Had he/she/it kept?
Had you kept?
Had they kept?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been keeping.
You had been keeping.
We had been keeping.
He/She/It had been keeping.
You had been keeping.
They had been keeping.
I had not been keeping.
You had not been keeping.
We had not been keeping.
He/She/It had not been keeping.
You had not been keeping.
They had not been keeping.
Had I been keeping?
Had you been keeping?
Had we been keeping?
Had he/she/it been keeping?
Had you been keeping?
Had they been keeping?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have kept.
You will have kept.
We will have kept.
He/She/It will have kept.
You will have kept.
They will have kept.
I will not have kept.
You will not have kept.
We will not have kept.
He/She/It will not have kept.
You will not have kept.
They will not have kept.
Will I have kept?
Will you have kept?
Will we have kept?
Will he/she/it have kept?
Will you have kept?
Will they have kept?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would keep.
You would keep.
We would keep.
He/She/It would keep.
You would keep.
They would keep.
I would not keep.
You would not keep.
We would not keep.
He/She/It would not keep.
You would not keep.
They would not keep.
Would I keep?
Would you keep?
Would we keep?
Would he/she/it keep?
Would you keep?
Would they keep?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have kept.
You would have kept.
We would have kept.
He/She/It would have kept.
You would have kept.
They would have kept.
I would not have kept.
You would not have kept.
We would not have kept.
He/She/It would not have kept.
You would not have kept.
They would not have kept.
Would I have kept?
Would you have kept?
Would we have kept?
Would he/she/it have kept?
Would you have kept?
Would they have kept?

to know saber; conocer
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To know"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I know.
You know.
We know.
He/She/It knows.
You know.
They know.
I do not know.
You do not know.
We do not know.
He/She/It does not know.
You do not know.
They do not know.
Do I know?
Do you know?
Do we know?
Does he/she/it know?
Do you know?
Do they know?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am knowing.
You are knowing.
We are knowing.
He/She/It is knowing.
You are knowing.
They are knowing.
I am not knowing.
You are not knowing.
We are not knowing.
He/She/It is not knowing.
You are not knowing.
They are not knowing.
Am I knowing?
Are you knowing?
Are we knowing?
Is he/she/it knowing?
Are you knowing?
Are they knowing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I knew.
You knew.
We knew.
He/She/It knew.
You knew.
They knew.
I did not know.
You did not know.
We did not know.
He/She/It did not know.
You did not know.
They did not know.
Did I know?
Did you know?
Did we know?
Did he/she/it know?
Did you know?
Did they know?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was knowing.
You were knowing.
We were knowing.
He/She/It was knowing.
You were knowing.
They were knowing.
I was not knowing.
You were not knowing.
We were not knowing.
He/She/It was not knowing.
You were not knowing.
They were not knowing.
Was I knowing?
Were you knowing?
Were we knowing?
Was he/she/it knowing?
Were you knowing?
Were they knowing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will know.
You will know.
We will know.
He/She/It will know.
You will know.
They will know.
I will not know.
You will not know.
We will not know.
He/She/It will not know.
You will not know.
They will not know.
Will I know?
Will you know?
Will we know?
Will he/she/it know?
Will you know?
Will they know?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have known.
You have known.
We have known.
He/She/It has known.
You have known.
They have known.
I have not known.
You have not known.
We have not known.
He/She/It has not known.
You have not known.
They have not known.
Have I known?
Have you known?
Have we known?
Has he/she/it known?
Have you known?
Have they known?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been knowing.
You have been knowing.
We have been knowing.
He/She/It has been knowing.
You have been knowing.
They have been knowing.
I have not been knowing.
You have not been knowing.
We have not been knowing.
He/She/It has not been knowing.
You have not been knowing.
They have not been knowing.
Have I been knowing?
Have you been knowing?
Have we been knowing?
Has he/she/it been knowing?
Have you been knowing?
Have they been knowing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had known.
You had known.
We had known.
He/She/It had known.
You had known.
They had known.
I had not known.
You had not known.
We had not known.
He/She/It had not known.
You had not known.
They had not known.
Had I known?
Had you known?
Had we known?
Had he/she/it known?
Had you known?
Had they known?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been knowing.
You had been knowing.
We had been knowing.
He/She/It had been knowing.
You had been knowing.
They had been knowing.
I had not been knowing.
You had not been knowing.
We had not been knowing.
He/She/It had not been knowing.
You had not been knowing.
They had not been knowing.
Had I been knowing?
Had you been knowing?
Had we been knowing?
Had he/she/it been knowing?
Had you been knowing?
Had they been knowing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have known.
You will have known.
We will have known.
He/She/It will have known.
You will have known.
They will have known.
I will not have known.
You will not have known.
We will not have known.
He/She/It will not have known.
You will not have known.
They will not have known.
Will I have known?
Will you have known?
Will we have known?
Will he/she/it have known?
Will you have known?
Will they have known?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would know.
You would know.
We would know.
He/She/It would know.
You would know.
They would know.
I would not know.
You would not know.
We would not know.
He/She/It would not know.
You would not know.
They would not know.
Would I know?
Would you know?
Would we know?
Would he/she/it know?
Would you know?
Would they know?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have known.
You would have known.
We would have known.
He/She/It would have known.
You would have known.
They would have known.
I would not have known.
You would not have known.
We would not have known.
He/She/It would not have known.
You would not have known.
They would not have known.
Would I have known?
Would you have known?
Would we have known?
Would he/she/it have known?
Would you have known?
Would they have known?

to learn aprender
Past simple
learned (US)
Learnt (UK)
Past participle
learned (US)
Learnt (UK)
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To learn"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I learn.
You learn.
We learn.
He/She/It learns.
You learn.
They learn.
I do not learn.
You do not learn.
We do not learn.
He/She/It does not learn.
You do not learn.
They do not learn.
Do I learn?
Do you learn?
Do we learn?
Does he/she/it learn?
Do you learn?
Do they learn?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am learning.
You are learning.
We are learning.
He/She/It is learning.
You are learning.
They are learning.
I am not learning.
You are not learning.
We are not learning.
He/She/It is not learning.
You are not learning.
They are not learning.
Am I learning?
Are you learning?
Are we learning?
Is he/she/it learning?
Are you learning?
Are they learning?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I learned / learnt.
You learned / learnt.
We learned / learnt.
He/She/It learned / learnt.
You learned / learnt.
They learned / learnt.
I did not learn.
You did not learn.
We did not learn.
He/She/It did not learn.
You did not learn.
They did not learn.
Did I learn?
Did you learn?
Did we learn?
Did he/she/it learn?
Did you learn?
Did they learn?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was learning.
You were learning.
We were learning.
He/She/It was learning.
You were learning.
They were learning.
I was not learning.
You were not learning.
We were not learning.
He/She/It was not learning.
You were not learning.
They were not learning.
Was I learning?
Were you learning?
Were we learning?
Was he/she/it learning?
Were you learning?
Were they learning?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will learn.
You will learn.
We will learn.
He/She/It will learn.
You will learn.
They will learn.
I will not learn.
You will not learn.
We will not learn.
He/She/It will not learn.
You will not learn.
They will not learn.
Will I learn?
Will you learn?
Will we learn?
Will he/she/it learn?
Will you learn?
Will they learn?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have learned / learnt.
You have learned / learnt.
We have learned / learnt.
He/She/It has learned / learnt.
You have learned / learnt.
They have learned / learnt.
I have not learned / learnt.
You have not learned / learnt.
We have not learned / learnt.
He/She/It has not learned / learnt.
You have not learned / learnt.
They have not learned / learnt.
Have I learned / learnt?
Have you learned / learnt?
Have we learned / learnt?
Has he/she/it learned / learnt?
Have you learned / learnt?
Have they learned / learnt?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been learning.
You have been learning.
We have been learning.
He/She/It has been learning.
You have been learning.
They have been learning.
I have not been learning.
You have not been learning.
We have not been learning.
He/She/It has not been learning.
You have not been learning.
They have not been learning.
Have I been learning?
Have you been learning?
Have we been learning?
Has he/she/it been learning?
Have you been learning?
Have they been learning?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had learned / learnt.
You had learned / learnt.
We had learned / learnt.
He/She/It had learned / learnt.
You had learned / learnt.
They had learned / learnt.
I had not learned / learnt.
You had not learned / learnt.
We had not learned / learnt.
He/She/It had not learned / learnt.
You had not learned / learnt.
They had not learned / learnt.
Had I learned / learnt?
Had you learned / learnt?
Had we learned / learnt?
Had he/she/it learned / learnt?
Had you learned / learnt?
Had they learned / learnt?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been learning.
You had been learning.
We had been learning.
He/She/It had been learning.
You had been learning.
They had been learning.
I had not been learning.
You had not been learning.
We had not been learning.
He/She/It had not been learning.
You had not been learning.
They had not been learning.
Had I been learning?
Had you been learning?
Had we been learning?
Had he/she/it been learning?
Had you been learning?
Had they been learning?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have learned / learnt.
You will have learned / learnt.
We will have learned / learnt.
He/She/It will have learned / learnt.
You will have learned / learnt.
They will have learned / learnt.
I will not have learned / learnt.
You will not have learned / learnt.
We will not have learned / learnt.
He/She/It will not have learned / learnt.
You will not have learned / learnt.
They will not have learned / learnt.
Will I have learned / learnt?
Will you have learned / learnt?
Will we have learned / learnt?
Will he/she/it have learned / learnt?
Will you have learned / learnt?
Will they have learned / learnt?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would learn.
You would learn.
We would learn.
He/She/It would learn.
You would learn.
They would learn.
I would not learn.
You would not learn.
We would not learn.
He/She/It would not learn.
You would not learn.
They would not learn.
Would I learn?
Would you learn?
Would we learn?
Would he/she/it learn?
Would you learn?
Would they learn?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have learned / learnt.
You would have learned / learnt.
We would have learned / learnt.
He/She/It would have learned / learnt.
You would have learned / learnt.
They would have learned / learnt.
I would not have learned / learnt.
You would not have learned / learnt.
We would not have learned / learnt.
He/She/It would not have learned / learnt.
You would not have learned / learnt.
They would not have learned / learnt.
Would I have learned / learnt?
Would you have learned / learnt?
Would we have learned / learnt?
Would he/she/it have learned / learnt?
Would you have learned / learnt?
Would they have learned / learnt?

to leave dejar; salir; irse de
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To leave"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I leave.
You leave.
We leave.
He/She/It leaves.
You leave.
They leave.
I do not leave.
You do not leave.
We do not leave.
He/She/It does not leave.
You do not leave.
They do not leave.
Do I leave?
Do you leave?
Do we leave?
Does he/she/it leave?
Do you leave?
Do they leave?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am leaving.
You are leaving.
We are leaving.
He/She/It is leaving.
You are leaving.
They are leaving.
I am not leaving.
You are not leaving.
We are not leaving.
He/She/It is not leaving.
You are not leaving.
They are not leaving.
Am I leaving?
Are you leaving?
Are we leaving?
Is he/she/it leaving?
Are you leaving?
Are they leaving?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I left.
You left.
We left.
He/She/It left.
You left.
They left.
I did not leave.
You did not leave.
We did not leave.
He/She/It did not leave.
You did not leave.
They did not leave.
Did I leave?
Did you leave?
Did we leave?
Did he/she/it leave?
Did you leave?
Did they leave?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was leaving.
You were leaving.
We were leaving.
He/She/It was leaving.
You were leaving.
They were leaving.
I was not leaving.
You were not leaving.
We were not leaving.
He/She/It was not leaving.
You were not leaving.
They were not leaving.
Was I leaving?
Were you leaving?
Were we leaving?
Was he/she/it leaving?
Were you leaving?
Were they leaving?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will leave.
You will leave.
We will leave.
He/She/It will leave.
You will leave.
They will leave.
I will not leave.
You will not leave.
We will not leave.
He/She/It will not leave.
You will not leave.
They will not leave.
Will I leave?
Will you leave?
Will we leave?
Will he/she/it leave?
Will you leave?
Will they leave?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have left.
You have left.
We have left.
He/She/It has left.
You have left.
They have left.
I have not left.
You have not left.
We have not left.
He/She/It has not left.
You have not left.
They have not left.
Have I left?
Have you left?
Have we left?
Has he/she/it left?
Have you left?
Have they left?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been leaving.
You have been leaving.
We have been leaving.
He/She/It has been leaving.
You have been leaving.
They have been leaving.
I have not been leaving.
You have not been leaving.
We have not been leaving.
He/She/It has not been leaving.
You have not been leaving.
They have not been leaving.
Have I been leaving?
Have you been leaving?
Have we been leaving?
Has he/she/it been leaving?
Have you been leaving?
Have they been leaving?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had left.
You had left.
We had left.
He/She/It had left.
You had left.
They had left.
I had not left.
You had not left.
We had not left.
He/She/It had not left.
You had not left.
They had not left.
Had I left?
Had you left?
Had we left?
Had he/she/it left?
Had you left?
Had they left?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been leaving.
You had been leaving.
We had been leaving.
He/She/It had been leaving.
You had been leaving.
They had been leaving.
I had not been leaving.
You had not been leaving.
We had not been leaving.
He/She/It had not been leaving.
You had not been leaving.
They had not been leaving.
Had I been leaving?
Had you been leaving?
Had we been leaving?
Had he/she/it been leaving?
Had you been leaving?
Had they been leaving?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have left.
You will have left.
We will have left.
He/She/It will have left.
You will have left.
They will have left.
I will not have left.
You will not have left.
We will not have left.
He/She/It will not have left.
You will not have left.
They will not have left.
Will I have left?
Will you have left?
Will we have left?
Will he/she/it have left?
Will you have left?
Will they have left?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would leave.
You would leave.
We would leave.
He/She/It would leave.
You would leave.
They would leave.
I would not leave.
You would not leave.
We would not leave.
He/She/It would not leave.
You would not leave.
They would not leave.
Would I leave?
Would you leave?
Would we leave?
Would he/she/it leave?
Would you leave?
Would they leave?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have left.
You would have left.
We would have left.
He/She/It would have left.
You would have left.
They would have left.
I would not have left.
You would not have left.
We would not have left.
He/She/It would not have left.
You would not have left.
They would not have left.
Would I have left?
Would you have left?
Would we have left?
Would he/she/it have left?
Would you have left?
Would they have left?

to let dejar; permitir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To let"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I let.
You let.
We let.
He/She/It lets.
You let.
They let.
I do not let.
You do not let.
We do not let.
He/She/It does not let.
You do not let.
They do not let.
Do I let?
Do you let?
Do we let?
Does he/she/it let?
Do you let?
Do they let?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am letting.
You are letting.
We are letting.
He/She/It is letting.
You are letting.
They are letting.
I am not letting.
You are not letting.
We are not letting.
He/She/It is not letting.
You are not letting.
They are not letting.
Am I letting?
Are you letting?
Are we letting?
Is he/she/it letting?
Are you letting?
Are they letting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I let.
You let.
We let.
He/She/It let.
You let.
They let.
I did not let.
You did not let.
We did not let.
He/She/It did not let.
You did not let.
They did not let.
Did I let?
Did you let?
Did we let?
Did he/she/it let?
Did you let?
Did they let?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was letting.
You were letting.
We were letting.
He/She/It was letting.
You were letting.
They were letting.
I was not letting.
You were not letting.
We were not letting.
He/She/It was not letting.
You were not letting.
They were not letting.
Was I letting?
Were you letting?
Were we letting?
Was he/she/it letting?
Were you letting?
Were they letting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will let.
You will let.
We will let.
He/She/It will let.
You will let.
They will let.
I will not let.
You will not let.
We will not let.
He/She/It will not let.
You will not let.
They will not let.
Will I let?
Will you let?
Will we let?
Will he/she/it let?
Will you let?
Will they let?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have let.
You have let.
We have let.
He/She/It has let.
You have let.
They have let.
I have not let.
You have not let.
We have not let.
He/She/It has not let.
You have not let.
They have not let.
Have I let?
Have you let?
Have we let?
Has he/she/it let?
Have you let?
Have they let?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been letting.
You have been letting.
We have been letting.
He/She/It has been letting.
You have been letting.
They have been letting.
I have not been letting.
You have not been letting.
We have not been letting.
He/She/It has not been letting.
You have not been letting.
They have not been letting.
Have I been letting?
Have you been letting?
Have we been letting?
Has he/she/it been letting?
Have you been letting?
Have they been letting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had let.
You had let.
We had let.
He/She/It had let.
You had let.
They had let.
I had not let.
You had not let.
We had not let.
He/She/It had not let.
You had not let.
They had not let.
Had I let?
Had you let?
Had we let?
Had he/she/it let?
Had you let?
Had they let?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been letting.
You had been letting.
We had been letting.
He/She/It had been letting.
You had been letting.
They had been letting.
I had not been letting.
You had not been letting.
We had not been letting.
He/She/It had not been letting.
You had not been letting.
They had not been letting.
Had I been letting?
Had you been letting?
Had we been letting?
Had he/she/it been letting?
Had you been letting?
Had they been letting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have let.
You will have let.
We will have let.
He/She/It will have let.
You will have let.
They will have let.
I will not have let.
You will not have let.
We will not have let.
He/She/It will not have let.
You will not have let.
They will not have let.
Will I have let?
Will you have let?
Will we have let?
Will he/she/it have let?
Will you have let?
Will they have let?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would let.
You would let.
We would let.
He/She/It would let.
You would let.
They would let.
I would not let.
You would not let.
We would not let.
He/She/It would not let.
You would not let.
They would not let.
Would I let?
Would you let?
Would we let?
Would he/she/it let?
Would you let?
Would they let?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have let.
You would have let.
We would have let.
He/She/It would have let.
You would have let.
They would have let.
I would not have let.
You would not have let.
We would not have let.
He/She/It would not have let.
You would not have let.
They would not have let.
Would I have let?
Would you have let?
Would we have let?
Would he/she/it have let?
Would you have let?
Would they have let?

to lose perder
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To lose"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I lose.
You lose.
We lose.
He/She/It loses.
You lose.
They lose.
I do not lose.
You do not lose.
We do not lose.
He/She/It does not lose.
You do not lose.
They do not lose.
Do I lose?
Do you lose?
Do we lose?
Does he/she/it lose?
Do you lose?
Do they lose?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am losing.
You are losing.
We are losing.
He/She/It is losing.
You are losing.
They are losing.
I am not losing.
You are not losing.
We are not losing.
He/She/It is not losing.
You are not losing.
They are not losing.
Am I losing?
Are you losing?
Are we losing?
Is he/she/it losing?
Are you losing?
Are they losing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I lost.
You lost.
We lost.
He/She/It lost.
You lost.
They lost.
I did not lose.
You did not lose.
We did not lose.
He/She/It did not lose.
You did not lose.
They did not lose.
Did I lose?
Did you lose?
Did we lose?
Did he/she/it lose?
Did you lose?
Did they lose?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was losing.
You were losing.
We were losing.
He/She/It was losing.
You were losing.
They were losing.
I was not losing.
You were not losing.
We were not losing.
He/She/It was not losing.
You were not losing.
They were not losing.
Was I losing?
Were you losing?
Were we losing?
Was he/she/it losing?
Were you losing?
Were they losing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will lose.
You will lose.
We will lose.
He/She/It will lose.
You will lose.
They will lose.
I will not lose.
You will not lose.
We will not lose.
He/She/It will not lose.
You will not lose.
They will not lose.
Will I lose?
Will you lose?
Will we lose?
Will he/she/it lose?
Will you lose?
Will they lose?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have lost.
You have lost.
We have lost.
He/She/It has lost.
You have lost.
They have lost.
I have not lost.
You have not lost.
We have not lost.
He/She/It has not lost.
You have not lost.
They have not lost.
Have I lost?
Have you lost?
Have we lost?
Has he/she/it lost?
Have you lost?
Have they lost?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been losing.
You have been losing.
We have been losing.
He/She/It has been losing.
You have been losing.
They have been losing.
I have not been losing.
You have not been losing.
We have not been losing.
He/She/It has not been losing.
You have not been losing.
They have not been losing.
Have I been losing?
Have you been losing?
Have we been losing?
Has he/she/it been losing?
Have you been losing?
Have they been losing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had lost.
You had lost.
We had lost.
He/She/It had lost.
You had lost.
They had lost.
I had not lost.
You had not lost.
We had not lost.
He/She/It had not lost.
You had not lost.
They had not lost.
Had I lost?
Had you lost?
Had we lost?
Had he/she/it lost?
Had you lost?
Had they lost?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been losing.
You had been losing.
We had been losing.
He/She/It had been losing.
You had been losing.
They had been losing.
I had not been losing.
You had not been losing.
We had not been losing.
He/She/It had not been losing.
You had not been losing.
They had not been losing.
Had I been losing?
Had you been losing?
Had we been losing?
Had he/she/it been losing?
Had you been losing?
Had they been losing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have lost.
You will have lost.
We will have lost.
He/She/It will have lost.
You will have lost.
They will have lost.
I will not have lost.
You will not have lost.
We will not have lost.
He/She/It will not have lost.
You will not have lost.
They will not have lost.
Will I have lost?
Will you have lost?
Will we have lost?
Will he/she/it have lost?
Will you have lost?
Will they have lost?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would lose.
You would lose.
We would lose.
He/She/It would lose.
You would lose.
They would lose.
I would not lose.
You would not lose.
We would not lose.
He/She/It would not lose.
You would not lose.
They would not lose.
Would I lose?
Would you lose?
Would we lose?
Would he/she/it lose?
Would you lose?
Would they lose?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have lost.
You would have lost.
We would have lost.
He/She/It would have lost.
You would have lost.
They would have lost.
I would not have lost.
You would not have lost.
We would not have lost.
He/She/It would not have lost.
You would not have lost.
They would not have lost.
Would I have lost?
Would you have lost?
Would we have lost?
Would he/she/it have lost?
Would you have lost?
Would they have lost?

to make hacer; fabricar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To make"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I make.
You make.
We make.
He/She/It makes.
You make.
They make.
I do not make.
You do not make.
We do not make.
He/She/It does not make.
You do not make.
They do not make.
Do I make?
Do you make?
Do we make?
Does he/she/it make?
Do you make?
Do they make?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am making.
You are making.
We are making.
He/She/It is making.
You are making.
They are making.
I am not making.
You are not making.
We are not making.
He/She/It is not making.
You are not making.
They are not making.
Am I making?
Are you making?
Are we making?
Is he/she/it making?
Are you making?
Are they making?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I made.
You made.
We made.
He/She/It made.
You made.
They made.
I did not make.
You did not make.
We did not make.
He/She/It did not make.
You did not make.
They did not make.
Did I make?
Did you make?
Did we make?
Did he/she/it make?
Did you make?
Did they make?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was making.
You were making.
We were making.
He/She/It was making.
You were making.
They were making.
I was not making.
You were not making.
We were not making.
He/She/It was not making.
You were not making.
They were not making.
Was I making?
Were you making?
Were we making?
Was he/she/it making?
Were you making?
Were they making?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will make.
You will make.
We will make.
He/She/It will make.
You will make.
They will make.
I will not make.
You will not make.
We will not make.
He/She/It will not make.
You will not make.
They will not make.
Will I make?
Will you make?
Will we make?
Will he/she/it make?
Will you make?
Will they make?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have made.
You have made.
We have made.
He/She/It has made.
You have made.
They have made.
I have not made.
You have not made.
We have not made.
He/She/It has not made.
You have not made.
They have not made.
Have I made?
Have you made?
Have we made?
Has he/she/it made?
Have you made?
Have they made?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been making.
You have been making.
We have been making.
He/She/It has been making.
You have been making.
They have been making.
I have not been making.
You have not been making.
We have not been making.
He/She/It has not been making.
You have not been making.
They have not been making.
Have I been making?
Have you been making?
Have we been making?
Has he/she/it been making?
Have you been making?
Have they been making?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had made.
You had made.
We had made.
He/She/It had made.
You had made.
They had made.
I had not made.
You had not made.
We had not made.
He/She/It had not made.
You had not made.
They had not made.
Had I made?
Had you made?
Had we made?
Had he/she/it made?
Had you made?
Had they made?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been making.
You had been making.
We had been making.
He/She/It had been making.
You had been making.
They had been making.
I had not been making.
You had not been making.
We had not been making.
He/She/It had not been making.
You had not been making.
They had not been making.
Had I been making?
Had you been making?
Had we been making?
Had he/she/it been making?
Had you been making?
Had they been making?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have made.
You will have made.
We will have made.
He/She/It will have made.
You will have made.
They will have made.
I will not have made.
You will not have made.
We will not have made.
He/She/It will not have made.
You will not have made.
They will not have made.
Will I have made?
Will you have made?
Will we have made?
Will he/she/it have made?
Will you have made?
Will they have made?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would make.
You would make.
We would make.
He/She/It would make.
You would make.
They would make.
I would not make.
You would not make.
We would not make.
He/She/It would not make.
You would not make.
They would not make.
Would I make?
Would you make?
Would we make?
Would he/she/it make?
Would you make?
Would they make?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have made.
You would have made.
We would have made.
He/She/It would have made.
You would have made.
They would have made.
I would not have made.
You would not have made.
We would not have made.
He/She/It would not have made.
You would not have made.
They would not have made.
Would I have made?
Would you have made?
Would we have made?
Would he/she/it have made?
Would you have made?
Would they have made?

to mean significar; querer decir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To mean"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I mean.
You mean.
We mean.
He/She/It means.
You mean.
They mean.
I do not mean.
You do not mean.
We do not mean.
He/She/It does not mean.
You do not mean.
They do not mean.
Do I mean?
Do you mean?
Do we mean?
Does he/she/it mean?
Do you mean?
Do they mean?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am meaning.
You are meaning.
We are meaning.
He/She/It is meaning.
You are meaning.
They are meaning.
I am not meaning.
You are not meaning.
We are not meaning.
He/She/It is not meaning.
You are not meaning.
They are not meaning.
Am I meaning?
Are you meaning?
Are we meaning?
Is he/she/it meaning?
Are you meaning?
Are they meaning?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I meant.
You meant.
We meant.
He/She/It meant.
You meant.
They meant.
I did not mean.
You did not mean.
We did not mean.
He/She/It did not mean.
You did not mean.
They did not mean.
Did I mean?
Did you mean?
Did we mean?
Did he/she/it mean?
Did you mean?
Did they mean?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was meaning.
You were meaning.
We were meaning.
He/She/It was meaning.
You were meaning.
They were meaning.
I was not meaning.
You were not meaning.
We were not meaning.
He/She/It was not meaning.
You were not meaning.
They were not meaning.
Was I meaning?
Were you meaning?
Were we meaning?
Was he/she/it meaning?
Were you meaning?
Were they meaning?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will mean.
You will mean.
We will mean.
He/She/It will mean.
You will mean.
They will mean.
I will not mean.
You will not mean.
We will not mean.
He/She/It will not mean.
You will not mean.
They will not mean.
Will I mean?
Will you mean?
Will we mean?
Will he/she/it mean?
Will you mean?
Will they mean?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have meant.
You have meant.
We have meant.
He/She/It has meant.
You have meant.
They have meant.
I have not meant.
You have not meant.
We have not meant.
He/She/It has not meant.
You have not meant.
They have not meant.
Have I meant?
Have you meant?
Have we meant?
Has he/she/it meant?
Have you meant?
Have they meant?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been meaning.
You have been meaning.
We have been meaning.
He/She/It has been meaning.
You have been meaning.
They have been meaning.
I have not been meaning.
You have not been meaning.
We have not been meaning.
He/She/It has not been meaning.
You have not been meaning.
They have not been meaning.
Have I been meaning?
Have you been meaning?
Have we been meaning?
Has he/she/it been meaning?
Have you been meaning?
Have they been meaning?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had meant.
You had meant.
We had meant.
He/She/It had meant.
You had meant.
They had meant.
I had not meant.
You had not meant.
We had not meant.
He/She/It had not meant.
You had not meant.
They had not meant.
Had I meant?
Had you meant?
Had we meant?
Had he/she/it meant?
Had you meant?
Had they meant?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been meaning.
You had been meaning.
We had been meaning.
He/She/It had been meaning.
You had been meaning.
They had been meaning.
I had not been meaning.
You had not been meaning.
We had not been meaning.
He/She/It had not been meaning.
You had not been meaning.
They had not been meaning.
Had I been meaning?
Had you been meaning?
Had we been meaning?
Had he/she/it been meaning?
Had you been meaning?
Had they been meaning?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have meant.
You will have meant.
We will have meant.
He/She/It will have meant.
You will have meant.
They will have meant.
I will not have meant.
You will not have meant.
We will not have meant.
He/She/It will not have meant.
You will not have meant.
They will not have meant.
Will I have meant?
Will you have meant?
Will we have meant?
Will he/she/it have meant?
Will you have meant?
Will they have meant?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would mean.
You would mean.
We would mean.
He/She/It would mean.
You would mean.
They would mean.
I would not mean.
You would not mean.
We would not mean.
He/She/It would not mean.
You would not mean.
They would not mean.
Would I mean?
Would you mean?
Would we mean?
Would he/she/it mean?
Would you mean?
Would they mean?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have meant.
You would have meant.
We would have meant.
He/She/It would have meant.
You would have meant.
They would have meant.
I would not have meant.
You would not have meant.
We would not have meant.
He/She/It would not have meant.
You would not have meant.
They would not have meant.
Would I have meant?
Would you have meant?
Would we have meant?
Would he/she/it have meant?
Would you have meant?
Would they have meant?

to meet encontrar; conocer; quedar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To meet"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I meet.
You meet.
We meet.
He/She/It meets.
You meet.
They meet.
I do not meet.
You do not meet.
We do not meet.
He/She/It does not meet.
You do not meet.
They do not meet.
Do I meet?
Do you meet?
Do we meet?
Does he/she/it meet?
Do you meet?
Do they meet?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am meeting.
You are meeting.
We are meeting.
He/She/It is meeting.
You are meeting.
They are meeting.
I am not meeting.
You are not meeting.
We are not meeting.
He/She/It is not meeting.
You are not meeting.
They are not meeting.
Am I meeting?
Are you meeting?
Are we meeting?
Is he/she/it meeting?
Are you meeting?
Are they meeting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I met.
You met.
We met.
He/She/It met.
You met.
They met.
I did not meet.
You did not meet.
We did not meet.
He/She/It did not meet.
You did not meet.
They did not meet.
Did I meet?
Did you meet?
Did we meet?
Did he/she/it meet?
Did you meet?
Did they meet?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was meeting.
You were meeting.
We were meeting.
He/She/It was meeting.
You were meeting.
They were meeting.
I was not meeting.
You were not meeting.
We were not meeting.
He/She/It was not meeting.
You were not meeting.
They were not meeting.
Was I meeting?
Were you meeting?
Were we meeting?
Was he/she/it meeting?
Were you meeting?
Were they meeting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will meet.
You will meet.
We will meet.
He/She/It will meet.
You will meet.
They will meet.
I will not meet.
You will not meet.
We will not meet.
He/She/It will not meet.
You will not meet.
They will not meet.
Will I meet?
Will you meet?
Will we meet?
Will he/she/it meet?
Will you meet?
Will they meet?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have met.
You have met.
We have met.
He/She/It has met.
You have met.
They have met.
I have not met.
You have not met.
We have not met.
He/She/It has not met.
You have not met.
They have not met.
Have I met?
Have you met?
Have we met?
Has he/she/it met?
Have you met?
Have they met?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been meeting.
You have been meeting.
We have been meeting.
He/She/It has been meeting.
You have been meeting.
They have been meeting.
I have not been meeting.
You have not been meeting.
We have not been meeting.
He/She/It has not been meeting.
You have not been meeting.
They have not been meeting.
Have I been meeting?
Have you been meeting?
Have we been meeting?
Has he/she/it been meeting?
Have you been meeting?
Have they been meeting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had met.
You had met.
We had met.
He/She/It had met.
You had met.
They had met.
I had not met.
You had not met.
We had not met.
He/She/It had not met.
You had not met.
They had not met.
Had I met?
Had you met?
Had we met?
Had he/she/it met?
Had you met?
Had they met?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been meeting.
You had been meeting.
We had been meeting.
He/She/It had been meeting.
You had been meeting.
They had been meeting.
I had not been meeting.
You had not been meeting.
We had not been meeting.
He/She/It had not been meeting.
You had not been meeting.
They had not been meeting.
Had I been meeting?
Had you been meeting?
Had we been meeting?
Had he/she/it been meeting?
Had you been meeting?
Had they been meeting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have met.
You will have met.
We will have met.
He/She/It will have met.
You will have met.
They will have met.
I will not have met.
You will not have met.
We will not have met.
He/She/It will not have met.
You will not have met.
They will not have met.
Will I have met?
Will you have met?
Will we have met?
Will he/she/it have met?
Will you have met?
Will they have met?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would meet.
You would meet.
We would meet.
He/She/It would meet.
You would meet.
They would meet.
I would not meet.
You would not meet.
We would not meet.
He/She/It would not meet.
You would not meet.
They would not meet.
Would I meet?
Would you meet?
Would we meet?
Would he/she/it meet?
Would you meet?
Would they meet?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have met.
You would have met.
We would have met.
He/She/It would have met.
You would have met.
They would have met.
I would not have met.
You would not have met.
We would not have met.
He/She/It would not have met.
You would not have met.
They would not have met.
Would I have met?
Would you have met?
Would we have met?
Would he/she/it have met?
Would you have met?
Would they have met?

to pay pagar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To pay"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I pay.
You pay.
We pay.
He/She/It pays.
You pay.
They pay.
I do not pay.
You do not pay.
We do not pay.
He/She/It does not pay.
You do not pay.
They do not pay.
Do I pay?
Do you pay?
Do we pay?
Does he/she/it pay?
Do you pay?
Do they pay?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am paying.
You are paying.
We are paying.
He/She/It is paying.
You are paying.
They are paying.
I am not paying.
You are not paying.
We are not paying.
He/She/It is not paying.
You are not paying.
They are not paying.
Am I paying?
Are you paying?
Are we paying?
Is he/she/it paying?
Are you paying?
Are they paying?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I paid.
You paid.
We paid.
He/She/It paid.
You paid.
They paid.
I did not pay.
You did not pay.
We did not pay.
He/She/It did not pay.
You did not pay.
They did not pay.
Did I pay?
Did you pay?
Did we pay?
Did he/she/it pay?
Did you pay?
Did they pay?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was paying.
You were paying.
We were paying.
He/She/It was paying.
You were paying.
They were paying.
I was not paying.
You were not paying.
We were not paying.
He/She/It was not paying.
You were not paying.
They were not paying.
Was I paying?
Were you paying?
Were we paying?
Was he/she/it paying?
Were you paying?
Were they paying?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will pay.
You will pay.
We will pay.
He/She/It will pay.
You will pay.
They will pay.
I will not pay.
You will not pay.
We will not pay.
He/She/It will not pay.
You will not pay.
They will not pay.
Will I pay?
Will you pay?
Will we pay?
Will he/she/it pay?
Will you pay?
Will they pay?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have paid.
You have paid.
We have paid.
He/She/It has paid.
You have paid.
They have paid.
I have not paid.
You have not paid.
We have not paid.
He/She/It has not paid.
You have not paid.
They have not paid.
Have I paid?
Have you paid?
Have we paid?
Has he/she/it paid?
Have you paid?
Have they paid?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been paying.
You have been paying.
We have been paying.
He/She/It has been paying.
You have been paying.
They have been paying.
I have not been paying.
You have not been paying.
We have not been paying.
He/She/It has not been paying.
You have not been paying.
They have not been paying.
Have I been paying?
Have you been paying?
Have we been paying?
Has he/she/it been paying?
Have you been paying?
Have they been paying?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had paid.
You had paid.
We had paid.
He/She/It had paid.
You had paid.
They had paid.
I had not paid.
You had not paid.
We had not paid.
He/She/It had not paid.
You had not paid.
They had not paid.
Had I paid?
Had you paid?
Had we paid?
Had he/she/it paid?
Had you paid?
Had they paid?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been paying.
You had been paying.
We had been paying.
He/She/It had been paying.
You had been paying.
They had been paying.
I had not been paying.
You had not been paying.
We had not been paying.
He/She/It had not been paying.
You had not been paying.
They had not been paying.
Had I been paying?
Had you been paying?
Had we been paying?
Had he/she/it been paying?
Had you been paying?
Had they been paying?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have paid.
You will have paid.
We will have paid.
He/She/It will have paid.
You will have paid.
They will have paid.
I will not have paid.
You will not have paid.
We will not have paid.
He/She/It will not have paid.
You will not have paid.
They will not have paid.
Will I have paid?
Will you have paid?
Will we have paid?
Will he/she/it have paid?
Will you have paid?
Will they have paid?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would pay.
You would pay.
We would pay.
He/She/It would pay.
You would pay.
They would pay.
I would not pay.
You would not pay.
We would not pay.
He/She/It would not pay.
You would not pay.
They would not pay.
Would I pay?
Would you pay?
Would we pay?
Would he/she/it pay?
Would you pay?
Would they pay?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have paid.
You would have paid.
We would have paid.
He/She/It would have paid.
You would have paid.
They would have paid.
I would not have paid.
You would not have paid.
We would not have paid.
He/She/It would not have paid.
You would not have paid.
They would not have paid.
Would I have paid?
Would you have paid?
Would we have paid?
Would he/she/it have paid?
Would you have paid?
Would they have paid?

to put poner; colocar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To put"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I put.
You put.
We put.
He/She/It puts.
You put.
They put.
I do not put.
You do not put.
We do not put.
He/She/It does not put.
You do not put.
They do not put.
Do I put?
Do you put?
Do we put?
Does he/she/it put?
Do you put?
Do they put?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am putting.
You are putting.
We are putting.
He/She/It is putting.
You are putting.
They are putting.
I am not putting.
You are not putting.
We are not putting.
He/She/It is not putting.
You are not putting.
They are not putting.
Am I putting?
Are you putting?
Are we putting?
Is he/she/it putting?
Are you putting?
Are they putting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I put.
You put.
We put.
He/She/It put.
You put.
They put.
I did not put.
You did not put.
We did not put.
He/She/It did not put.
You did not put.
They did not put.
Did I put?
Did you put?
Did we put?
Did he/she/it put?
Did you put?
Did they put?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was putting.
You were putting.
We were putting.
He/She/It was putting.
You were putting.
They were putting.
I was not putting.
You were not putting.
We were not putting.
He/She/It was not putting.
You were not putting.
They were not putting.
Was I putting?
Were you putting?
Were we putting?
Was he/she/it putting?
Were you putting?
Were they putting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will put.
You will put.
We will put.
He/She/It will put.
You will put.
They will put.
I will not put.
You will not put.
We will not put.
He/She/It will not put.
You will not put.
They will not put.
Will I put?
Will you put?
Will we put?
Will he/she/it put?
Will you put?
Will they put?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have put.
You have put.
We have put.
He/She/It has put.
You have put.
They have put.
I have not put.
You have not put.
We have not put.
He/She/It has not put.
You have not put.
They have not put.
Have I put?
Have you put?
Have we put?
Has he/she/it put?
Have you put?
Have they put?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been putting.
You have been putting.
We have been putting.
He/She/It has been putting.
You have been putting.
They have been putting.
I have not been putting.
You have not been putting.
We have not been putting.
He/She/It has not been putting.
You have not been putting.
They have not been putting.
Have I been putting?
Have you been putting?
Have we been putting?
Has he/she/it been putting?
Have you been putting?
Have they been putting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had put.
You had put.
We had put.
He/She/It had put.
You had put.
They had put.
I had not put.
You had not put.
We had not put.
He/She/It had not put.
You had not put.
They had not put.
Had I put?
Had you put?
Had we put?
Had he/she/it put?
Had you put?
Had they put?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been putting.
You had been putting.
We had been putting.
He/She/It had been putting.
You had been putting.
They had been putting.
I had not been putting.
You had not been putting.
We had not been putting.
He/She/It had not been putting.
You had not been putting.
They had not been putting.
Had I been putting?
Had you been putting?
Had we been putting?
Had he/she/it been putting?
Had you been putting?
Had they been putting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have put.
You will have put.
We will have put.
He/She/It will have put.
You will have put.
They will have put.
I will not have put.
You will not have put.
We will not have put.
He/She/It will not have put.
You will not have put.
They will not have put.
Will I have put?
Will you have put?
Will we have put?
Will he/she/it have put?
Will you have put?
Will they have put?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would put.
You would put.
We would put.
He/She/It would put.
You would put.
They would put.
I would not put.
You would not put.
We would not put.
He/She/It would not put.
You would not put.
They would not put.
Would I put?
Would you put?
Would we put?
Would he/she/it put?
Would you put?
Would they put?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have put.
You would have put.
We would have put.
He/She/It would have put.
You would have put.
They would have put.
I would not have put.
You would not have put.
We would not have put.
He/She/It would not have put.
You would not have put.
They would not have put.
Would I have put?
Would you have put?
Would we have put?
Would he/she/it have put?
Would you have put?
Would they have put?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To read"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I read.
You read.
We read.
He/She/It reads.
You read.
They read.
I do not read.
You do not read.
We do not read.
He/She/It does not read.
You do not read.
They do not read.
Do I read?
Do you read?
Do we read?
Does he/she/it read?
Do you read?
Do they read?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am reading.
You are reading.
We are reading.
He/She/It is reading.
You are reading.
They are reading.
I am not reading.
You are not reading.
We are not reading.
He/She/It is not reading.
You are not reading.
They are not reading.
Am I reading?
Are you reading?
Are we reading?
Is he/she/it reading?
Are you reading?
Are they reading?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I read.
You read.
We read.
He/She/It read.
You read.
They read.
I did not read.
You did not read.
We did not read.
He/She/It did not read.
You did not read.
They did not read.
Did I read?
Did you read?
Did we read?
Did he/she/it read?
Did you read?
Did they read?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was reading.
You were reading.
We were reading.
He/She/It was reading.
You were reading.
They were reading.
I was not reading.
You were not reading.
We were not reading.
He/She/It was not reading.
You were not reading.
They were not reading.
Was I reading?
Were you reading?
Were we reading?
Was he/she/it reading?
Were you reading?
Were they reading?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will read.
You will read.
We will read.
He/She/It will read.
You will read.
They will read.
I will not read.
You will not read.
We will not read.
He/She/It will not read.
You will not read.
They will not read.
Will I read?
Will you read?
Will we read?
Will he/she/it read?
Will you read?
Will they read?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have read.
You have read.
We have read.
He/She/It has read.
You have read.
They have read.
I have not read.
You have not read.
We have not read.
He/She/It has not read.
You have not read.
They have not read.
Have I read?
Have you read?
Have we read?
Has he/she/it read?
Have you read?
Have they read?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been reading.
You have been reading.
We have been reading.
He/She/It has been reading.
You have been reading.
They have been reading.
I have not been reading.
You have not been reading.
We have not been reading.
He/She/It has not been reading.
You have not been reading.
They have not been reading.
Have I been reading?
Have you been reading?
Have we been reading?
Has he/she/it been reading?
Have you been reading?
Have they been reading?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had read.
You had read.
We had read.
He/She/It had read.
You had read.
They had read.
I had not read.
You had not read.
We had not read.
He/She/It had not read.
You had not read.
They had not read.
Had I read?
Had you read?
Had we read?
Had he/she/it read?
Had you read?
Had they read?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been reading.
You had been reading.
We had been reading.
He/She/It had been reading.
You had been reading.
They had been reading.
I had not been reading.
You had not been reading.
We had not been reading.
He/She/It had not been reading.
You had not been reading.
They had not been reading.
Had I been reading?
Had you been reading?
Had we been reading?
Had he/she/it been reading?
Had you been reading?
Had they been reading?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have read.
You will have read.
We will have read.
He/She/It will have read.
You will have read.
They will have read.
I will not have read.
You will not have read.
We will not have read.
He/She/It will not have read.
You will not have read.
They will not have read.
Will I have read?
Will you have read?
Will we have read?
Will he/she/it have read?
Will you have read?
Will they have read?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would read.
You would read.
We would read.
He/She/It would read.
You would read.
They would read.
I would not read.
You would not read.
We would not read.
He/She/It would not read.
You would not read.
They would not read.
Would I read?
Would you read?
Would we read?
Would he/she/it read?
Would you read?
Would they read?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have read.
You would have read.
We would have read.
He/She/It would have read.
You would have read.
They would have read.
I would not have read.
You would not have read.
We would not have read.
He/She/It would not have read.
You would not have read.
They would not have read.
Would I have read?
Would you have read?
Would we have read?
Would he/she/it have read?
Would you have read?
Would they have read?

to ride montar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To ride"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I ride.
You ride.
We ride.
He/She/It rides.
You ride.
They ride.
I do not ride.
You do not ride.
We do not ride.
He/She/It does not ride.
You do not ride.
They do not ride.
Do I ride?
Do you ride?
Do we ride?
Does he/she/it ride?
Do you ride?
Do they ride?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am riding.
You are riding.
We are riding.
He/She/It is riding.
You are riding.
They are riding.
I am not riding.
You are not riding.
We are not riding.
He/She/It is not riding.
You are not riding.
They are not riding.
Am I riding?
Are you riding?
Are we riding?
Is he/she/it riding?
Are you riding?
Are they riding?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I rode.
You rode.
We rode.
He/She/It rode.
You rode.
They rode.
I did not ride.
You did not ride.
We did not ride.
He/She/It did not ride.
You did not ride.
They did not ride.
Did I ride?
Did you ride?
Did we ride?
Did he/she/it ride?
Did you ride?
Did they ride?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was riding.
You were riding.
We were riding.
He/She/It was riding.
You were riding.
They were riding.
I was not riding.
You were not riding.
We were not riding.
He/She/It was not riding.
You were not riding.
They were not riding.
Was I riding?
Were you riding?
Were we riding?
Was he/she/it riding?
Were you riding?
Were they riding?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will ride.
You will ride.
We will ride.
He/She/It will ride.
You will ride.
They will ride.
I will not ride.
You will not ride.
We will not ride.
He/She/It will not ride.
You will not ride.
They will not ride.
Will I ride?
Will you ride?
Will we ride?
Will he/she/it ride?
Will you ride?
Will they ride?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have ridden.
You have ridden.
We have ridden.
He/She/It has ridden.
You have ridden.
They have ridden.
I have not ridden.
You have not ridden.
We have not ridden.
He/She/It has not ridden.
You have not ridden.
They have not ridden.
Have I ridden?
Have you ridden?
Have we ridden?
Has he/she/it ridden?
Have you ridden?
Have they ridden?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been riding.
You have been riding.
We have been riding.
He/She/It has been riding.
You have been riding.
They have been riding.
I have not been riding.
You have not been riding.
We have not been riding.
He/She/It has not been riding.
You have not been riding.
They have not been riding.
Have I been riding?
Have you been riding?
Have we been riding?
Has he/she/it been riding?
Have you been riding?
Have they been riding?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had ridden.
You had ridden.
We had ridden.
He/She/It had ridden.
You had ridden.
They had ridden.
I had not ridden.
You had not ridden.
We had not ridden.
He/She/It had not ridden.
You had not ridden.
They had not ridden.
Had I ridden?
Had you ridden?
Had we ridden?
Had he/she/it ridden?
Had you ridden?
Had they ridden?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been riding.
You had been riding.
We had been riding.
He/She/It had been riding.
You had been riding.
They had been riding.
I had not been riding.
You had not been riding.
We had not been riding.
He/She/It had not been riding.
You had not been riding.
They had not been riding.
Had I been riding?
Had you been riding?
Had we been riding?
Had he/she/it been riding?
Had you been riding?
Had they been riding?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have ridden.
You will have ridden.
We will have ridden.
He/She/It will have ridden.
You will have ridden.
They will have ridden.
I will not have ridden.
You will not have ridden.
We will not have ridden.
He/She/It will not have ridden.
You will not have ridden.
They will not have ridden.
Will I have ridden?
Will you have ridden?
Will we have ridden?
Will he/she/it have ridden?
Will you have ridden?
Will they have ridden?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would ride.
You would ride.
We would ride.
He/She/It would ride.
You would ride.
They would ride.
I would not ride.
You would not ride.
We would not ride.
He/She/It would not ride.
You would not ride.
They would not ride.
Would I ride?
Would you ride?
Would we ride?
Would he/she/it ride?
Would you ride?
Would they ride?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have ridden.
You would have ridden.
We would have ridden.
He/She/It would have ridden.
You would have ridden.
They would have ridden.
I would not have ridden.
You would not have ridden.
We would not have ridden.
He/She/It would not have ridden.
You would not have ridden.
They would not have ridden.
Would I have ridden?
Would you have ridden?
Would we have ridden?
Would he/she/it have ridden?
Would you have ridden?
Would they have ridden?

to run correr
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To run"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I run.
You run.
We run.
He/She/It runs.
You run.
They run.
I do not run.
You do not run.
We do not run.
He/She/It does not run.
You do not run.
They do not run.
Do I run?
Do you run?
Do we run?
Does he/she/it run?
Do you run?
Do they run?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am running.
You are running.
We are running.
He/She/It is running.
You are running.
They are running.
I am not running.
You are not running.
We are not running.
He/She/It is not running.
You are not running.
They are not running.
Am I running?
Are you running?
Are we running?
Is he/she/it running?
Are you running?
Are they running?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I ran.
You ran.
We ran.
He/She/It ran.
You ran.
They ran.
I did not run.
You did not run.
We did not run.
He/She/It did not run.
You did not run.
They did not run.
Did I run?
Did you run?
Did we run?
Did he/she/it run?
Did you run?
Did they run?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was running.
You were running.
We were running.
He/She/It was running.
You were running.
They were running.
I was not running.
You were not running.
We were not running.
He/She/It was not running.
You were not running.
They were not running.
Was I running?
Were you running?
Were we running?
Was he/she/it running?
Were you running?
Were they running?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will run.
You will run.
We will run.
He/She/It will run.
You will run.
They will run.
I will not run.
You will not run.
We will not run.
He/She/It will not run.
You will not run.
They will not run.
Will I run?
Will you run?
Will we run?
Will he/she/it run?
Will you run?
Will they run?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have run.
You have run.
We have run.
He/She/It has run.
You have run.
They have run.
I have not run.
You have not run.
We have not run.
He/She/It has not run.
You have not run.
They have not run.
Have I run?
Have you run?
Have we run?
Has he/she/it run?
Have you run?
Have they run?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been running.
You have been running.
We have been running.
He/She/It has been running.
You have been running.
They have been running.
I have not been running.
You have not been running.
We have not been running.
He/She/It has not been running.
You have not been running.
They have not been running.
Have I been running?
Have you been running?
Have we been running?
Has he/she/it been running?
Have you been running?
Have they been running?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had run.
You had run.
We had run.
He/She/It had run.
You had run.
They had run.
I had not run.
You had not run.
We had not run.
He/She/It had not run.
You had not run.
They had not run.
Had I run?
Had you run?
Had we run?
Had he/she/it run?
Had you run?
Had they run?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been running.
You had been running.
We had been running.
He/She/It had been running.
You had been running.
They had been running.
I had not been running.
You had not been running.
We had not been running.
He/She/It had not been running.
You had not been running.
They had not been running.
Had I been running?
Had you been running?
Had we been running?
Had he/she/it been running?
Had you been running?
Had they been running?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have run.
You will have run.
We will have run.
He/She/It will have run.
You will have run.
They will have run.
I will not have run.
You will not have run.
We will not have run.
He/She/It will not have run.
You will not have run.
They will not have run.
Will I have run?
Will you have run?
Will we have run?
Will he/she/it have run?
Will you have run?
Will they have run?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would run.
You would run.
We would run.
He/She/It would run.
You would run.
They would run.
I would not run.
You would not run.
We would not run.
He/She/It would not run.
You would not run.
They would not run.
Would I run?
Would you run?
Would we run?
Would he/she/it run?
Would you run?
Would they run?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have run.
You would have run.
We would have run.
He/She/It would have run.
You would have run.
They would have run.
I would not have run.
You would not have run.
We would not have run.
He/She/It would not have run.
You would not have run.
They would not have run.
Would I have run?
Would you have run?
Would we have run?
Would he/she/it have run?
Would you have run?
Would they have run?

to say decir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To say"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I say.
You say.
We say.
He/She/It says.
You say.
They say.
I do not say.
You do not say.
We do not say.
He/She/It does not say.
You do not say.
They do not say.
Do I say?
Do you say?
Do we say?
Does he/she/it say?
Do you say?
Do they say?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am saying.
You are saying.
We are saying.
He/She/It is saying.
You are saying.
They are saying.
I am not saying.
You are not saying.
We are not saying.
He/She/It is not saying.
You are not saying.
They are not saying.
Am I saying?
Are you saying?
Are we saying?
Is he/she/it saying?
Are you saying?
Are they saying?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I said.
You said.
We said.
He/She/It said.
You said.
They said.
I did not say.
You did not say.
We did not say.
He/She/It did not say.
You did not say.
They did not say.
Did I say?
Did you say?
Did we say?
Did he/she/it say?
Did you say?
Did they say?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was saying.
You were saying.
We were saying.
He/She/It was saying.
You were saying.
They were saying.
I was not saying.
You were not saying.
We were not saying.
He/She/It was not saying.
You were not saying.
They were not saying.
Was I saying?
Were you saying?
Were we saying?
Was he/she/it saying?
Were you saying?
Were they saying?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will say.
You will say.
We will say.
He/She/It will say.
You will say.
They will say.
I will not say.
You will not say.
We will not say.
He/She/It will not say.
You will not say.
They will not say.
Will I say?
Will you say?
Will we say?
Will he/she/it say?
Will you say?
Will they say?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have said.
You have said.
We have said.
He/She/It has said.
You have said.
They have said.
I have not said.
You have not said.
We have not said.
He/She/It has not said.
You have not said.
They have not said.
Have I said?
Have you said?
Have we said?
Has he/she/it said?
Have you said?
Have they said?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been saying.
You have been saying.
We have been saying.
He/She/It has been saying.
You have been saying.
They have been saying.
I have not been saying.
You have not been saying.
We have not been saying.
He/She/It has not been saying.
You have not been saying.
They have not been saying.
Have I been saying?
Have you been saying?
Have we been saying?
Has he/she/it been saying?
Have you been saying?
Have they been saying?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had said.
You had said.
We had said.
He/She/It had said.
You had said.
They had said.
I had not said.
You had not said.
We had not said.
He/She/It had not said.
You had not said.
They had not said.
Had I said?
Had you said?
Had we said?
Had he/she/it said?
Had you said?
Had they said?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been saying.
You had been saying.
We had been saying.
He/She/It had been saying.
You had been saying.
They had been saying.
I had not been saying.
You had not been saying.
We had not been saying.
He/She/It had not been saying.
You had not been saying.
They had not been saying.
Had I been saying?
Had you been saying?
Had we been saying?
Had he/she/it been saying?
Had you been saying?
Had they been saying?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have said.
You will have said.
We will have said.
He/She/It will have said.
You will have said.
They will have said.
I will not have said.
You will not have said.
We will not have said.
He/She/It will not have said.
You will not have said.
They will not have said.
Will I have said?
Will you have said?
Will we have said?
Will he/she/it have said?
Will you have said?
Will they have said?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would say.
You would say.
We would say.
He/She/It would say.
You would say.
They would say.
I would not say.
You would not say.
We would not say.
He/She/It would not say.
You would not say.
They would not say.
Would I say?
Would you say?
Would we say?
Would he/she/it say?
Would you say?
Would they say?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have said.
You would have said.
We would have said.
He/She/It would have said.
You would have said.
They would have said.
I would not have said.
You would not have said.
We would not have said.
He/She/It would not have said.
You would not have said.
They would not have said.
Would I have said?
Would you have said?
Would we have said?
Would he/she/it have said?
Would you have said?
Would they have said?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To see"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I see.
You see.
We see.
He/She/It sees.
You see.
They see.
I do not see.
You do not see.
We do not see.
He/She/It does not see.
You do not see.
They do not see.
Do I see?
Do you see?
Do we see?
Does he/she/it see?
Do you see?
Do they see?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am seeing.
You are seeing.
We are seeing.
He/She/It is seeing.
You are seeing.
They are seeing.
I am not seeing.
You are not seeing.
We are not seeing.
He/She/It is not seeing.
You are not seeing.
They are not seeing.
Am I seeing?
Are you seeing?
Are we seeing?
Is he/she/it seeing?
Are you seeing?
Are they seeing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I saw.
You saw.
We saw.
He/She/It saw.
You saw.
They saw.
I did not see.
You did not see.
We did not see.
He/She/It did not see.
You did not see.
They did not see.
Did I see?
Did you see?
Did we see?
Did he/she/it see?
Did you see?
Did they see?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was seeing.
You were seeing.
We were seeing.
He/She/It was seeing.
You were seeing.
They were seeing.
I was not seeing.
You were not seeing.
We were not seeing.
He/She/It was not seeing.
You were not seeing.
They were not seeing.
Was I seeing?
Were you seeing?
Were we seeing?
Was he/she/it seeing?
Were you seeing?
Were they seeing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will see.
You will see.
We will see.
He/She/It will see.
You will see.
They will see.
I will not see.
You will not see.
We will not see.
He/She/It will not see.
You will not see.
They will not see.
Will I see?
Will you see?
Will we see?
Will he/she/it see?
Will you see?
Will they see?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have seen.
You have seen.
We have seen.
He/She/It has seen.
You have seen.
They have seen.
I have not seen.
You have not seen.
We have not seen.
He/She/It has not seen.
You have not seen.
They have not seen.
Have I seen?
Have you seen?
Have we seen?
Has he/she/it seen?
Have you seen?
Have they seen?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been seeing.
You have been seeing.
We have been seeing.
He/She/It has been seeing.
You have been seeing.
They have been seeing.
I have not been seeing.
You have not been seeing.
We have not been seeing.
He/She/It has not been seeing.
You have not been seeing.
They have not been seeing.
Have I been seeing?
Have you been seeing?
Have we been seeing?
Has he/she/it been seeing?
Have you been seeing?
Have they been seeing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had seen.
You had seen.
We had seen.
He/She/It had seen.
You had seen.
They had seen.
I had not seen.
You had not seen.
We had not seen.
He/She/It had not seen.
You had not seen.
They had not seen.
Had I seen?
Had you seen?
Had we seen?
Had he/she/it seen?
Had you seen?
Had they seen?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been seeing.
You had been seeing.
We had been seeing.
He/She/It had been seeing.
You had been seeing.
They had been seeing.
I had not been seeing.
You had not been seeing.
We had not been seeing.
He/She/It had not been seeing.
You had not been seeing.
They had not been seeing.
Had I been seeing?
Had you been seeing?
Had we been seeing?
Had he/she/it been seeing?
Had you been seeing?
Had they been seeing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have seen.
You will have seen.
We will have seen.
He/She/It will have seen.
You will have seen.
They will have seen.
I will not have seen.
You will not have seen.
We will not have seen.
He/She/It will not have seen.
You will not have seen.
They will not have seen.
Will I have seen?
Will you have seen?
Will we have seen?
Will he/she/it have seen?
Will you have seen?
Will they have seen?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would see.
You would see.
We would see.
He/She/It would see.
You would see.
They would see.
I would not see.
You would not see.
We would not see.
He/She/It would not see.
You would not see.
They would not see.
Would I see?
Would you see?
Would we see?
Would he/she/it see?
Would you see?
Would they see?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have seen.
You would have seen.
We would have seen.
He/She/It would have seen.
You would have seen.
They would have seen.
I would not have seen.
You would not have seen.
We would not have seen.
He/She/It would not have seen.
You would not have seen.
They would not have seen.
Would I have seen?
Would you have seen?
Would we have seen?
Would he/she/it have seen?
Would you have seen?
Would they have seen?

to sell vender
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To sell"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I sell.
You sell.
We sell.
He/She/It sells.
You sell.
They sell.
I do not sell.
You do not sell.
We do not sell.
He/She/It does not sell.
You do not sell.
They do not sell.
Do I sell?
Do you sell?
Do we sell?
Does he/she/it sell?
Do you sell?
Do they sell?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am selling.
You are selling.
We are selling.
He/She/It is selling.
You are selling.
They are selling.
I am not selling.
You are not selling.
We are not selling.
He/She/It is not selling.
You are not selling.
They are not selling.
Am I selling?
Are you selling?
Are we selling?
Is he/she/it selling?
Are you selling?
Are they selling?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I sold.
You sold.
We sold.
He/She/It sold.
You sold.
They sold.
I did not sell.
You did not sell.
We did not sell.
He/She/It did not sell.
You did not sell.
They did not sell.
Did I sell?
Did you sell?
Did we sell?
Did he/she/it sell?
Did you sell?
Did they sell?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was selling.
You were selling.
We were selling.
He/She/It was selling.
You were selling.
They were selling.
I was not selling.
You were not selling.
We were not selling.
He/She/It was not selling.
You were not selling.
They were not selling.
Was I selling?
Were you selling?
Were we selling?
Was he/she/it selling?
Were you selling?
Were they selling?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will sell.
You will sell.
We will sell.
He/She/It will sell.
You will sell.
They will sell.
I will not sell.
You will not sell.
We will not sell.
He/She/It will not sell.
You will not sell.
They will not sell.
Will I sell?
Will you sell?
Will we sell?
Will he/she/it sell?
Will you sell?
Will they sell?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have sold.
You have sold.
We have sold.
He/She/It has sold.
You have sold.
They have sold.
I have not sold.
You have not sold.
We have not sold.
He/She/It has not sold.
You have not sold.
They have not sold.
Have I sold?
Have you sold?
Have we sold?
Has he/she/it sold?
Have you sold?
Have they sold?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been selling.
You have been selling.
We have been selling.
He/She/It has been selling.
You have been selling.
They have been selling.
I have not been selling.
You have not been selling.
We have not been selling.
He/She/It has not been selling.
You have not been selling.
They have not been selling.
Have I been selling?
Have you been selling?
Have we been selling?
Has he/she/it been selling?
Have you been selling?
Have they been selling?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had sold.
You had sold.
We had sold.
He/She/It had sold.
You had sold.
They had sold.
I had not sold.
You had not sold.
We had not sold.
He/She/It had not sold.
You had not sold.
They had not sold.
Had I sold?
Had you sold?
Had we sold?
Had he/she/it sold?
Had you sold?
Had they sold?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been selling.
You had been selling.
We had been selling.
He/She/It had been selling.
You had been selling.
They had been selling.
I had not been selling.
You had not been selling.
We had not been selling.
He/She/It had not been selling.
You had not been selling.
They had not been selling.
Had I been selling?
Had you been selling?
Had we been selling?
Had he/she/it been selling?
Had you been selling?
Had they been selling?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have sold.
You will have sold.
We will have sold.
He/She/It will have sold.
You will have sold.
They will have sold.
I will not have sold.
You will not have sold.
We will not have sold.
He/She/It will not have sold.
You will not have sold.
They will not have sold.
Will I have sold?
Will you have sold?
Will we have sold?
Will he/she/it have sold?
Will you have sold?
Will they have sold?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would sell.
You would sell.
We would sell.
He/She/It would sell.
You would sell.
They would sell.
I would not sell.
You would not sell.
We would not sell.
He/She/It would not sell.
You would not sell.
They would not sell.
Would I sell?
Would you sell?
Would we sell?
Would he/she/it sell?
Would you sell?
Would they sell?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have sold.
You would have sold.
We would have sold.
He/She/It would have sold.
You would have sold.
They would have sold.
I would not have sold.
You would not have sold.
We would not have sold.
He/She/It would not have sold.
You would not have sold.
They would not have sold.
Would I have sold?
Would you have sold?
Would we have sold?
Would he/she/it have sold?
Would you have sold?
Would they have sold?

to send enviar; mandar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To send"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I send.
You send.
We send.
He/She/It sends.
You send.
They send.
I do not send.
You do not send.
We do not send.
He/She/It does not send.
You do not send.
They do not send.
Do I send?
Do you send?
Do we send?
Does he/she/it send?
Do you send?
Do they send?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am sending.
You are sending.
We are sending.
He/She/It is sending.
You are sending.
They are sending.
I am not sending.
You are not sending.
We are not sending.
He/She/It is not sending.
You are not sending.
They are not sending.
Am I sending?
Are you sending?
Are we sending?
Is he/she/it sending?
Are you sending?
Are they sending?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I sent.
You sent.
We sent.
He/She/It sent.
You sent.
They sent.
I did not send.
You did not send.
We did not send.
He/She/It did not send.
You did not send.
They did not send.
Did I send?
Did you send?
Did we send?
Did he/she/it send?
Did you send?
Did they send?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was sending.
You were sending.
We were sending.
He/She/It was sending.
You were sending.
They were sending.
I was not sending.
You were not sending.
We were not sending.
He/She/It was not sending.
You were not sending.
They were not sending.
Was I sending?
Were you sending?
Were we sending?
Was he/she/it sending?
Were you sending?
Were they sending?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will send.
You will send.
We will send.
He/She/It will send.
You will send.
They will send.
I will not send.
You will not send.
We will not send.
He/She/It will not send.
You will not send.
They will not send.
Will I send?
Will you send?
Will we send?
Will he/she/it send?
Will you send?
Will they send?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have sent.
You have sent.
We have sent.
He/She/It has sent.
You have sent.
They have sent.
I have not sent.
You have not sent.
We have not sent.
He/She/It has not sent.
You have not sent.
They have not sent.
Have I sent?
Have you sent?
Have we sent?
Has he/she/it sent?
Have you sent?
Have they sent?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been sending.
You have been sending.
We have been sending.
He/She/It has been sending.
You have been sending.
They have been sending.
I have not been sending.
You have not been sending.
We have not been sending.
He/She/It has not been sending.
You have not been sending.
They have not been sending.
Have I been sending?
Have you been sending?
Have we been sending?
Has he/she/it been sending?
Have you been sending?
Have they been sending?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had sent.
You had sent.
We had sent.
He/She/It had sent.
You had sent.
They had sent.
I had not sent.
You had not sent.
We had not sent.
He/She/It had not sent.
You had not sent.
They had not sent.
Had I sent?
Had you sent?
Had we sent?
Had he/she/it sent?
Had you sent?
Had they sent?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been sending.
You had been sending.
We had been sending.
He/She/It had been sending.
You had been sending.
They had been sending.
I had not been sending.
You had not been sending.
We had not been sending.
He/She/It had not been sending.
You had not been sending.
They had not been sending.
Had I been sending?
Had you been sending?
Had we been sending?
Had he/she/it been sending?
Had you been sending?
Had they been sending?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have sent.
You will have sent.
We will have sent.
He/She/It will have sent.
You will have sent.
They will have sent.
I will not have sent.
You will not have sent.
We will not have sent.
He/She/It will not have sent.
You will not have sent.
They will not have sent.
Will I have sent?
Will you have sent?
Will we have sent?
Will he/she/it have sent?
Will you have sent?
Will they have sent?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would send.
You would send.
We would send.
He/She/It would send.
You would send.
They would send.
I would not send.
You would not send.
We would not send.
He/She/It would not send.
You would not send.
They would not send.
Would I send?
Would you send?
Would we send?
Would he/she/it send?
Would you send?
Would they send?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have sent.
You would have sent.
We would have sent.
He/She/It would have sent.
You would have sent.
They would have sent.
I would not have sent.
You would not have sent.
We would not have sent.
He/She/It would not have sent.
You would not have sent.
They would not have sent.
Would I have sent?
Would you have sent?
Would we have sent?
Would he/she/it have sent?
Would you have sent?
Would they have sent?

to show mostrar; enseñar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To show"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I show.
You show.
We show.
He/She/It shows.
You show.
They show.
I do not show.
You do not show.
We do not show.
He/She/It does not show.
You do not show.
They do not show.
Do I show?
Do you show?
Do we show?
Does he/she/it show?
Do you show?
Do they show?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am showing.
You are showing.
We are showing.
He/She/It is showing.
You are showing.
They are showing.
I am not showing.
You are not showing.
We are not showing.
He/She/It is not showing.
You are not showing.
They are not showing.
Am I showing?
Are you showing?
Are we showing?
Is he/she/it showing?
Are you showing?
Are they showing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I showed.
You showed.
We showed.
He/She/It showed.
You showed.
They showed.
I did not show.
You did not show.
We did not show.
He/She/It did not show.
You did not show.
They did not show.
Did I show?
Did you show?
Did we show?
Did he/she/it show?
Did you show?
Did they show?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was showing.
You were showing.
We were showing.
He/She/It was showing.
You were showing.
They were showing.
I was not showing.
You were not showing.
We were not showing.
He/She/It was not showing.
You were not showing.
They were not showing.
Was I showing?
Were you showing?
Were we showing?
Was he/she/it showing?
Were you showing?
Were they showing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will show.
You will show.
We will show.
He/She/It will show.
You will show.
They will show.
I will not show.
You will not show.
We will not show.
He/She/It will not show.
You will not show.
They will not show.
Will I show?
Will you show?
Will we show?
Will he/she/it show?
Will you show?
Will they show?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have shown.
You have shown.
We have shown.
He/She/It has shown.
You have shown.
They have shown.
I have not shown.
You have not shown.
We have not shown.
He/She/It has not shown.
You have not shown.
They have not shown.
Have I shown?
Have you shown?
Have we shown?
Has he/she/it shown?
Have you shown?
Have they shown?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been showing.
You have been showing.
We have been showing.
He/She/It has been showing.
You have been showing.
They have been showing.
I have not been showing.
You have not been showing.
We have not been showing.
He/She/It has not been showing.
You have not been showing.
They have not been showing.
Have I been showing?
Have you been showing?
Have we been showing?
Has he/she/it been showing?
Have you been showing?
Have they been showing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had shown.
You had shown.
We had shown.
He/She/It had shown.
You had shown.
They had shown.
I had not shown.
You had not shown.
We had not shown.
He/She/It had not shown.
You had not shown.
They had not shown.
Had I shown?
Had you shown?
Had we shown?
Had he/she/it shown?
Had you shown?
Had they shown?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been showing.
You had been showing.
We had been showing.
He/She/It had been showing.
You had been showing.
They had been showing.
I had not been showing.
You had not been showing.
We had not been showing.
He/She/It had not been showing.
You had not been showing.
They had not been showing.
Had I been showing?
Had you been showing?
Had we been showing?
Had he/she/it been showing?
Had you been showing?
Had they been showing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have shown.
You will have shown.
We will have shown.
He/She/It will have shown.
You will have shown.
They will have shown.
I will not have shown.
You will not have shown.
We will not have shown.
He/She/It will not have shown.
You will not have shown.
They will not have shown.
Will I have shown?
Will you have shown?
Will we have shown?
Will he/she/it have shown?
Will you have shown?
Will they have shown?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would show.
You would show.
We would show.
He/She/It would show.
You would show.
They would show.
I would not show.
You would not show.
We would not show.
He/She/It would not show.
You would not show.
They would not show.
Would I show?
Would you show?
Would we show?
Would he/she/it show?
Would you show?
Would they show?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have shown.
You would have shown.
We would have shown.
He/She/It would have shown.
You would have shown.
They would have shown.
I would not have shown.
You would not have shown.
We would not have shown.
He/She/It would not have shown.
You would not have shown.
They would not have shown.
Would I have shown?
Would you have shown?
Would we have shown?
Would he/she/it have shown?
Would you have shown?
Would they have shown?

to sing cantar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To sing"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I sing.
You sing.
We sing.
He/She/It sings.
You sing.
They sing.
I do not sing.
You do not sing.
We do not sing.
He/She/It does not sing.
You do not sing.
They do not sing.
Do I sing?
Do you sing?
Do we sing?
Does he/she/it sing?
Do you sing?
Do they sing?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am singing.
You are singing.
We are singing.
He/She/It is singing.
You are singing.
They are singing.
I am not singing.
You are not singing.
We are not singing.
He/She/It is not singing.
You are not singing.
They are not singing.
Am I singing?
Are you singing?
Are we singing?
Is he/she/it singing?
Are you singing?
Are they singing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I sang.
You sang.
We sang.
He/She/It sang.
You sang.
They sang.
I did not sing.
You did not sing.
We did not sing.
He/She/It did not sing.
You did not sing.
They did not sing.
Did I sing?
Did you sing?
Did we sing?
Did he/she/it sing?
Did you sing?
Did they sing?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was singing.
You were singing.
We were singing.
He/She/It was singing.
You were singing.
They were singing.
I was not singing.
You were not singing.
We were not singing.
He/She/It was not singing.
You were not singing.
They were not singing.
Was I singing?
Were you singing?
Were we singing?
Was he/she/it singing?
Were you singing?
Were they singing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will sing.
You will sing.
We will sing.
He/She/It will sing.
You will sing.
They will sing.
I will not sing.
You will not sing.
We will not sing.
He/She/It will not sing.
You will not sing.
They will not sing.
Will I sing?
Will you sing?
Will we sing?
Will he/she/it sing?
Will you sing?
Will they sing?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have sung.
You have sung.
We have sung.
He/She/It has sung.
You have sung.
They have sung.
I have not sung.
You have not sung.
We have not sung.
He/She/It has not sung.
You have not sung.
They have not sung.
Have I sung?
Have you sung?
Have we sung?
Has he/she/it sung?
Have you sung?
Have they sung?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been singing.
You have been singing.
We have been singing.
He/She/It has been singing.
You have been singing.
They have been singing.
I have not been singing.
You have not been singing.
We have not been singing.
He/She/It has not been singing.
You have not been singing.
They have not been singing.
Have I been singing?
Have you been singing?
Have we been singing?
Has he/she/it been singing?
Have you been singing?
Have they been singing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had sung.
You had sung.
We had sung.
He/She/It had sung.
You had sung.
They had sung.
I had not sung.
You had not sung.
We had not sung.
He/She/It had not sung.
You had not sung.
They had not sung.
Had I sung?
Had you sung?
Had we sung?
Had he/she/it sung?
Had you sung?
Had they sung?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been singing.
You had been singing.
We had been singing.
He/She/It had been singing.
You had been singing.
They had been singing.
I had not been singing.
You had not been singing.
We had not been singing.
He/She/It had not been singing.
You had not been singing.
They had not been singing.
Had I been singing?
Had you been singing?
Had we been singing?
Had he/she/it been singing?
Had you been singing?
Had they been singing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have sung.
You will have sung.
We will have sung.
He/She/It will have sung.
You will have sung.
They will have sung.
I will not have sung.
You will not have sung.
We will not have sung.
He/She/It will not have sung.
You will not have sung.
They will not have sung.
Will I have sung?
Will you have sung?
Will we have sung?
Will he/she/it have sung?
Will you have sung?
Will they have sung?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would sing.
You would sing.
We would sing.
He/She/It would sing.
You would sing.
They would sing.
I would not sing.
You would not sing.
We would not sing.
He/She/It would not sing.
You would not sing.
They would not sing.
Would I sing?
Would you sing?
Would we sing?
Would he/she/it sing?
Would you sing?
Would they sing?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have sung.
You would have sung.
We would have sung.
He/She/It would have sung.
You would have sung.
They would have sung.
I would not have sung.
You would not have sung.
We would not have sung.
He/She/It would not have sung.
You would not have sung.
They would not have sung.
Would I have sung?
Would you have sung?
Would we have sung?
Would he/she/it have sung?
Would you have sung?
Would they have sung?

to sit sentarse
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To sit"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I sit.
You sit.
We sit.
He/She/It sits.
You sit.
They sit.
I do not sit.
You do not sit.
We do not sit.
He/She/It does not sit.
You do not sit.
They do not sit.
Do I sit?
Do you sit?
Do we sit?
Does he/she/it sit?
Do you sit?
Do they sit?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am sitting.
You are sitting.
We are sitting.
He/She/It is sitting.
You are sitting.
They are sitting.
I am not sitting.
You are not sitting.
We are not sitting.
He/She/It is not sitting.
You are not sitting.
They are not sitting.
Am I sitting?
Are you sitting?
Are we sitting?
Is he/she/it sitting?
Are you sitting?
Are they sitting?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I sat.
You sat.
We sat.
He/She/It sat.
You sat.
They sat.
I did not sit.
You did not sit.
We did not sit.
He/She/It did not sit.
You did not sit.
They did not sit.
Did I sit?
Did you sit?
Did we sit?
Did he/she/it sit?
Did you sit?
Did they sit?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was sitting.
You were sitting.
We were sitting.
He/She/It was sitting.
You were sitting.
They were sitting.
I was not sitting.
You were not sitting.
We were not sitting.
He/She/It was not sitting.
You were not sitting.
They were not sitting.
Was I sitting?
Were you sitting?
Were we sitting?
Was he/she/it sitting?
Were you sitting?
Were they sitting?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will sit.
You will sit.
We will sit.
He/She/It will sit.
You will sit.
They will sit.
I will not sit.
You will not sit.
We will not sit.
He/She/It will not sit.
You will not sit.
They will not sit.
Will I sit?
Will you sit?
Will we sit?
Will he/she/it sit?
Will you sit?
Will they sit?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have sat.
You have sat.
We have sat.
He/She/It has sat.
You have sat.
They have sat.
I have not sat.
You have not sat.
We have not sat.
He/She/It has not sat.
You have not sat.
They have not sat.
Have I sat?
Have you sat?
Have we sat?
Has he/she/it sat?
Have you sat?
Have they sat?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been sitting.
You have been sitting.
We have been sitting.
He/She/It has been sitting.
You have been sitting.
They have been sitting.
I have not been sitting.
You have not been sitting.
We have not been sitting.
He/She/It has not been sitting.
You have not been sitting.
They have not been sitting.
Have I been sitting?
Have you been sitting?
Have we been sitting?
Has he/she/it been sitting?
Have you been sitting?
Have they been sitting?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had sat.
You had sat.
We had sat.
He/She/It had sat.
You had sat.
They had sat.
I had not sat.
You had not sat.
We had not sat.
He/She/It had not sat.
You had not sat.
They had not sat.
Had I sat?
Had you sat?
Had we sat?
Had he/she/it sat?
Had you sat?
Had they sat?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been sitting.
You had been sitting.
We had been sitting.
He/She/It had been sitting.
You had been sitting.
They had been sitting.
I had not been sitting.
You had not been sitting.
We had not been sitting.
He/She/It had not been sitting.
You had not been sitting.
They had not been sitting.
Had I been sitting?
Had you been sitting?
Had we been sitting?
Had he/she/it been sitting?
Had you been sitting?
Had they been sitting?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have sat.
You will have sat.
We will have sat.
He/She/It will have sat.
You will have sat.
They will have sat.
I will not have sat.
You will not have sat.
We will not have sat.
He/She/It will not have sat.
You will not have sat.
They will not have sat.
Will I have sat?
Will you have sat?
Will we have sat?
Will he/she/it have sat?
Will you have sat?
Will they have sat?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would sit.
You would sit.
We would sit.
He/She/It would sit.
You would sit.
They would sit.
I would not sit.
You would not sit.
We would not sit.
He/She/It would not sit.
You would not sit.
They would not sit.
Would I sit?
Would you sit?
Would we sit?
Would he/she/it sit?
Would you sit?
Would they sit?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have sat.
You would have sat.
We would have sat.
He/She/It would have sat.
You would have sat.
They would have sat.
I would not have sat.
You would not have sat.
We would not have sat.
He/She/It would not have sat.
You would not have sat.
They would not have sat.
Would I have sat?
Would you have sat?
Would we have sat?
Would he/she/it have sat?
Would you have sat?
Would they have sat?

to sleep dormir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To sleep"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I sleep.
You sleep.
We sleep.
He/She/It sleeps.
You sleep.
They sleep.
I do not sleep.
You do not sleep.
We do not sleep.
He/She/It does not sleep.
You do not sleep.
They do not sleep.
Do I sleep?
Do you sleep?
Do we sleep?
Does he/she/it sleep?
Do you sleep?
Do they sleep?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am sleeping.
You are sleeping.
We are sleeping.
He/She/It is sleeping.
You are sleeping.
They are sleeping.
I am not sleeping.
You are not sleeping.
We are not sleeping.
He/She/It is not sleeping.
You are not sleeping.
They are not sleeping.
Am I sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Are we sleeping?
Is he/she/it sleeping?
Are you sleeping?
Are they sleeping?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I slept.
You slept.
We slept.
He/She/It slept.
You slept.
They slept.
I did not sleep.
You did not sleep.
We did not sleep.
He/She/It did not sleep.
You did not sleep.
They did not sleep.
Did I sleep?
Did you sleep?
Did we sleep?
Did he/she/it sleep?
Did you sleep?
Did they sleep?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was sleeping.
You were sleeping.
We were sleeping.
He/She/It was sleeping.
You were sleeping.
They were sleeping.
I was not sleeping.
You were not sleeping.
We were not sleeping.
He/She/It was not sleeping.
You were not sleeping.
They were not sleeping.
Was I sleeping?
Were you sleeping?
Were we sleeping?
Was he/she/it sleeping?
Were you sleeping?
Were they sleeping?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will sleep.
You will sleep.
We will sleep.
He/She/It will sleep.
You will sleep.
They will sleep.
I will not sleep.
You will not sleep.
We will not sleep.
He/She/It will not sleep.
You will not sleep.
They will not sleep.
Will I sleep?
Will you sleep?
Will we sleep?
Will he/she/it sleep?
Will you sleep?
Will they sleep?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have slept.
You have slept.
We have slept.
He/She/It has slept.
You have slept.
They have slept.
I have not slept.
You have not slept.
We have not slept.
He/She/It has not slept.
You have not slept.
They have not slept.
Have I slept?
Have you slept?
Have we slept?
Has he/she/it slept?
Have you slept?
Have they slept?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been sleeping.
You have been sleeping.
We have been sleeping.
He/She/It has been sleeping.
You have been sleeping.
They have been sleeping.
I have not been sleeping.
You have not been sleeping.
We have not been sleeping.
He/She/It has not been sleeping.
You have not been sleeping.
They have not been sleeping.
Have I been sleeping?
Have you been sleeping?
Have we been sleeping?
Has he/she/it been sleeping?
Have you been sleeping?
Have they been sleeping?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had slept.
You had slept.
We had slept.
He/She/It had slept.
You had slept.
They had slept.
I had not slept.
You had not slept.
We had not slept.
He/She/It had not slept.
You had not slept.
They had not slept.
Had I slept?
Had you slept?
Had we slept?
Had he/she/it slept?
Had you slept?
Had they slept?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been sleeping.
You had been sleeping.
We had been sleeping.
He/She/It had been sleeping.
You had been sleeping.
They had been sleeping.
I had not been sleeping.
You had not been sleeping.
We had not been sleeping.
He/She/It had not been sleeping.
You had not been sleeping.
They had not been sleeping.
Had I been sleeping?
Had you been sleeping?
Had we been sleeping?
Had he/she/it been sleeping?
Had you been sleeping?
Had they been sleeping?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have slept.
You will have slept.
We will have slept.
He/She/It will have slept.
You will have slept.
They will have slept.
I will not have slept.
You will not have slept.
We will not have slept.
He/She/It will not have slept.
You will not have slept.
They will not have slept.
Will I have slept?
Will you have slept?
Will we have slept?
Will he/she/it have slept?
Will you have slept?
Will they have slept?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would sleep.
You would sleep.
We would sleep.
He/She/It would sleep.
You would sleep.
They would sleep.
I would not sleep.
You would not sleep.
We would not sleep.
He/She/It would not sleep.
You would not sleep.
They would not sleep.
Would I sleep?
Would you sleep?
Would we sleep?
Would he/she/it sleep?
Would you sleep?
Would they sleep?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have slept.
You would have slept.
We would have slept.
He/She/It would have slept.
You would have slept.
They would have slept.
I would not have slept.
You would not have slept.
We would not have slept.
He/She/It would not have slept.
You would not have slept.
They would not have slept.
Would I have slept?
Would you have slept?
Would we have slept?
Would he/she/it have slept?
Would you have slept?
Would they have slept?

to speak hablar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To speak"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I speak.
You speak.
We speak.
He/She/It speaks.
You speak.
They speak.
I do not speak.
You do not speak.
We do not speak.
He/She/It does not speak.
You do not speak.
They do not speak.
Do I speak?
Do you speak?
Do we speak?
Does he/she/it speak?
Do you speak?
Do they speak?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am speaking.
You are speaking.
We are speaking.
He/She/It is speaking.
You are speaking.
They are speaking.
I am not speaking.
You are not speaking.
We are not speaking.
He/She/It is not speaking.
You are not speaking.
They are not speaking.
Am I speaking?
Are you speaking?
Are we speaking?
Is he/she/it speaking?
Are you speaking?
Are they speaking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I spoke.
You spoke.
We spoke.
He/She/It spoke.
You spoke.
They spoke.
I did not speak.
You did not speak.
We did not speak.
He/She/It did not speak.
You did not speak.
They did not speak.
Did I speak?
Did you speak?
Did we speak?
Did he/she/it speak?
Did you speak?
Did they speak?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was speaking.
You were speaking.
We were speaking.
He/She/It was speaking.
You were speaking.
They were speaking.
I was not speaking.
You were not speaking.
We were not speaking.
He/She/It was not speaking.
You were not speaking.
They were not speaking.
Was I speaking?
Were you speaking?
Were we speaking?
Was he/she/it speaking?
Were you speaking?
Were they speaking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will speak.
You will speak.
We will speak.
He/She/It will speak.
You will speak.
They will speak.
I will not speak.
You will not speak.
We will not speak.
He/She/It will not speak.
You will not speak.
They will not speak.
Will I speak?
Will you speak?
Will we speak?
Will he/she/it speak?
Will you speak?
Will they speak?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have spoken.
You have spoken.
We have spoken.
He/She/It has spoken.
You have spoken.
They have spoken.
I have not spoken.
You have not spoken.
We have not spoken.
He/She/It has not spoken.
You have not spoken.
They have not spoken.
Have I spoken?
Have you spoken?
Have we spoken?
Has he/she/it spoken?
Have you spoken?
Have they spoken?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been speaking.
You have been speaking.
We have been speaking.
He/She/It has been speaking.
You have been speaking.
They have been speaking.
I have not been speaking.
You have not been speaking.
We have not been speaking.
He/She/It has not been speaking.
You have not been speaking.
They have not been speaking.
Have I been speaking?
Have you been speaking?
Have we been speaking?
Has he/she/it been speaking?
Have you been speaking?
Have they been speaking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had spoken.
You had spoken.
We had spoken.
He/She/It had spoken.
You had spoken.
They had spoken.
I had not spoken.
You had not spoken.
We had not spoken.
He/She/It had not spoken.
You had not spoken.
They had not spoken.
Had I spoken?
Had you spoken?
Had we spoken?
Had he/she/it spoken?
Had you spoken?
Had they spoken?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been speaking.
You had been speaking.
We had been speaking.
He/She/It had been speaking.
You had been speaking.
They had been speaking.
I had not been speaking.
You had not been speaking.
We had not been speaking.
He/She/It had not been speaking.
You had not been speaking.
They had not been speaking.
Had I been speaking?
Had you been speaking?
Had we been speaking?
Had he/she/it been speaking?
Had you been speaking?
Had they been speaking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have spoken.
You will have spoken.
We will have spoken.
He/She/It will have spoken.
You will have spoken.
They will have spoken.
I will not have spoken.
You will not have spoken.
We will not have spoken.
He/She/It will not have spoken.
You will not have spoken.
They will not have spoken.
Will I have spoken?
Will you have spoken?
Will we have spoken?
Will he/she/it have spoken?
Will you have spoken?
Will they have spoken?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would speak.
You would speak.
We would speak.
He/She/It would speak.
You would speak.
They would speak.
I would not speak.
You would not speak.
We would not speak.
He/She/It would not speak.
You would not speak.
They would not speak.
Would I speak?
Would you speak?
Would we speak?
Would he/she/it speak?
Would you speak?
Would they speak?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have spoken.
You would have spoken.
We would have spoken.
He/She/It would have spoken.
You would have spoken.
They would have spoken.
I would not have spoken.
You would not have spoken.
We would not have spoken.
He/She/It would not have spoken.
You would not have spoken.
They would not have spoken.
Would I have spoken?
Would you have spoken?
Would we have spoken?
Would he/she/it have spoken?
Would you have spoken?
Would they have spoken?

to spend gastar; pasar (tiempo)
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To spend"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I spend.
You spend.
We spend.
He/She/It spends.
You spend.
They spend.
I do not spend.
You do not spend.
We do not spend.
He/She/It does not spend.
You do not spend.
They do not spend.
Do I spend?
Do you spend?
Do we spend?
Does he/she/it spend?
Do you spend?
Do they spend?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am spending.
You are spending.
We are spending.
He/She/It is spending.
You are spending.
They are spending.
I am not spending.
You are not spending.
We are not spending.
He/She/It is not spending.
You are not spending.
They are not spending.
Am I spending?
Are you spending?
Are we spending?
Is he/she/it spending?
Are you spending?
Are they spending?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I spent.
You spent.
We spent.
He/She/It spent.
You spent.
They spent.
I did not spend.
You did not spend.
We did not spend.
He/She/It did not spend.
You did not spend.
They did not spend.
Did I spend?
Did you spend?
Did we spend?
Did he/she/it spend?
Did you spend?
Did they spend?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was spending.
You were spending.
We were spending.
He/She/It was spending.
You were spending.
They were spending.
I was not spending.
You were not spending.
We were not spending.
He/She/It was not spending.
You were not spending.
They were not spending.
Was I spending?
Were you spending?
Were we spending?
Was he/she/it spending?
Were you spending?
Were they spending?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will spend.
You will spend.
We will spend.
He/She/It will spend.
You will spend.
They will spend.
I will not spend.
You will not spend.
We will not spend.
He/She/It will not spend.
You will not spend.
They will not spend.
Will I spend?
Will you spend?
Will we spend?
Will he/she/it spend?
Will you spend?
Will they spend?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have spent.
You have spent.
We have spent.
He/She/It has spent.
You have spent.
They have spent.
I have not spent.
You have not spent.
We have not spent.
He/She/It has not spent.
You have not spent.
They have not spent.
Have I spent?
Have you spent?
Have we spent?
Has he/she/it spent?
Have you spent?
Have they spent?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been spending.
You have been spending.
We have been spending.
He/She/It has been spending.
You have been spending.
They have been spending.
I have not been spending.
You have not been spending.
We have not been spending.
He/She/It has not been spending.
You have not been spending.
They have not been spending.
Have I been spending?
Have you been spending?
Have we been spending?
Has he/she/it been spending?
Have you been spending?
Have they been spending?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had spent.
You had spent.
We had spent.
He/She/It had spent.
You had spent.
They had spent.
I had not spent.
You had not spent.
We had not spent.
He/She/It had not spent.
You had not spent.
They had not spent.
Had I spent?
Had you spent?
Had we spent?
Had he/she/it spent?
Had you spent?
Had they spent?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been spending.
You had been spending.
We had been spending.
He/She/It had been spending.
You had been spending.
They had been spending.
I had not been spending.
You had not been spending.
We had not been spending.
He/She/It had not been spending.
You had not been spending.
They had not been spending.
Had I been spending?
Had you been spending?
Had we been spending?
Had he/she/it been spending?
Had you been spending?
Had they been spending?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have spent.
You will have spent.
We will have spent.
He/She/It will have spent.
You will have spent.
They will have spent.
I will not have spent.
You will not have spent.
We will not have spent.
He/She/It will not have spent.
You will not have spent.
They will not have spent.
Will I have spent?
Will you have spent?
Will we have spent?
Will he/she/it have spent?
Will you have spent?
Will they have spent?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would spend.
You would spend.
We would spend.
He/She/It would spend.
You would spend.
They would spend.
I would not spend.
You would not spend.
We would not spend.
He/She/It would not spend.
You would not spend.
They would not spend.
Would I spend?
Would you spend?
Would we spend?
Would he/she/it spend?
Would you spend?
Would they spend?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have spent.
You would have spent.
We would have spent.
He/She/It would have spent.
You would have spent.
They would have spent.
I would not have spent.
You would not have spent.
We would not have spent.
He/She/It would not have spent.
You would not have spent.
They would not have spent.
Would I have spent?
Would you have spent?
Would we have spent?
Would he/she/it have spent?
Would you have spent?
Would they have spent?

to stand estar de pie
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To stand"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I stand.
You stand.
We stand.
He/She/It stands.
You stand.
They stand.
I do not stand.
You do not stand.
We do not stand.
He/She/It does not stand.
You do not stand.
They do not stand.
Do I stand?
Do you stand?
Do we stand?
Does he/she/it stand?
Do you stand?
Do they stand?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am standing.
You are standing.
We are standing.
He/She/It is standing.
You are standing.
They are standing.
I am not standing.
You are not standing.
We are not standing.
He/She/It is not standing.
You are not standing.
They are not standing.
Am I standing?
Are you standing?
Are we standing?
Is he/she/it standing?
Are you standing?
Are they standing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I stood.
You stood.
We stood.
He/She/It stood.
You stood.
They stood.
I did not stand.
You did not stand.
We did not stand.
He/She/It did not stand.
You did not stand.
They did not stand.
Did I stand?
Did you stand?
Did we stand?
Did he/she/it stand?
Did you stand?
Did they stand?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was standing.
You were standing.
We were standing.
He/She/It was standing.
You were standing.
They were standing.
I was not standing.
You were not standing.
We were not standing.
He/She/It was not standing.
You were not standing.
They were not standing.
Was I standing?
Were you standing?
Were we standing?
Was he/she/it standing?
Were you standing?
Were they standing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will stand.
You will stand.
We will stand.
He/She/It will stand.
You will stand.
They will stand.
I will not stand.
You will not stand.
We will not stand.
He/She/It will not stand.
You will not stand.
They will not stand.
Will I stand?
Will you stand?
Will we stand?
Will he/she/it stand?
Will you stand?
Will they stand?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have stood.
You have stood.
We have stood.
He/She/It has stood.
You have stood.
They have stood.
I have not stood.
You have not stood.
We have not stood.
He/She/It has not stood.
You have not stood.
They have not stood.
Have I stood?
Have you stood?
Have we stood?
Has he/she/it stood?
Have you stood?
Have they stood?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been standing.
You have been standing.
We have been standing.
He/She/It has been standing.
You have been standing.
They have been standing.
I have not been standing.
You have not been standing.
We have not been standing.
He/She/It has not been standing.
You have not been standing.
They have not been standing.
Have I been standing?
Have you been standing?
Have we been standing?
Has he/she/it been standing?
Have you been standing?
Have they been standing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had stood.
You had stood.
We had stood.
He/She/It had stood.
You had stood.
They had stood.
I had not stood.
You had not stood.
We had not stood.
He/She/It had not stood.
You had not stood.
They had not stood.
Had I stood?
Had you stood?
Had we stood?
Had he/she/it stood?
Had you stood?
Had they stood?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been standing.
You had been standing.
We had been standing.
He/She/It had been standing.
You had been standing.
They had been standing.
I had not been standing.
You had not been standing.
We had not been standing.
He/She/It had not been standing.
You had not been standing.
They had not been standing.
Had I been standing?
Had you been standing?
Had we been standing?
Had he/she/it been standing?
Had you been standing?
Had they been standing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have stood.
You will have stood.
We will have stood.
He/She/It will have stood.
You will have stood.
They will have stood.
I will not have stood.
You will not have stood.
We will not have stood.
He/She/It will not have stood.
You will not have stood.
They will not have stood.
Will I have stood?
Will you have stood?
Will we have stood?
Will he/she/it have stood?
Will you have stood?
Will they have stood?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would stand.
You would stand.
We would stand.
He/She/It would stand.
You would stand.
They would stand.
I would not stand.
You would not stand.
We would not stand.
He/She/It would not stand.
You would not stand.
They would not stand.
Would I stand?
Would you stand?
Would we stand?
Would he/she/it stand?
Would you stand?
Would they stand?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have stood.
You would have stood.
We would have stood.
He/She/It would have stood.
You would have stood.
They would have stood.
I would not have stood.
You would not have stood.
We would not have stood.
He/She/It would not have stood.
You would not have stood.
They would not have stood.
Would I have stood?
Would you have stood?
Would we have stood?
Would he/she/it have stood?
Would you have stood?
Would they have stood?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To steal"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I steal.
You steal.
We steal.
He/She/It steals.
You steal.
They steal.
I do not steal.
You do not steal.
We do not steal.
He/She/It does not steal.
You do not steal.
They do not steal.
Do I steal?
Do you steal?
Do we steal?
Does he/she/it steal?
Do you steal?
Do they steal?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am stealing.
You are stealing.
We are stealing.
He/She/It is stealing.
You are stealing.
They are stealing.
I am not stealing.
You are not stealing.
We are not stealing.
He/She/It is not stealing.
You are not stealing.
They are not stealing.
Am I stealing?
Are you stealing?
Are we stealing?
Is he/she/it stealing?
Are you stealing?
Are they stealing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I stole.
You stole.
We stole.
He/She/It stole.
You stole.
They stole.
I did not steal.
You did not steal.
We did not steal.
He/She/It did not steal.
You did not steal.
They did not steal.
Did I steal?
Did you steal?
Did we steal?
Did he/she/it steal?
Did you steal?
Did they steal?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was stealing.
You were stealing.
We were stealing.
He/She/It was stealing.
You were stealing.
They were stealing.
I was not stealing.
You were not stealing.
We were not stealing.
He/She/It was not stealing.
You were not stealing.
They were not stealing.
Was I stealing?
Were you stealing?
Were we stealing?
Was he/she/it stealing?
Were you stealing?
Were they stealing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will steal.
You will steal.
We will steal.
He/She/It will steal.
You will steal.
They will steal.
I will not steal.
You will not steal.
We will not steal.
He/She/It will not steal.
You will not steal.
They will not steal.
Will I steal?
Will you steal?
Will we steal?
Will he/she/it steal?
Will you steal?
Will they steal?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have stolen.
You have stolen.
We have stolen.
He/She/It has stolen.
You have stolen.
They have stolen.
I have not stolen.
You have not stolen.
We have not stolen.
He/She/It has not stolen.
You have not stolen.
They have not stolen.
Have I stolen?
Have you stolen?
Have we stolen?
Has he/she/it stolen?
Have you stolen?
Have they stolen?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been stealing.
You have been stealing.
We have been stealing.
He/She/It has been stealing.
You have been stealing.
They have been stealing.
I have not been stealing.
You have not been stealing.
We have not been stealing.
He/She/It has not been stealing.
You have not been stealing.
They have not been stealing.
Have I been stealing?
Have you been stealing?
Have we been stealing?
Has he/she/it been stealing?
Have you been stealing?
Have they been stealing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had stolen.
You had stolen.
We had stolen.
He/She/It had stolen.
You had stolen.
They had stolen.
I had not stolen.
You had not stolen.
We had not stolen.
He/She/It had not stolen.
You had not stolen.
They had not stolen.
Had I stolen?
Had you stolen?
Had we stolen?
Had he/she/it stolen?
Had you stolen?
Had they stolen?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been stealing.
You had been stealing.
We had been stealing.
He/She/It had been stealing.
You had been stealing.
They had been stealing.
I had not been stealing.
You had not been stealing.
We had not been stealing.
He/She/It had not been stealing.
You had not been stealing.
They had not been stealing.
Had I been stealing?
Had you been stealing?
Had we been stealing?
Had he/she/it been stealing?
Had you been stealing?
Had they been stealing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have stolen.
You will have stolen.
We will have stolen.
He/She/It will have stolen.
You will have stolen.
They will have stolen.
I will not have stolen.
You will not have stolen.
We will not have stolen.
He/She/It will not have stolen.
You will not have stolen.
They will not have stolen.
Will I have stolen?
Will you have stolen?
Will we have stolen?
Will he/she/it have stolen?
Will you have stolen?
Will they have stolen?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would steal.
You would steal.
We would steal.
He/She/It would steal.
You would steal.
They would steal.
I would not steal.
You would not steal.
We would not steal.
He/She/It would not steal.
You would not steal.
They would not steal.
Would I steal?
Would you steal?
Would we steal?
Would he/she/it steal?
Would you steal?
Would they steal?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have stolen.
You would have stolen.
We would have stolen.
He/She/It would have stolen.
You would have stolen.
They would have stolen.
I would not have stolen.
You would not have stolen.
We would not have stolen.
He/She/It would not have stolen.
You would not have stolen.
They would not have stolen.
Would I have stolen?
Would you have stolen?
Would we have stolen?
Would he/she/it have stolen?
Would you have stolen?
Would they have stolen?

Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To swim"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I swim.
You swim.
We swim.
He/She/It swims.
You swim.
They swim.
I do not swim.
You do not swim.
We do not swim.
He/She/It does not swim.
You do not swim.
They do not swim.
Do I swim?
Do you swim?
Do we swim?
Does he/she/it swim?
Do you swim?
Do they swim?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am swiming.
You are swiming.
We are swiming.
He/She/It is swiming.
You are swiming.
They are swiming.
I am not swiming.
You are not swiming.
We are not swiming.
He/She/It is not swiming.
You are not swiming.
They are not swiming.
Am I swiming?
Are you swiming?
Are we swiming?
Is he/she/it swiming?
Are you swiming?
Are they swiming?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I swam.
You swam.
We swam.
He/She/It swam.
You swam.
They swam.
I did not swim.
You did not swim.
We did not swim.
He/She/It did not swim.
You did not swim.
They did not swim.
Did I swim?
Did you swim?
Did we swim?
Did he/she/it swim?
Did you swim?
Did they swim?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was swiming.
You were swiming.
We were swiming.
He/She/It was swiming.
You were swiming.
They were swiming.
I was not swiming.
You were not swiming.
We were not swiming.
He/She/It was not swiming.
You were not swiming.
They were not swiming.
Was I swiming?
Were you swiming?
Were we swiming?
Was he/she/it swiming?
Were you swiming?
Were they swiming?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will swim.
You will swim.
We will swim.
He/She/It will swim.
You will swim.
They will swim.
I will not swim.
You will not swim.
We will not swim.
He/She/It will not swim.
You will not swim.
They will not swim.
Will I swim?
Will you swim?
Will we swim?
Will he/she/it swim?
Will you swim?
Will they swim?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have swum.
You have swum.
We have swum.
He/She/It has swum.
You have swum.
They have swum.
I have not swum.
You have not swum.
We have not swum.
He/She/It has not swum.
You have not swum.
They have not swum.
Have I swum?
Have you swum?
Have we swum?
Has he/she/it swum?
Have you swum?
Have they swum?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been swiming.
You have been swiming.
We have been swiming.
He/She/It has been swiming.
You have been swiming.
They have been swiming.
I have not been swiming.
You have not been swiming.
We have not been swiming.
He/She/It has not been swiming.
You have not been swiming.
They have not been swiming.
Have I been swiming?
Have you been swiming?
Have we been swiming?
Has he/she/it been swiming?
Have you been swiming?
Have they been swiming?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had swum.
You had swum.
We had swum.
He/She/It had swum.
You had swum.
They had swum.
I had not swum.
You had not swum.
We had not swum.
He/She/It had not swum.
You had not swum.
They had not swum.
Had I swum?
Had you swum?
Had we swum?
Had he/she/it swum?
Had you swum?
Had they swum?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been swiming.
You had been swiming.
We had been swiming.
He/She/It had been swiming.
You had been swiming.
They had been swiming.
I had not been swiming.
You had not been swiming.
We had not been swiming.
He/She/It had not been swiming.
You had not been swiming.
They had not been swiming.
Had I been swiming?
Had you been swiming?
Had we been swiming?
Had he/she/it been swiming?
Had you been swiming?
Had they been swiming?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have swum.
You will have swum.
We will have swum.
He/She/It will have swum.
You will have swum.
They will have swum.
I will not have swum.
You will not have swum.
We will not have swum.
He/She/It will not have swum.
You will not have swum.
They will not have swum.
Will I have swum?
Will you have swum?
Will we have swum?
Will he/she/it have swum?
Will you have swum?
Will they have swum?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would swim.
You would swim.
We would swim.
He/She/It would swim.
You would swim.
They would swim.
I would not swim.
You would not swim.
We would not swim.
He/She/It would not swim.
You would not swim.
They would not swim.
Would I swim?
Would you swim?
Would we swim?
Would he/she/it swim?
Would you swim?
Would they swim?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have swum.
You would have swum.
We would have swum.
He/She/It would have swum.
You would have swum.
They would have swum.
I would not have swum.
You would not have swum.
We would not have swum.
He/She/It would not have swum.
You would not have swum.
They would not have swum.
Would I have swum?
Would you have swum?
Would we have swum?
Would he/she/it have swum?
Would you have swum?
Would they have swum?

to take tomar; llevar; coger
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To take"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I take.
You take.
We take.
He/She/It takes.
You take.
They take.
I do not take.
You do not take.
We do not take.
He/She/It does not take.
You do not take.
They do not take.
Do I take?
Do you take?
Do we take?
Does he/she/it take?
Do you take?
Do they take?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am taking.
You are taking.
We are taking.
He/She/It is taking.
You are taking.
They are taking.
I am not taking.
You are not taking.
We are not taking.
He/She/It is not taking.
You are not taking.
They are not taking.
Am I taking?
Are you taking?
Are we taking?
Is he/she/it taking?
Are you taking?
Are they taking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I took.
You took.
We took.
He/She/It took.
You took.
They took.
I did not take.
You did not take.
We did not take.
He/She/It did not take.
You did not take.
They did not take.
Did I take?
Did you take?
Did we take?
Did he/she/it take?
Did you take?
Did they take?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was taking.
You were taking.
We were taking.
He/She/It was taking.
You were taking.
They were taking.
I was not taking.
You were not taking.
We were not taking.
He/She/It was not taking.
You were not taking.
They were not taking.
Was I taking?
Were you taking?
Were we taking?
Was he/she/it taking?
Were you taking?
Were they taking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will take.
You will take.
We will take.
He/She/It will take.
You will take.
They will take.
I will not take.
You will not take.
We will not take.
He/She/It will not take.
You will not take.
They will not take.
Will I take?
Will you take?
Will we take?
Will he/she/it take?
Will you take?
Will they take?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have taken.
You have taken.
We have taken.
He/She/It has taken.
You have taken.
They have taken.
I have not taken.
You have not taken.
We have not taken.
He/She/It has not taken.
You have not taken.
They have not taken.
Have I taken?
Have you taken?
Have we taken?
Has he/she/it taken?
Have you taken?
Have they taken?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been taking.
You have been taking.
We have been taking.
He/She/It has been taking.
You have been taking.
They have been taking.
I have not been taking.
You have not been taking.
We have not been taking.
He/She/It has not been taking.
You have not been taking.
They have not been taking.
Have I been taking?
Have you been taking?
Have we been taking?
Has he/she/it been taking?
Have you been taking?
Have they been taking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had taken.
You had taken.
We had taken.
He/She/It had taken.
You had taken.
They had taken.
I had not taken.
You had not taken.
We had not taken.
He/She/It had not taken.
You had not taken.
They had not taken.
Had I taken?
Had you taken?
Had we taken?
Had he/she/it taken?
Had you taken?
Had they taken?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been taking.
You had been taking.
We had been taking.
He/She/It had been taking.
You had been taking.
They had been taking.
I had not been taking.
You had not been taking.
We had not been taking.
He/She/It had not been taking.
You had not been taking.
They had not been taking.
Had I been taking?
Had you been taking?
Had we been taking?
Had he/she/it been taking?
Had you been taking?
Had they been taking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have taken.
You will have taken.
We will have taken.
He/She/It will have taken.
You will have taken.
They will have taken.
I will not have taken.
You will not have taken.
We will not have taken.
He/She/It will not have taken.
You will not have taken.
They will not have taken.
Will I have taken?
Will you have taken?
Will we have taken?
Will he/she/it have taken?
Will you have taken?
Will they have taken?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would take.
You would take.
We would take.
He/She/It would take.
You would take.
They would take.
I would not take.
You would not take.
We would not take.
He/She/It would not take.
You would not take.
They would not take.
Would I take?
Would you take?
Would we take?
Would he/she/it take?
Would you take?
Would they take?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have taken.
You would have taken.
We would have taken.
He/She/It would have taken.
You would have taken.
They would have taken.
I would not have taken.
You would not have taken.
We would not have taken.
He/She/It would not have taken.
You would not have taken.
They would not have taken.
Would I have taken?
Would you have taken?
Would we have taken?
Would he/she/it have taken?
Would you have taken?
Would they have taken?

to teach enseñar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To teach"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I teach.
You teach.
We teach.
He/She/It teaches.
You teach.
They teach.
I do not teach.
You do not teach.
We do not teach.
He/She/It does not teach.
You do not teach.
They do not teach.
Do I teach?
Do you teach?
Do we teach?
Does he/she/it teach?
Do you teach?
Do they teach?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am teaching.
You are teaching.
We are teaching.
He/She/It is teaching.
You are teaching.
They are teaching.
I am not teaching.
You are not teaching.
We are not teaching.
He/She/It is not teaching.
You are not teaching.
They are not teaching.
Am I teaching?
Are you teaching?
Are we teaching?
Is he/she/it teaching?
Are you teaching?
Are they teaching?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I taught.
You taught.
We taught.
He/She/It taught.
You taught.
They taught.
I did not teach.
You did not teach.
We did not teach.
He/She/It did not teach.
You did not teach.
They did not teach.
Did I teach?
Did you teach?
Did we teach?
Did he/she/it teach?
Did you teach?
Did they teach?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was teaching.
You were teaching.
We were teaching.
He/She/It was teaching.
You were teaching.
They were teaching.
I was not teaching.
You were not teaching.
We were not teaching.
He/She/It was not teaching.
You were not teaching.
They were not teaching.
Was I teaching?
Were you teaching?
Were we teaching?
Was he/she/it teaching?
Were you teaching?
Were they teaching?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will teach.
You will teach.
We will teach.
He/She/It will teach.
You will teach.
They will teach.
I will not teach.
You will not teach.
We will not teach.
He/She/It will not teach.
You will not teach.
They will not teach.
Will I teach?
Will you teach?
Will we teach?
Will he/she/it teach?
Will you teach?
Will they teach?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have taught.
You have taught.
We have taught.
He/She/It has taught.
You have taught.
They have taught.
I have not taught.
You have not taught.
We have not taught.
He/She/It has not taught.
You have not taught.
They have not taught.
Have I taught?
Have you taught?
Have we taught?
Has he/she/it taught?
Have you taught?
Have they taught?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been teaching.
You have been teaching.
We have been teaching.
He/She/It has been teaching.
You have been teaching.
They have been teaching.
I have not been teaching.
You have not been teaching.
We have not been teaching.
He/She/It has not been teaching.
You have not been teaching.
They have not been teaching.
Have I been teaching?
Have you been teaching?
Have we been teaching?
Has he/she/it been teaching?
Have you been teaching?
Have they been teaching?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had taught.
You had taught.
We had taught.
He/She/It had taught.
You had taught.
They had taught.
I had not taught.
You had not taught.
We had not taught.
He/She/It had not taught.
You had not taught.
They had not taught.
Had I taught?
Had you taught?
Had we taught?
Had he/she/it taught?
Had you taught?
Had they taught?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been teaching.
You had been teaching.
We had been teaching.
He/She/It had been teaching.
You had been teaching.
They had been teaching.
I had not been teaching.
You had not been teaching.
We had not been teaching.
He/She/It had not been teaching.
You had not been teaching.
They had not been teaching.
Had I been teaching?
Had you been teaching?
Had we been teaching?
Had he/she/it been teaching?
Had you been teaching?
Had they been teaching?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have taught.
You will have taught.
We will have taught.
He/She/It will have taught.
You will have taught.
They will have taught.
I will not have taught.
You will not have taught.
We will not have taught.
He/She/It will not have taught.
You will not have taught.
They will not have taught.
Will I have taught?
Will you have taught?
Will we have taught?
Will he/she/it have taught?
Will you have taught?
Will they have taught?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would teach.
You would teach.
We would teach.
He/She/It would teach.
You would teach.
They would teach.
I would not teach.
You would not teach.
We would not teach.
He/She/It would not teach.
You would not teach.
They would not teach.
Would I teach?
Would you teach?
Would we teach?
Would he/she/it teach?
Would you teach?
Would they teach?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have taught.
You would have taught.
We would have taught.
He/She/It would have taught.
You would have taught.
They would have taught.
I would not have taught.
You would not have taught.
We would not have taught.
He/She/It would not have taught.
You would not have taught.
They would not have taught.
Would I have taught?
Would you have taught?
Would we have taught?
Would he/she/it have taught?
Would you have taught?
Would they have taught?

to tell decir; contar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To tell"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I tell.
You tell.
We tell.
He/She/It tells.
You tell.
They tell.
I do not tell.
You do not tell.
We do not tell.
He/She/It does not tell.
You do not tell.
They do not tell.
Do I tell?
Do you tell?
Do we tell?
Does he/she/it tell?
Do you tell?
Do they tell?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am telling.
You are telling.
We are telling.
He/She/It is telling.
You are telling.
They are telling.
I am not telling.
You are not telling.
We are not telling.
He/She/It is not telling.
You are not telling.
They are not telling.
Am I telling?
Are you telling?
Are we telling?
Is he/she/it telling?
Are you telling?
Are they telling?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I told.
You told.
We told.
He/She/It told.
You told.
They told.
I did not tell.
You did not tell.
We did not tell.
He/She/It did not tell.
You did not tell.
They did not tell.
Did I tell?
Did you tell?
Did we tell?
Did he/she/it tell?
Did you tell?
Did they tell?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was telling.
You were telling.
We were telling.
He/She/It was telling.
You were telling.
They were telling.
I was not telling.
You were not telling.
We were not telling.
He/She/It was not telling.
You were not telling.
They were not telling.
Was I telling?
Were you telling?
Were we telling?
Was he/she/it telling?
Were you telling?
Were they telling?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will tell.
You will tell.
We will tell.
He/She/It will tell.
You will tell.
They will tell.
I will not tell.
You will not tell.
We will not tell.
He/She/It will not tell.
You will not tell.
They will not tell.
Will I tell?
Will you tell?
Will we tell?
Will he/she/it tell?
Will you tell?
Will they tell?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have told.
You have told.
We have told.
He/She/It has told.
You have told.
They have told.
I have not told.
You have not told.
We have not told.
He/She/It has not told.
You have not told.
They have not told.
Have I told?
Have you told?
Have we told?
Has he/she/it told?
Have you told?
Have they told?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been telling.
You have been telling.
We have been telling.
He/She/It has been telling.
You have been telling.
They have been telling.
I have not been telling.
You have not been telling.
We have not been telling.
He/She/It has not been telling.
You have not been telling.
They have not been telling.
Have I been telling?
Have you been telling?
Have we been telling?
Has he/she/it been telling?
Have you been telling?
Have they been telling?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had told.
You had told.
We had told.
He/She/It had told.
You had told.
They had told.
I had not told.
You had not told.
We had not told.
He/She/It had not told.
You had not told.
They had not told.
Had I told?
Had you told?
Had we told?
Had he/she/it told?
Had you told?
Had they told?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been telling.
You had been telling.
We had been telling.
He/She/It had been telling.
You had been telling.
They had been telling.
I had not been telling.
You had not been telling.
We had not been telling.
He/She/It had not been telling.
You had not been telling.
They had not been telling.
Had I been telling?
Had you been telling?
Had we been telling?
Had he/she/it been telling?
Had you been telling?
Had they been telling?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have told.
You will have told.
We will have told.
He/She/It will have told.
You will have told.
They will have told.
I will not have told.
You will not have told.
We will not have told.
He/She/It will not have told.
You will not have told.
They will not have told.
Will I have told?
Will you have told?
Will we have told?
Will he/she/it have told?
Will you have told?
Will they have told?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would tell.
You would tell.
We would tell.
He/She/It would tell.
You would tell.
They would tell.
I would not tell.
You would not tell.
We would not tell.
He/She/It would not tell.
You would not tell.
They would not tell.
Would I tell?
Would you tell?
Would we tell?
Would he/she/it tell?
Would you tell?
Would they tell?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have told.
You would have told.
We would have told.
He/She/It would have told.
You would have told.
They would have told.
I would not have told.
You would not have told.
We would not have told.
He/She/It would not have told.
You would not have told.
They would not have told.
Would I have told?
Would you have told?
Would we have told?
Would he/she/it have told?
Would you have told?
Would they have told?

to think pensar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To think"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I think.
You think.
We think.
He/She/It thinks.
You think.
They think.
I do not think.
You do not think.
We do not think.
He/She/It does not think.
You do not think.
They do not think.
Do I think?
Do you think?
Do we think?
Does he/she/it think?
Do you think?
Do they think?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am thinking.
You are thinking.
We are thinking.
He/She/It is thinking.
You are thinking.
They are thinking.
I am not thinking.
You are not thinking.
We are not thinking.
He/She/It is not thinking.
You are not thinking.
They are not thinking.
Am I thinking?
Are you thinking?
Are we thinking?
Is he/she/it thinking?
Are you thinking?
Are they thinking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I thought.
You thought.
We thought.
He/She/It thought.
You thought.
They thought.
I did not think.
You did not think.
We did not think.
He/She/It did not think.
You did not think.
They did not think.
Did I think?
Did you think?
Did we think?
Did he/she/it think?
Did you think?
Did they think?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was thinking.
You were thinking.
We were thinking.
He/She/It was thinking.
You were thinking.
They were thinking.
I was not thinking.
You were not thinking.
We were not thinking.
He/She/It was not thinking.
You were not thinking.
They were not thinking.
Was I thinking?
Were you thinking?
Were we thinking?
Was he/she/it thinking?
Were you thinking?
Were they thinking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will think.
You will think.
We will think.
He/She/It will think.
You will think.
They will think.
I will not think.
You will not think.
We will not think.
He/She/It will not think.
You will not think.
They will not think.
Will I think?
Will you think?
Will we think?
Will he/she/it think?
Will you think?
Will they think?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have thought.
You have thought.
We have thought.
He/She/It has thought.
You have thought.
They have thought.
I have not thought.
You have not thought.
We have not thought.
He/She/It has not thought.
You have not thought.
They have not thought.
Have I thought?
Have you thought?
Have we thought?
Has he/she/it thought?
Have you thought?
Have they thought?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been thinking.
You have been thinking.
We have been thinking.
He/She/It has been thinking.
You have been thinking.
They have been thinking.
I have not been thinking.
You have not been thinking.
We have not been thinking.
He/She/It has not been thinking.
You have not been thinking.
They have not been thinking.
Have I been thinking?
Have you been thinking?
Have we been thinking?
Has he/she/it been thinking?
Have you been thinking?
Have they been thinking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had thought.
You had thought.
We had thought.
He/She/It had thought.
You had thought.
They had thought.
I had not thought.
You had not thought.
We had not thought.
He/She/It had not thought.
You had not thought.
They had not thought.
Had I thought?
Had you thought?
Had we thought?
Had he/she/it thought?
Had you thought?
Had they thought?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been thinking.
You had been thinking.
We had been thinking.
He/She/It had been thinking.
You had been thinking.
They had been thinking.
I had not been thinking.
You had not been thinking.
We had not been thinking.
He/She/It had not been thinking.
You had not been thinking.
They had not been thinking.
Had I been thinking?
Had you been thinking?
Had we been thinking?
Had he/she/it been thinking?
Had you been thinking?
Had they been thinking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have thought.
You will have thought.
We will have thought.
He/She/It will have thought.
You will have thought.
They will have thought.
I will not have thought.
You will not have thought.
We will not have thought.
He/She/It will not have thought.
You will not have thought.
They will not have thought.
Will I have thought?
Will you have thought?
Will we have thought?
Will he/she/it have thought?
Will you have thought?
Will they have thought?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would think.
You would think.
We would think.
He/She/It would think.
You would think.
They would think.
I would not think.
You would not think.
We would not think.
He/She/It would not think.
You would not think.
They would not think.
Would I think?
Would you think?
Would we think?
Would he/she/it think?
Would you think?
Would they think?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have thought.
You would have thought.
We would have thought.
He/She/It would have thought.
You would have thought.
They would have thought.
I would not have thought.
You would not have thought.
We would not have thought.
He/She/It would not have thought.
You would not have thought.
They would not have thought.
Would I have thought?
Would you have thought?
Would we have thought?
Would he/she/it have thought?
Would you have thought?
Would they have thought?

to throw tirar; lanzar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To throw"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I throw.
You throw.
We throw.
He/She/It throws.
You throw.
They throw.
I do not throw.
You do not throw.
We do not throw.
He/She/It does not throw.
You do not throw.
They do not throw.
Do I throw?
Do you throw?
Do we throw?
Does he/she/it throw?
Do you throw?
Do they throw?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am throwing.
You are throwing.
We are throwing.
He/She/It is throwing.
You are throwing.
They are throwing.
I am not throwing.
You are not throwing.
We are not throwing.
He/She/It is not throwing.
You are not throwing.
They are not throwing.
Am I throwing?
Are you throwing?
Are we throwing?
Is he/she/it throwing?
Are you throwing?
Are they throwing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I threw.
You threw.
We threw.
He/She/It threw.
You threw.
They threw.
I did not throw.
You did not throw.
We did not throw.
He/She/It did not throw.
You did not throw.
They did not throw.
Did I throw?
Did you throw?
Did we throw?
Did he/she/it throw?
Did you throw?
Did they throw?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was throwing.
You were throwing.
We were throwing.
He/She/It was throwing.
You were throwing.
They were throwing.
I was not throwing.
You were not throwing.
We were not throwing.
He/She/It was not throwing.
You were not throwing.
They were not throwing.
Was I throwing?
Were you throwing?
Were we throwing?
Was he/she/it throwing?
Were you throwing?
Were they throwing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will throw.
You will throw.
We will throw.
He/She/It will throw.
You will throw.
They will throw.
I will not throw.
You will not throw.
We will not throw.
He/She/It will not throw.
You will not throw.
They will not throw.
Will I throw?
Will you throw?
Will we throw?
Will he/she/it throw?
Will you throw?
Will they throw?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have thrown.
You have thrown.
We have thrown.
He/She/It has thrown.
You have thrown.
They have thrown.
I have not thrown.
You have not thrown.
We have not thrown.
He/She/It has not thrown.
You have not thrown.
They have not thrown.
Have I thrown?
Have you thrown?
Have we thrown?
Has he/she/it thrown?
Have you thrown?
Have they thrown?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been throwing.
You have been throwing.
We have been throwing.
He/She/It has been throwing.
You have been throwing.
They have been throwing.
I have not been throwing.
You have not been throwing.
We have not been throwing.
He/She/It has not been throwing.
You have not been throwing.
They have not been throwing.
Have I been throwing?
Have you been throwing?
Have we been throwing?
Has he/she/it been throwing?
Have you been throwing?
Have they been throwing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had thrown.
You had thrown.
We had thrown.
He/She/It had thrown.
You had thrown.
They had thrown.
I had not thrown.
You had not thrown.
We had not thrown.
He/She/It had not thrown.
You had not thrown.
They had not thrown.
Had I thrown?
Had you thrown?
Had we thrown?
Had he/she/it thrown?
Had you thrown?
Had they thrown?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been throwing.
You had been throwing.
We had been throwing.
He/She/It had been throwing.
You had been throwing.
They had been throwing.
I had not been throwing.
You had not been throwing.
We had not been throwing.
He/She/It had not been throwing.
You had not been throwing.
They had not been throwing.
Had I been throwing?
Had you been throwing?
Had we been throwing?
Had he/she/it been throwing?
Had you been throwing?
Had they been throwing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have thrown.
You will have thrown.
We will have thrown.
He/She/It will have thrown.
You will have thrown.
They will have thrown.
I will not have thrown.
You will not have thrown.
We will not have thrown.
He/She/It will not have thrown.
You will not have thrown.
They will not have thrown.
Will I have thrown?
Will you have thrown?
Will we have thrown?
Will he/she/it have thrown?
Will you have thrown?
Will they have thrown?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would throw.
You would throw.
We would throw.
He/She/It would throw.
You would throw.
They would throw.
I would not throw.
You would not throw.
We would not throw.
He/She/It would not throw.
You would not throw.
They would not throw.
Would I throw?
Would you throw?
Would we throw?
Would he/she/it throw?
Would you throw?
Would they throw?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have thrown.
You would have thrown.
We would have thrown.
He/She/It would have thrown.
You would have thrown.
They would have thrown.
I would not have thrown.
You would not have thrown.
We would not have thrown.
He/She/It would not have thrown.
You would not have thrown.
They would not have thrown.
Would I have thrown?
Would you have thrown?
Would we have thrown?
Would he/she/it have thrown?
Would you have thrown?
Would they have thrown?

to understand entender; comprender
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To understand"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I understand.
You understand.
We understand.
He/She/It understands.
You understand.
They understand.
I do not understand.
You do not understand.
We do not understand.
He/She/It does not understand.
You do not understand.
They do not understand.
Do I understand?
Do you understand?
Do we understand?
Does he/she/it understand?
Do you understand?
Do they understand?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am understanding.
You are understanding.
We are understanding.
He/She/It is understanding.
You are understanding.
They are understanding.
I am not understanding.
You are not understanding.
We are not understanding.
He/She/It is not understanding.
You are not understanding.
They are not understanding.
Am I understanding?
Are you understanding?
Are we understanding?
Is he/she/it understanding?
Are you understanding?
Are they understanding?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I understood.
You understood.
We understood.
He/She/It understood.
You understood.
They understood.
I did not understand.
You did not understand.
We did not understand.
He/She/It did not understand.
You did not understand.
They did not understand.
Did I understand?
Did you understand?
Did we understand?
Did he/she/it understand?
Did you understand?
Did they understand?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was understanding.
You were understanding.
We were understanding.
He/She/It was understanding.
You were understanding.
They were understanding.
I was not understanding.
You were not understanding.
We were not understanding.
He/She/It was not understanding.
You were not understanding.
They were not understanding.
Was I understanding?
Were you understanding?
Were we understanding?
Was he/she/it understanding?
Were you understanding?
Were they understanding?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will understand.
You will understand.
We will understand.
He/She/It will understand.
You will understand.
They will understand.
I will not understand.
You will not understand.
We will not understand.
He/She/It will not understand.
You will not understand.
They will not understand.
Will I understand?
Will you understand?
Will we understand?
Will he/she/it understand?
Will you understand?
Will they understand?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have understood.
You have understood.
We have understood.
He/She/It has understood.
You have understood.
They have understood.
I have not understood.
You have not understood.
We have not understood.
He/She/It has not understood.
You have not understood.
They have not understood.
Have I understood?
Have you understood?
Have we understood?
Has he/she/it understood?
Have you understood?
Have they understood?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been understanding.
You have been understanding.
We have been understanding.
He/She/It has been understanding.
You have been understanding.
They have been understanding.
I have not been understanding.
You have not been understanding.
We have not been understanding.
He/She/It has not been understanding.
You have not been understanding.
They have not been understanding.
Have I been understanding?
Have you been understanding?
Have we been understanding?
Has he/she/it been understanding?
Have you been understanding?
Have they been understanding?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had understood.
You had understood.
We had understood.
He/She/It had understood.
You had understood.
They had understood.
I had not understood.
You had not understood.
We had not understood.
He/She/It had not understood.
You had not understood.
They had not understood.
Had I understood?
Had you understood?
Had we understood?
Had he/she/it understood?
Had you understood?
Had they understood?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been understanding.
You had been understanding.
We had been understanding.
He/She/It had been understanding.
You had been understanding.
They had been understanding.
I had not been understanding.
You had not been understanding.
We had not been understanding.
He/She/It had not been understanding.
You had not been understanding.
They had not been understanding.
Had I been understanding?
Had you been understanding?
Had we been understanding?
Had he/she/it been understanding?
Had you been understanding?
Had they been understanding?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have understood.
You will have understood.
We will have understood.
He/She/It will have understood.
You will have understood.
They will have understood.
I will not have understood.
You will not have understood.
We will not have understood.
He/She/It will not have understood.
You will not have understood.
They will not have understood.
Will I have understood?
Will you have understood?
Will we have understood?
Will he/she/it have understood?
Will you have understood?
Will they have understood?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would understand.
You would understand.
We would understand.
He/She/It would understand.
You would understand.
They would understand.
I would not understand.
You would not understand.
We would not understand.
He/She/It would not understand.
You would not understand.
They would not understand.
Would I understand?
Would you understand?
Would we understand?
Would he/she/it understand?
Would you understand?
Would they understand?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have understood.
You would have understood.
We would have understood.
He/She/It would have understood.
You would have understood.
They would have understood.
I would not have understood.
You would not have understood.
We would not have understood.
He/She/It would not have understood.
You would not have understood.
They would not have understood.
Would I have understood?
Would you have understood?
Would we have understood?
Would he/she/it have understood?
Would you have understood?
Would they have understood?

to wake despertar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To wake"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I wake.
You wake.
We wake.
He/She/It wakes.
You wake.
They wake.
I do not wake.
You do not wake.
We do not wake.
He/She/It does not wake.
You do not wake.
They do not wake.
Do I wake?
Do you wake?
Do we wake?
Does he/she/it wake?
Do you wake?
Do they wake?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am waking.
You are waking.
We are waking.
He/She/It is waking.
You are waking.
They are waking.
I am not waking.
You are not waking.
We are not waking.
He/She/It is not waking.
You are not waking.
They are not waking.
Am I waking?
Are you waking?
Are we waking?
Is he/she/it waking?
Are you waking?
Are they waking?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I woke.
You woke.
We woke.
He/She/It woke.
You woke.
They woke.
I did not wake.
You did not wake.
We did not wake.
He/She/It did not wake.
You did not wake.
They did not wake.
Did I wake?
Did you wake?
Did we wake?
Did he/she/it wake?
Did you wake?
Did they wake?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was waking.
You were waking.
We were waking.
He/She/It was waking.
You were waking.
They were waking.
I was not waking.
You were not waking.
We were not waking.
He/She/It was not waking.
You were not waking.
They were not waking.
Was I waking?
Were you waking?
Were we waking?
Was he/she/it waking?
Were you waking?
Were they waking?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will wake.
You will wake.
We will wake.
He/She/It will wake.
You will wake.
They will wake.
I will not wake.
You will not wake.
We will not wake.
He/She/It will not wake.
You will not wake.
They will not wake.
Will I wake?
Will you wake?
Will we wake?
Will he/she/it wake?
Will you wake?
Will they wake?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have woken.
You have woken.
We have woken.
He/She/It has woken.
You have woken.
They have woken.
I have not woken.
You have not woken.
We have not woken.
He/She/It has not woken.
You have not woken.
They have not woken.
Have I woken?
Have you woken?
Have we woken?
Has he/she/it woken?
Have you woken?
Have they woken?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been waking.
You have been waking.
We have been waking.
He/She/It has been waking.
You have been waking.
They have been waking.
I have not been waking.
You have not been waking.
We have not been waking.
He/She/It has not been waking.
You have not been waking.
They have not been waking.
Have I been waking?
Have you been waking?
Have we been waking?
Has he/she/it been waking?
Have you been waking?
Have they been waking?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had woken.
You had woken.
We had woken.
He/She/It had woken.
You had woken.
They had woken.
I had not woken.
You had not woken.
We had not woken.
He/She/It had not woken.
You had not woken.
They had not woken.
Had I woken?
Had you woken?
Had we woken?
Had he/she/it woken?
Had you woken?
Had they woken?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been waking.
You had been waking.
We had been waking.
He/She/It had been waking.
You had been waking.
They had been waking.
I had not been waking.
You had not been waking.
We had not been waking.
He/She/It had not been waking.
You had not been waking.
They had not been waking.
Had I been waking?
Had you been waking?
Had we been waking?
Had he/she/it been waking?
Had you been waking?
Had they been waking?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have woken.
You will have woken.
We will have woken.
He/She/It will have woken.
You will have woken.
They will have woken.
I will not have woken.
You will not have woken.
We will not have woken.
He/She/It will not have woken.
You will not have woken.
They will not have woken.
Will I have woken?
Will you have woken?
Will we have woken?
Will he/she/it have woken?
Will you have woken?
Will they have woken?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would wake.
You would wake.
We would wake.
He/She/It would wake.
You would wake.
They would wake.
I would not wake.
You would not wake.
We would not wake.
He/She/It would not wake.
You would not wake.
They would not wake.
Would I wake?
Would you wake?
Would we wake?
Would he/she/it wake?
Would you wake?
Would they wake?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have woken.
You would have woken.
We would have woken.
He/She/It would have woken.
You would have woken.
They would have woken.
I would not have woken.
You would not have woken.
We would not have woken.
He/She/It would not have woken.
You would not have woken.
They would not have woken.
Would I have woken?
Would you have woken?
Would we have woken?
Would he/she/it have woken?
Would you have woken?
Would they have woken?

to wear llevar puesto
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To wear"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I wear.
You wear.
We wear.
He/She/It wears.
You wear.
They wear.
I do not wear.
You do not wear.
We do not wear.
He/She/It does not wear.
You do not wear.
They do not wear.
Do I wear?
Do you wear?
Do we wear?
Does he/she/it wear?
Do you wear?
Do they wear?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am wearing.
You are wearing.
We are wearing.
He/She/It is wearing.
You are wearing.
They are wearing.
I am not wearing.
You are not wearing.
We are not wearing.
He/She/It is not wearing.
You are not wearing.
They are not wearing.
Am I wearing?
Are you wearing?
Are we wearing?
Is he/she/it wearing?
Are you wearing?
Are they wearing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I wore.
You wore.
We wore.
He/She/It wore.
You wore.
They wore.
I did not wear.
You did not wear.
We did not wear.
He/She/It did not wear.
You did not wear.
They did not wear.
Did I wear?
Did you wear?
Did we wear?
Did he/she/it wear?
Did you wear?
Did they wear?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was wearing.
You were wearing.
We were wearing.
He/She/It was wearing.
You were wearing.
They were wearing.
I was not wearing.
You were not wearing.
We were not wearing.
He/She/It was not wearing.
You were not wearing.
They were not wearing.
Was I wearing?
Were you wearing?
Were we wearing?
Was he/she/it wearing?
Were you wearing?
Were they wearing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will wear.
You will wear.
We will wear.
He/She/It will wear.
You will wear.
They will wear.
I will not wear.
You will not wear.
We will not wear.
He/She/It will not wear.
You will not wear.
They will not wear.
Will I wear?
Will you wear?
Will we wear?
Will he/she/it wear?
Will you wear?
Will they wear?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have worn.
You have worn.
We have worn.
He/She/It has worn.
You have worn.
They have worn.
I have not worn.
You have not worn.
We have not worn.
He/She/It has not worn.
You have not worn.
They have not worn.
Have I worn?
Have you worn?
Have we worn?
Has he/she/it worn?
Have you worn?
Have they worn?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been wearing.
You have been wearing.
We have been wearing.
He/She/It has been wearing.
You have been wearing.
They have been wearing.
I have not been wearing.
You have not been wearing.
We have not been wearing.
He/She/It has not been wearing.
You have not been wearing.
They have not been wearing.
Have I been wearing?
Have you been wearing?
Have we been wearing?
Has he/she/it been wearing?
Have you been wearing?
Have they been wearing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had worn.
You had worn.
We had worn.
He/She/It had worn.
You had worn.
They had worn.
I had not worn.
You had not worn.
We had not worn.
He/She/It had not worn.
You had not worn.
They had not worn.
Had I worn?
Had you worn?
Had we worn?
Had he/she/it worn?
Had you worn?
Had they worn?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been wearing.
You had been wearing.
We had been wearing.
He/She/It had been wearing.
You had been wearing.
They had been wearing.
I had not been wearing.
You had not been wearing.
We had not been wearing.
He/She/It had not been wearing.
You had not been wearing.
They had not been wearing.
Had I been wearing?
Had you been wearing?
Had we been wearing?
Had he/she/it been wearing?
Had you been wearing?
Had they been wearing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have worn.
You will have worn.
We will have worn.
He/She/It will have worn.
You will have worn.
They will have worn.
I will not have worn.
You will not have worn.
We will not have worn.
He/She/It will not have worn.
You will not have worn.
They will not have worn.
Will I have worn?
Will you have worn?
Will we have worn?
Will he/she/it have worn?
Will you have worn?
Will they have worn?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would wear.
You would wear.
We would wear.
He/She/It would wear.
You would wear.
They would wear.
I would not wear.
You would not wear.
We would not wear.
He/She/It would not wear.
You would not wear.
They would not wear.
Would I wear?
Would you wear?
Would we wear?
Would he/she/it wear?
Would you wear?
Would they wear?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have worn.
You would have worn.
We would have worn.
He/She/It would have worn.
You would have worn.
They would have worn.
I would not have worn.
You would not have worn.
We would not have worn.
He/She/It would not have worn.
You would not have worn.
They would not have worn.
Would I have worn?
Would you have worn?
Would we have worn?
Would he/she/it have worn?
Would you have worn?
Would they have worn?

to win ganar
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To win"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I win.
You win.
We win.
He/She/It wins.
You win.
They win.
I do not win.
You do not win.
We do not win.
He/She/It does not win.
You do not win.
They do not win.
Do I win?
Do you win?
Do we win?
Does he/she/it win?
Do you win?
Do they win?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am winning.
You are winning.
We are winning.
He/She/It is winning.
You are winning.
They are winning.
I am not winning.
You are not winning.
We are not winning.
He/She/It is not winning.
You are not winning.
They are not winning.
Am I winning?
Are you winning?
Are we winning?
Is he/she/it winning?
Are you winning?
Are they winning?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I won.
You won.
We won.
He/She/It won.
You won.
They won.
I did not win.
You did not win.
We did not win.
He/She/It did not win.
You did not win.
They did not win.
Did I win?
Did you win?
Did we win?
Did he/she/it win?
Did you win?
Did they win?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was winning.
You were winning.
We were winning.
He/She/It was winning.
You were winning.
They were winning.
I was not winning.
You were not winning.
We were not winning.
He/She/It was not winning.
You were not winning.
They were not winning.
Was I winning?
Were you winning?
Were we winning?
Was he/she/it winning?
Were you winning?
Were they winning?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will win.
You will win.
We will win.
He/She/It will win.
You will win.
They will win.
I will not win.
You will not win.
We will not win.
He/She/It will not win.
You will not win.
They will not win.
Will I win?
Will you win?
Will we win?
Will he/she/it win?
Will you win?
Will they win?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have won.
You have won.
We have won.
He/She/It has won.
You have won.
They have won.
I have not won.
You have not won.
We have not won.
He/She/It has not won.
You have not won.
They have not won.
Have I won?
Have you won?
Have we won?
Has he/she/it won?
Have you won?
Have they won?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been winning.
You have been winning.
We have been winning.
He/She/It has been winning.
You have been winning.
They have been winning.
I have not been winning.
You have not been winning.
We have not been winning.
He/She/It has not been winning.
You have not been winning.
They have not been winning.
Have I been winning?
Have you been winning?
Have we been winning?
Has he/she/it been winning?
Have you been winning?
Have they been winning?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had won.
You had won.
We had won.
He/She/It had won.
You had won.
They had won.
I had not won.
You had not won.
We had not won.
He/She/It had not won.
You had not won.
They had not won.
Had I won?
Had you won?
Had we won?
Had he/she/it won?
Had you won?
Had they won?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been winning.
You had been winning.
We had been winning.
He/She/It had been winning.
You had been winning.
They had been winning.
I had not been winning.
You had not been winning.
We had not been winning.
He/She/It had not been winning.
You had not been winning.
They had not been winning.
Had I been winning?
Had you been winning?
Had we been winning?
Had he/she/it been winning?
Had you been winning?
Had they been winning?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have won.
You will have won.
We will have won.
He/She/It will have won.
You will have won.
They will have won.
I will not have won.
You will not have won.
We will not have won.
He/She/It will not have won.
You will not have won.
They will not have won.
Will I have won?
Will you have won?
Will we have won?
Will he/she/it have won?
Will you have won?
Will they have won?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would win.
You would win.
We would win.
He/She/It would win.
You would win.
They would win.
I would not win.
You would not win.
We would not win.
He/She/It would not win.
You would not win.
They would not win.
Would I win?
Would you win?
Would we win?
Would he/she/it win?
Would you win?
Would they win?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have won.
You would have won.
We would have won.
He/She/It would have won.
You would have won.
They would have won.
I would not have won.
You would not have won.
We would not have won.
He/She/It would not have won.
You would not have won.
They would not have won.
Would I have won?
Would you have won?
Would we have won?
Would he/she/it have won?
Would you have won?
Would they have won?

to write escribir
Past simple
Past participle
Tabla de conjugación del verbo "To write"

Present Simple (Presente Simple)
I write.
You write.
We write.
He/She/It writes.
You write.
They write.
I do not write.
You do not write.
We do not write.
He/She/It does not write.
You do not write.
They do not write.
Do I write?
Do you write?
Do we write?
Does he/she/it write?
Do you write?
Do they write?

Present Simple Continuous (Presente Continuo)
I am writing.
You are writing.
We are writing.
He/She/It is writing.
You are writing.
They are writing.
I am not writing.
You are not writing.
We are not writing.
He/She/It is not writing.
You are not writing.
They are not writing.
Am I writing?
Are you writing?
Are we writing?
Is he/she/it writing?
Are you writing?
Are they writing?

Past Simple (Pasado Simple)
I wrote.
You wrote.
We wrote.
He/She/It wrote.
You wrote.
They wrote.
I did not write.
You did not write.
We did not write.
He/She/It did not write.
You did not write.
They did not write.
Did I write?
Did you write?
Did we write?
Did he/she/it write?
Did you write?
Did they write?

Past Continuous (Pasado Continuo)
I was writing.
You were writing.
We were writing.
He/She/It was writing.
You were writing.
They were writing.
I was not writing.
You were not writing.
We were not writing.
He/She/It was not writing.
You were not writing.
They were not writing.
Was I writing?
Were you writing?
Were we writing?
Was he/she/it writing?
Were you writing?
Were they writing?

Future Simple (Futuro Simple)
I will write.
You will write.
We will write.
He/She/It will write.
You will write.
They will write.
I will not write.
You will not write.
We will not write.
He/She/It will not write.
You will not write.
They will not write.
Will I write?
Will you write?
Will we write?
Will he/she/it write?
Will you write?
Will they write?

Present Perfect Simple (Presente Perfecto)
I have written.
You have written.
We have written.
He/She/It has written.
You have written.
They have written.
I have not written.
You have not written.
We have not written.
He/She/It has not written.
You have not written.
They have not written.
Have I written?
Have you written?
Have we written?
Has he/she/it written?
Have you written?
Have they written?

Present Perfect Continuous (Presente Perfecto Continuo)
I have been writing.
You have been writing.
We have been writing.
He/She/It has been writing.
You have been writing.
They have been writing.
I have not been writing.
You have not been writing.
We have not been writing.
He/She/It has not been writing.
You have not been writing.
They have not been writing.
Have I been writing?
Have you been writing?
Have we been writing?
Has he/she/it been writing?
Have you been writing?
Have they been writing?

Past Perfect Simple (Pasado Perfecto)
I had written.
You had written.
We had written.
He/She/It had written.
You had written.
They had written.
I had not written.
You had not written.
We had not written.
He/She/It had not written.
You had not written.
They had not written.
Had I written?
Had you written?
Had we written?
Had he/she/it written?
Had you written?
Had they written?

Past Perfect Continuous (Pasado Perfecto Continuo)
I had been writing.
You had been writing.
We had been writing.
He/She/It had been writing.
You had been writing.
They had been writing.
I had not been writing.
You had not been writing.
We had not been writing.
He/She/It had not been writing.
You had not been writing.
They had not been writing.
Had I been writing?
Had you been writing?
Had we been writing?
Had he/she/it been writing?
Had you been writing?
Had they been writing?

Future Perfect (Futuro Perfecto)
I will have written.
You will have written.
We will have written.
He/She/It will have written.
You will have written.
They will have written.
I will not have written.
You will not have written.
We will not have written.
He/She/It will not have written.
You will not have written.
They will not have written.
Will I have written?
Will you have written?
Will we have written?
Will he/she/it have written?
Will you have written?
Will they have written?

Conditional (Condicional)
I would write.
You would write.
We would write.
He/She/It would write.
You would write.
They would write.
I would not write.
You would not write.
We would not write.
He/She/It would not write.
You would not write.
They would not write.
Would I write?
Would you write?
Would we write?
Would he/she/it write?
Would you write?
Would they write?

Conditional Perfect (Condicional Perfecto)
I would have written.
You would have written.
We would have written.
He/She/It would have written.
You would have written.
They would have written.
I would not have written.
You would not have written.
We would not have written.
He/She/It would not have written.
You would not have written.
They would not have written.
Would I have written?
Would you have written?
Would we have written?
Would he/she/it have written?
Would you have written?
Would they have written?