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Shut up already! You're giving me a headache.

Resultado de la traducción
¡Cállate ya! Me estás dando dolor de cabeza. Shut up already! You're giving me a headache.

shut verbo

1. Move so that an opening or passage is obstructed.

As I walked away, I shut the door behind me to keep the cold air out of the house. Mientras caminaba hacia atrás, cerré la puerta detrás de mí para mantener el aire frío fuera de la casa.

2. Become closed.

The window shut with a loud creak, blocking out the sound of the traffic outside. La ventana se cerró con un fuerte crujido, bloqueando el sonido del tráfico exterior.

3. Prevent from entering.

The guard shut the gate to keep the curious onlookers out of the restricted area. El guardia cerró la puerta para mantener a los curiosos espectadores fuera del área restringida.


Pronombre Conjugación
I shut.
You shut.
He/She/It shuts.
We shut.
You shut.
They shut.
Conjugación completa.

already adverbio

1. Prior to a specified or implied time.

I had finished my homework already, so I could focus on playing video games before bed. Tengo mi tarea ya hecha, por lo que podía enfocarme en jugar videojuegos antes de acostarme.
By the time we arrived at the party, the cake was already cut and served, so we just grabbed a slice and mingled with the guests. Hasta que llegamos al party, el pastel ya estaba cortado y servido, por lo que simplemente nos llevamos un trozo y nos mezclamos con los invitados.
The company had already received several bids from different contractors when they decided to award the contract to our team. La empresa había recibido ya varias ofertas de diferentes contratistas cuando decidieron otorgar el contrato a nuestro equipo.

headache sustantivo

1. Something or someone that causes anxiety.

A source of unhappiness Una fuente de infelicidad

2. Pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction to drugs.