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    Recursos Traductor

Money doesn't grow on trees.

Resultado de la traducción
El dinero no crece en los árboles. Money doesn't grow on trees.

money sustantivo

1. The most common medium of exchange.

After graduating from college, John finally had enough money to start his own business and pursue his lifelong passion. Después de graduarse de la universidad, Juan finalmente tuvo suficiente dinero para iniciar su propio negocio y perseguir su pasión vitalicia.

2. Wealth reckoned in terms of money.

After inheriting her grandmother's vast fortune, she had more than enough money to live comfortably for the rest of her life. Después de heredar la inmensa fortuna de su abuela, tenía más dinero del necesario para vivir cómodamente el resto de su vida.

3. The official currency issued by a government or national bank.

The traveler exchanged her foreign money for US dollars at the airport to avoid any issues with transactions. El viajero cambió su dinero extranjero por dólares estadounidenses en el aeropuerto para evitar problemas con las transacciones.

grow verb

1. Pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute.

The team's confidence grew as they won game after game in the tournament. La confianza del equipo creció a medida que ganaban partido tras partido en el torneo.

2. Become larger, greater, or bigger.

The company's profits began to grow rapidly after they launched their new marketing campaign. Los beneficios de la empresa comenzaron a crecer rápidamente después de lanzar su nueva campaña publicitaria.

3. Increase in size by natural process.

As the seasons changed, the seedlings began to grow into sturdy young plants that would eventually produce their own flowers and seeds. Mientras cambiaban las estaciones, los semilleros comenzaron a crecer en plantas jóvenes y robustas que eventualmente producirían sus propias flores y semillas.

4. Cause to grow or develop.

The farmer decided to use organic fertilizers to grow healthier crops and reduce environmental pollution. El agricultor decidió utilizar abonos orgánicos para cultivar cultivos más saludables y reducir la contaminación ambiental.

5. Develop and reach maturity.

The seedling will grow into a strong and healthy tree with proper care and nourishment. El semillero crecerá en un árbol fuerte y sano con cuidado y nutrición adecuados.

6. Come into existence.

The new technology will grow to revolutionize the way we live and work in the next decade. La nueva tecnología crecerá para revolucionar la forma en que vivimos y trabajamos en el próximo década.

7. Cultivate by growing, often involving improvements by means of agricultural techniques.

The farmer decided to grow organic tomatoes in his backyard garden, using compost and mulch to improve soil quality. El agricultor decidió cultivar tomates orgánicos en su jardín de patio posterior, utilizando composto y madera picada para mejorar la calidad del suelo.

8. Come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes).

As she entered her teenage years, Emma's hair began to grow longer and curlier, revealing a more mature look. Mientras entraba en sus años adolescentes, el cabello de Emma comenzó a crecer más largo y rizado, revelando un aspecto más maduro.

9. Grow emotionally or mature.

After going through therapy, she began to grow and develop emotional resilience, allowing her to cope with challenges more effectively. Después de pasar por terapia, comenzó a crecer y desarrollar una resistencia emocional, lo que le permitió abordar desafíos con mayor eficacia.

10. Become attached by or as if by the process of growth.

As she spent more time with her new family, Emma began to grow closer to them, feeling a sense of belonging that she had never known before. Mientras pasaba más tiempo con su nueva familia, Emma comenzó a acercarse a ellos, sintiendo un sentido de pertenencia que nunca había conocido antes.


Pronoun Conjugation
I grow.
You grow.
He/She/It grows.
We grow.
You grow.
They grow.
Complete conjugation.