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    En Resources Translator Receive


Resultado de la traducción
recibir recepción receive

receive verbo

1. get something.

She will receive a gift from her grandparents on her birthday. Ella recibirán un regalo de parte de sus abuelos en su cumpleaños.

2. receive a specified treatment (abstract).

After months of therapy, she finally received cognitive behavioral therapy to help her manage her anxiety. Después de meses de terapia, finalmente recibió terapia cognitivo-comportamental para ayudarla a manejar su ansiedad.

3. register (perceptual input).

As I walked into the concert hall, my eyes received the breathtaking view of the stage set, and my ears received the first notes of the orchestra's performance. Mientras caminaba hacia el salón de conciertos, mis ojos recibieron la vista alucinante del escenario y mis orejas recibieron los primeros compases de la interpretación de la orquesta.

4. go through (mental or physical states or experiences).

After a long and tiring journey, she received a warm welcome at her family's home, feeling exhausted but relieved to finally be back. Después de un largo y agotador viaje, recibió un cálido acogida en su hogar familiar, sintiéndose exhausta pero aliviada por finalmente estar de regreso.

5. express willingness to have in one's home or environs.

The family was happy to receive the guests for dinner at their new house. La familia estuvo contenta de recibir a los invitados para cenar en su nueva casa.

6. accept as true or valid.

The jury received the evidence presented in court and accepted it as credible, ultimately leading to the defendant's conviction. El jurado recibió la evidencia presentada en el tribunal y la aceptó como credíble, lo que finalmente llevó a la condena del acusado.

7. bid welcome to.

As I walked into the cozy café, the owner received me with a warm smile and a hearty "hello", making me feel instantly at ease. Mientras caminaba hacia el acogedor café, el dueño me recibió con una sonrisa cálida y un amistoso 'hola', lo que me hizo sentir instantáneamente a gusto.

8. convert into sounds or pictures.

The satellite will receive the signals broadcasted by the spacecraft and convert them into images of the planet's surface. El satélite recibirà los señales difundidos por el espacio y las convertirá en imágenes de la superficie del planeta.

9. experience as a reaction.

As she received the news about her promotion, she felt an overwhelming sense of excitement and relief. Al recibir la noticia sobre su promoción, se sintió un sentido abrumador de emoción y alivio.

10. have or give a reception.

The hotel is going to receive a group of wedding guests tonight, and they've prepared a special banquet for the occasion. El hotel recibirá una cantidad de invitados de boda esta noche y han preparado un banquete especial para la ocasión.

11. receive as a retribution or punishment.

The thief received a stern warning from the judge, which was a fitting punishment for his reckless behavior on the streets. El ladron recibió una severa advertencia del juez, lo que era un castigo adecuado por su comportamiento temerario en la calle.

12. partake of the Holy Eucharist sacrament.

At the Catholic Mass, Father Michael will receive the consecrated bread and wine during the Communion ceremony. En la Misa Católica, el Padre Miguel recibirán el pan y vino consagrados durante la ceremonia de Comunión.

13. regard favorably or with disapproval.

The critics received his latest album with disdain, criticizing its lack of originality. Los críticos recibieron su último álbum con desprecio, criticando su falta de originalidad.


I receive.
You receive.
He/She/It receives.
We receive.
You receive.
They receive.
Conjugación completa.