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    Recursos Traductor

You can't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Resultado de la traducción
A caballo regalado no se le miran los dientes. You can't look a gift horse in the mouth.

look verb

1. Perceive with attention.

As she walked into the room, she looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings, taking in every detail. Mientras entraba en la habitación, echó un vistazo a los alrededores desconocidos, absorbiendo cada detalle.

2. Give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect.

The new restaurant's modern decor looks sleek and sophisticated, making it an ideal spot for dates. El decorado moderno del nuevo restaurante tiene un aspecto elegante y refinado, lo que lo convierte en un lugar ideal para citas.

3. Have a certain outward or facial expression.

She looked puzzled at the unexpected news, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. Ella pareció desconcertada ante la sorprendente noticia, sus cejas arrugadas por la preocupación.

4. Search or seek.

The detective looked high and low for clues to solve the mystery. El detective buscó arriba y abajo por pistas para resolver el misterio.

5. Be oriented in a certain direction, often with respect to another reference point.

The pilot made sure to look north before landing the plane, ensuring they were on course for the airport. El piloto se aseguró de mirar hacia el norte antes de aterrizar el avión, lo que garantizaba que estuvieran en ruta para llegar al aeropuerto.

6. Take charge of or deal with.

The new manager was tasked to look into the company's financial struggles and come up with a plan to turn things around. El nuevo gerente fue encargado de investigar las dificultades financieras de la empresa y presentar un plan para revertir la situación.

7. Convey by one's expression.

She looked disappointed when she heard the news, and we all knew something was wrong. Ella pareció descontenta cuando escuchó la noticia, y todos sabíamos que algo iba mal.

8. Look forward to the probable occurrence of.

I'm looking to the future and expecting a major breakthrough in our company's technology department. Estoy mirando hacia el futuro y espero un avance importante en la departamento de tecnología de nuestra empresa.

9. Accord in appearance with.

The new restaurant's decor looks like a fusion of modern and vintage styles, creating a unique and eclectic atmosphere that appeals to a wide range of customers. El decorado del nuevo restaurante parece una fusión de estilos modernos y vintage, creando un ambiente único y ecléctico que atrae a una amplia gama de clientes.

10. Have faith or confidence in.

She looks to her mentor for guidance and support in her new career. Ella busca orientación y apoyo de su mentor en su nueva carrera.


Pronoun Conjugation
I look.
You look.
He/She/It looks.
We look.
You look.
They look.
Complete conjugation.

gift noun

1. Something acquired without compensation.

The newlyweds received a beautiful diamond necklace as a gift from their grandparents, which they cherished for years to come. Los recién casados recibieron un hermoso collar de diamantes como regalo de sus abuelos, que los custodiaron durante años por venir.

2. Natural abilities or qualities.

With her gift for music, she was able to compose beautiful melodies that captivated audiences worldwide. Con su don para la música, fue capaz de componer melodías bellas que cautivaron a los espectadores en todo el mundo.

3. The act of giving.

The generous philanthropist made it her gift to build a new hospital in the underserved community, providing access to quality healthcare for thousands. La filántropa generosa la hizo su regalo para construir un nuevo hospital en la comunidad desfavorecida, brindando acceso a atención médica de alta calidad a miles.

horse noun

1. Solid-hoofed herbivorous quadruped domesticated since prehistoric times.

The horse trotted majestically through the green meadow, its mane flowing in the gentle breeze. El caballo trotó majestuosamente a través el prado verde, su crinaje fluyendo en la brisa suave.

2. A padded gymnastic apparatus on legs.

The gymnast bounced and flipped across the horse, executing a flawless series of tumbling passes during her routine. La gimnasta saltó y se volcó por encima del caballo, ejecutando una serie impecable de pasadas de salto durante su rutina.

3. Troops trained to fight on horseback.

The cavalry, consisting of several hundred horses, charged into battle, their armor shining in the sunlight. La caballería, compuesta por varios cientos de caballos, cargó en batalla, su armadura brillando a la luz del sol.

4. A framework for holding wood that is being sawed.

The horse galloped across the open field, its mane flowing in the wind. El caballo galopó a través el campo abierto, su crin agitada por el viento.

5. A chessman shaped to resemble the head of a horse.

The knight on the board was a beautiful horse, its flowing mane and noble profile adding a touch of elegance to the game. El caballero en el tablero era un hermoso caballo, su crinera fluyendo y su perfil nobre añadiendo un toque de elegancia al juego.

mouth noun

1. The opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge.

After brushing her teeth, Sarah opened her mouth to let out a satisfied sigh after enjoying a delicious breakfast. Después de cepillar los dientes, Sara abrió la boca para soltar un suspiro satisfecho después de disfrutar un desayuno delicioso.

2. The externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening.

The doctor examined the patient's mouth to check for any signs of gum disease or tooth decay. El doctor examinó la boca del paciente para ver si había signos de enfermedad gomosa o caries dental.

3. An opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge).

The hikers followed the river through the narrow mouth of the canyon, marveling at the breathtaking scenery. Los senderistas siguieron el río a través de la estrecha boca del cañón, admirando la escena impresionante.

4. The point where a stream issues into a larger body of water.

The kayaker paddled downstream from the mouth of the river, marveling at the lush greenery that lined its banks. El kayacista remó aguas abajo desde la boca del río, admirando la exuberante vegetación que bordeaba sus márgenes.

5. A person conceived as a consumer of food.

The mouth is always the first to complain when the restaurant runs out of their favorite dishes. La boca es siempre la primera que se queja cuando el restaurante se acaba de sus platos favoritos.

6. A spokesperson (as a lawyer).

The lawyer was considered the mouth of the company, frequently addressing the media and speaking on behalf of their clients. El abogado era considerado la boca de la empresa, frecuentemente dirigiéndose a los medios y hablando en nombre de sus clientes.

7. An impudent or insolent rejoinder.

After John's sarcastic remark, his friend's mouth was full of insults, leaving everyone in the room uncomfortable. Después del comentario sarcástico de John, la boca de su amigo estaba llena de insultos, lo que dejó a todos en la habitación incómodos.

8. The opening of a jar or bottle.

To open the mouth of the jar, I needed to twist it counterclockwise. Para abrir la boca del tarro, necesité girarlo en sentido contrario de las manecillas del reloj.