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    Recursos Traductor

Don't stir the pot.

Resultado de la traducción
No revuelvas la olla. Don't stir the pot.

do sustantivo

1. An uproarious party.

The music festival was a huge "do", with thousands of people dancing and singing along to their favorite artists. El festival de música fue un "boom", con miles de personas bailando y cantando al compás de sus artistas favoritos.

2. The syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization.

In music theory class, we learned that the do is the foundation of every major scale, serving as the starting point for solmization. En la clase de teoría musical, aprendimos que el dó es la base de cada escala mayor, sirviendo como punto de partida para la solmisación.

3. Doctor's degree in osteopathy.

After completing his residency program, Dr. Smith proudly displayed his DO on his office wall, symbolizing his achievement of becoming an osteopathic physician. Después de completar su programa de residencia, el doctor Smith exhibió con orgullo su título DO en la pared de su consulta, simbolizando su logro de convertirse en médico osteópata.

stir verbo

1. Move an implement through.

Stir the soup Revuelve la sopa

2. Move very slightly.

He shifted in his seat Se movió en su asiento

3. Stir feelings in.

Stimulate my appetite estimular mi apetito

4. Stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of.

These stories shook the community Estas historias sacudieron a la comunidad

5. Affect emotionally.

A stirring movie Una película conmovedora

6. Summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic.

Raise the specter of unemployment Aumentar el espectro del desempleo

7. To begin moving, "as the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir".

8. Mix or add by stirring.

Stir nuts into the dough Incorpore las nueces a la masa

pot sustantivo

1. Metal or earthenware cooking vessel that is usually round and deep.

She carefully lifted the pot off the stove to avoid spilling the hot soup on her apron. Ella cuidadosamente levantó la olla del fogón para evitar que el caldo caliente se derramara en su delantal.

2. A plumbing fixture for defecation and urination.

After a long road trip, Sarah was relieved to find a clean pot at the rest stop, which allowed her to finally take care of her business. Después de un largo viaje en coche, Sarah se sintió aliviada al encontrar una olla limpia en el parador, lo que le permitió finalmente hacer sus necesidades.

3. The quantity contained in a pot.

The recipe calls for a pot of chicken soup, so make sure you have enough vegetables and seasonings on hand. La receta requiere una olla de sopa de pollo, así que asegúrese de tener suficientes vegetales y especias a mano.

4. A container in which plants are cultivated.

The gardener carefully planted the seedling into a small pot filled with rich soil to help it grow. El jardinero cuidadosamente plantó el planta en un pequeño vaso lleno de suelo rico para ayudarle a crecer.

5. (often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent.

The company is sitting on a pot of gold, having amassed a vast fortune through its innovative business strategies. La empresa está sentada sobre un pozo de oro, habiendo amasado una gran fortuna gracias a sus estrategias empresariales innovadoras.

6. The cumulative amount involved in a game (such as poker).

The pot was growing rapidly as more players joined the tournament, with some bets reaching as high as $1,000. El pot estaba creciendo rápidamente a medida que más jugadores se unían al torneo, con algunos apuestas alcanzando hasta $1.000.

7. Slang for a paunch.

After all those late-night feasts, John's pot had expanded significantly, and he was struggling to zip up his pants. Después de todas aquellas fiestas nocturnas, el tazón de John se había amplificado significativamente y él estaba luchando para subir la cremallera de sus pantalones.

8. A resistor with three terminals, the third being an adjustable center terminal.

The audio engineer carefully adjusted the pot on the mixing board to fine-tune the sound levels for the live concert. El ingeniero de audio ajustó cuidadosamente el potenciómetro en la mesa de mezcla para afinar los niveles de sonido para el concierto en vivo.

9. Street names for marijuana.