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1. form a mental image of something that is not present or that is not the case.
As I stood on the edge of the Grand Canyon, I imagined myself hiking down to the bottom, taking in the breathtaking views and feeling the rush of the wind. Mientras estaba en el borde del Gran Cañón, me imaginé descendiendo a pie hasta la base, disfrutando de las vistas impresionantes y sintiendo el impulso del viento.
As I read about the ancient civilization, I imagined what life must have been like for its inhabitants, picturing bustling streets and grand temples in my mind's eye. Mientras leía sobre la antigua civilización, me imaginé qué debió ser la vida para sus habitantes, visualizando calles concurridas y templos majestuosos en mi mente.
2. expect, believe, or suppose.
I imagine that it will rain tomorrow, so I'll bring an umbrella to the park. Imagino que mañana lloverá, por lo tanto llevaré un paraguas al parque.
She imagines that she's already won the lottery and can't wait to quit her job and travel the world. Ella imagina que ya ha ganado la lotería y no puede esperar para dejar su trabajo y viajar por el mundo.