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    Recursos Traductor


Resultado de la traducción
luchar pelear, combatir, pelearse, lucha, pelea, combate, batalla fight

fight verb

1. Be engaged in a fight.

The two boxers will fight tomorrow night at the arena. Los dos boxeadores lucharán mañana por la noche en el estadio.

2. Fight against or resist strongly.

The protesters fought against the government's oppressive policies, refusing to back down despite the heavy-handed tactics used by the authorities. Los manifestantes se enfrentaron a las políticas opresivas del gobierno, negándose a ceder pese a los métodos brutales utilizados por las autoridades.

3. Make a strenuous or labored effort.

After months of fighting to recover from her illness, Sarah finally felt strong enough to resume her daily activities. Después de meses luchando para recuperarse de su enfermedad, Sarah finalmente se sintió lo suficientemente fuerte como para reanudar sus actividades diarias.

4. Exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person.

The environmental activist has been fighting tirelessly for years to raise awareness about climate change and promote sustainable practices. La activista ambiental ha luchado incansablemente durante años para concienciar a la gente sobre el cambio climático y promover prácticas sostenibles.


Pronoun Conjugation
I fight.
You fight.
He/She/It fights.
We fight.
You fight.
They fight.
Complete conjugation.

fight noun

1. A hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war.

The battle was intense, with both sides engaging in a fierce fight on the outskirts of the city. La batalla fue intensa, con ambos bandos participando en una feroz lucha en los alrededores de la ciudad.

2. The act of fighting.

The brutal fight between the two boxers lasted for several rounds before the referee finally intervened. El duro combate entre los dos boxeadores duró varias rondas antes de que el árbitro interviniera finalmente.

3. An aggressive willingness to compete.

The boxer's fight against his arch-rival was highly anticipated, with both fighters showing an intense desire to win. La pelea del boxeador contra su adversario número uno fue altamente anticipada, con ambos contendientes demostrando un deseo intenso de ganar.

4. An intense verbal dispute.

The argument between the two friends quickly escalated into a heated fight, with both of them shouting over each other and refusing to back down. La discusión entre los dos amigos se desencadenó rápidamente en una pelea acalorada, con ambos gritando el uno sobre el otro y negándose a ceder.

5. A boxing or wrestling match.

The main event of the evening was a highly anticipated fight between the two heavyweight champions. El evento principal de la noche fue un combate altamente anticipado entre los dos campeones pesados por peso.