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1. be cognizant or aware of a fact or a specific piece of information.
After reading the report, she knew that the company was facing financial difficulties and would need to make some tough decisions. Después de leer el informe, ella supo que la empresa estaba enfrentando dificultades financieras y necesitaría tomar algunas decisiones duras.
2. know how to do or perform something.
After months of practice, she finally knows how to ride a bike without training wheels. Después de meses de práctica, ella finalmente sabe cómo montar en bicicleta sin ruedas de entrenamiento.
3. be aware of the truth of something.
After conducting thorough research, she knew that the company was facing financial difficulties and made the decision to downsize. Después de realizar una investigación exhaustiva, ella sabía que la empresa enfrentaba dificultades financieras y tomó la decisión de downsizing.
4. be familiar or acquainted with a person or an object.
She knows her way around the city, having lived there for five years and explored its various neighborhoods. Ella conoce su camino por la ciudad, habiendo vivido allí durante cinco años y explorado sus varios barrios.
5. have firsthand knowledge of states, situations, emotions, or sensations.
She knows what it's like to be in a long-distance relationship, having experienced it herself for years. Ella sabe lo que es ser en una relación de larga distancia, ya que la ha vivido ella misma durante años.
6. accept (someone) to be what is claimed or accept his power and authority.
The people of the kingdom knew their new king was descended from a noble lineage, so they accepted him as their rightful ruler. El pueblo del reino sabía que su nuevo rey era descendiente de una línea nobiliaria, por lo que lo aceptaron como su gobernante legítimo.
7. have fixed in the mind.
She knows the capital of France by heart, having studied it extensively before her trip. Ella conoce la capital de Francia de memoria, habiendo estudiado extensamente antes de su viaje.
8. have sexual intercourse with.
9. know the nature or character of.
After spending time with her, I came to know her as a kind and compassionate person. Después de pasar tiempo con ella, llegué a conocerla como una persona amable y compasiva.
10. be able to distinguish, recognize as being different.
The chef knows her herbs from one another, carefully selecting the freshest basil for the pasta dish. El chef conoce bien sus hierbas entre sí, selecciona con cuidado la albahaca más fresca para el plato de pasta.
11. perceive as familiar.
As soon as I walked into my childhood home, I knew it was still the same old place - the creaky stairs and musty smell were instantly familiar to me. Hasta que no entré en mi hogar infantil, supe que todavía era el mismo lugar viejo - las escaleras crujientes y el olor a moho eran instantáneamente familiares para mí.