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Recursos TraductorWe are really looking forward to your visit!
We are really looking forward to your visit!
Resultado de la traducción
Te recogeremos en tu casa a las 6. We are really looking forward to your visit!
She supposed that it would rain tomorrow, so she packed her umbrella in her bag. Ella supuso que lllovería mañana, por lo que metió su paraguas en su bolsa.
2. expect, believe, or suppose.
I suppose it will rain tomorrow, so I'll bring an umbrella to work. Supongo que lluvirá mañana, así que llevaré un paraguas al trabajo.
3. to believe especially on uncertain or tentative grounds.
I suppose he's tired after working late, which is why he's not responding to my messages. Supongo que está cansado después de trabajar tarde, por lo que no responde a mis mensajes.
4. take for granted or as a given.
She supposes that her friends will always be there to support her, but sometimes they can't make it due to personal issues. Ella supone que sus amigos siempre estarán allí para apoyarla, pero a veces no pueden hacerlo debido a problemas personales.
5. require as a necessary antecedent or precondition.
The new policy supposes that all employees must undergo additional training before being considered for promotion. La nueva política supone que todos los empleados deben recibir capacitación adicional antes de ser considerados para promoción.
really adverbio
1. in accordance with truth or fact or reality.
The detective really examined the crime scene, taking note of every detail to build a strong case against the suspect. El detectives examinó realmente el escenario del crimen, anotando cada detalle para construir un caso fuerte contra el sospechoso.
2. in actual fact.
The new policy is really aimed at reducing carbon emissions, not just cutting costs. La nueva política realmente se enfoca en reducir las emisiones de carbono, no solo en cortar costos.
3. in fact (used as intensifiers or sentence modifiers).
I really love trying new foods, especially spicy ones! (In this sentence, "really" emphasizes the speaker's strong affection for trying new foods.) Me encanta probar nuevos alimentos, especialmente los picantes. (En esta oración, "realmente" enfatiza la fuerte afición del hablante por probar nuevos alimentos.)
4. used as intensifiers.
I'm really tired after that long hike, so let's head back to the hotel. Me siento realmente agotado después de esa larga caminata, así que volvamos al hotel.
board verbo
1. get on board of (trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.).
As I walked up to the train, I boarded the 8:05 AM express to New York City. Mientras caminaba hacia el tren, subí al expreso de las 8:05 a.m. a Nueva York.
2. live and take one's meals at or in.
The family boarded at the beachside resort for their summer vacation, enjoying fresh seafood every night. La familia se alojó en el resort de playa para sus vacaciones de verano y disfrutaba de mariscos frescos todas las noches.
3. lodge and take meals (at).
The weary traveler boarded at the cozy inn, where she was treated to a hearty breakfast and a warm welcome. El viajero cansado abordó en la acogedora posada, donde fue tratado con un desayuno abundante y una bienvenida cálida.
4. provide food and lodging (for).
The company boards its employees on business trips to ensure they have comfortable accommodations and a steady supply of meals. La empresa aloja a sus empleados en viajes de negocios para asegurarse de que tengan alojamientos cómodos y una provisión constante de comidas.
forward adverbio
1. at or to or toward the front.
The pilot flew the plane forward, navigating through the dense fog to reach the runway. El piloto voló el avión hacia adelante, navegando a través del espeso neblina para llegar al pista.
2. forward in time or order or degree.
The company is planning to launch its new product forward, which means it will be available for purchase six months earlier than initially expected. La empresa está planeando lanzar su nuevo producto con antelación, lo que significa que estará disponible para la compra seis meses antes de lo previsto inicialmente.
3. toward the future.
The company is looking forward to launching its new product line next quarter, which is expected to revolutionize the industry. La empresa está ansiosa por lanzar su nueva línea de productos en el próximo trimestre, que se espera revolucione la industria.
4. in a forward direction.
The hikers moved forward through the dense forest, careful not to trip on the roots and rocks. Los caminantes avanzaron a través el bosque denso, cuidadosos de no resbalar en las raíces y piedras.
5. near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane.
As we boarded the aircraft, the pilot instructed us to move forward to our designated seats. Mientras nos subíamos al avión, el piloto nos instruyó a movernos hacia adelante hasta nuestros asientos designados.
visit sustantivo
1. the act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time.
The patient's daily visit from her doctor helped alleviate her anxiety about the upcoming surgery. La visita diaria del paciente a su médico la ayudó a aliviar su ansiedad sobre la cirugía próxima.
2. a meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone (such as a doctor or lawyer) for treatment or advice.
The patient made an appointment for a visit with her dermatologist to discuss her skin condition. La paciente hizo un cita con su dermatólogo para discutir su condición cutánea.
3. the act of visiting in an official capacity (as for an inspection).
The factory inspector's visit was scheduled to take place next week to ensure compliance with safety regulations. La visita del inspektor de la fábrica estaba programada para tener lugar la próxima semana con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de las regulaciones de seguridad.
4. the act of going to see some person in a professional capacity.
The doctor made a visit to the patient's bedside to examine her condition and discuss treatment options. El médico realizó una visita al lado del paciente para examinar su condición y discutir opciones de tratamiento.
5. a temporary stay (e.g., as a guest).
The family enjoyed their weekend visit at Grandma's house, where they spent hours playing games and sharing stories. La familia disfrutó su visita fin de semana en la casa de la abuela, donde pasaron horas jugando juegos y compartiendo historias.