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After receiving the job offer, Sarah felt a surge of hope that her career was finally taking off. Después de recibir la oferta laboral, Sarah sintió un abismo de esperanza de que su carrera estaba por fin despegando.
2. the general feeling that some desire will be fulfilled.
Despite the challenges she faced, Sarah held on to hope that her family would find a way to recover from the financial crisis. A pesar de los desafíos que enfrentó, Sarah se aferró a la esperanza de que su familia encontraría una forma de recuperarse del crítico problema financiero.
3. grounds for feeling hopeful about the future.
The news of the company's financial turnaround was a beacon of hope for its struggling employees, who had been worried about their job security. La noticia del giro financiero de la empresa fue un faro de esperanza para sus empleados que luchaban, quienes habían estado preocupados por su seguridad laboral.
4. someone (or something) on which expectations are centered.
The new manager is the hope of the company, bringing fresh ideas and a revitalized approach to the industry. El nuevo gerente es la esperanza de la empresa, traer nuevas ideas y un enfoque revitalizado al sector.
5. United States comedian (born in England) who appeared in films with Bing Crosby (1903-2003).
The USO tours were a highlight of Bob Hope's career, entertaining American troops around the world and bringing laughter and joy to those serving abroad. Las giras del USO fueron un punto culminante en la carrera de Bob Hope, entreteniendo a los soldados estadounidenses en todo el mundo y trayendo risa y alegría a aquellos que servían en el extranjero.
6. one of the three Christian virtues.
The pastor emphasized the importance of faith, love, and hope in living a virtuous life, reminding the congregation that these qualities were essential for spiritual growth. El pastor enfatizó la importancia de la fe, el amor y la esperanza en vivir una vida virtuosa, recordándoles al congregación que estas cualidades eran esenciales para el crecimiento espiritual.