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    Resources Translator

Just his voz turns me on.

Resultado de la traducción
Sólo su voz me excita. Just his voz turns me on.

just adverbio

1. And nothing more.

I've just finished my homework, so I'm ready to go out with friends tonight. (Here, "just" indicates that the speaker has completed their homework and is now free to do something else.) Hecho mi tarea recién, así que estoy listo para salir con amigos esta noche." (Note: The translation is literal, maintaining the same structure and meaning as the original sentence.)

2. Indicating exactness or preciseness.

The scientist carefully measured the sample just to get the precise reading, ensuring accurate results in her research. El científico midió cuidadosamente la muestra solo para obtener la lectura precisa, asegurando resultados precisos en su investigación.

3. Only a moment ago.

I just received a text message from my friend, and now I have to respond immediately. Acabo de recibir un mensaje de texto de mi amigo y ahora tengo que responder inmediatamente.

4. Absolutely.

I'm just not going to tolerate this behavior anymore, I've had enough! (Here, "just" emphasizes that the speaker is absolutely unwilling to put up with the behavior.) No voy a tolerar esto más, ya estoy harto. (Aquí, "sólo" enfatiza que el hablante está absolutamente dispuesto a no aguantar este comportamiento).

5. Only a very short time before.

I just arrived from the party and am still catching my breath; it was so crazy! Acabo de llegar desde la fiesta y estoy todavía recuperándome; fue tan loco!

6. Exactly at this moment or the moment described.

I just arrived, so I haven't had a chance to unpack yet. Acabo de llegar, así que todavía no he tenido tiempo para desempaquetar aún.