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    Resources Articles Improve your english 20 errores comunes en ingles

The 20 Most Common Mistakes in English

Mistakes are part of the learning process

Learning English can be difficult and making mistakes is a normal part of the learning process. Remember, all students make mistakes due to one of the following reasons:

  • They haven’t learned the grammar rule yet.
  • They haven’t practiced enough with the language.
  • They are translating directly from their native language into English.

To help you avoid the same mistakes many students make, we offer you a list of the most common ones, with the correct form on the right:

Incorrect PhrasesCorrect Phrases
People *is* friendlyPeople are friendly
I will ask to my mumI will ask my mum
I like very muchI like it a lot
He asked me where  do I workHe asked me where I work
It was fun,  *no*?It was fun, wasn’t it?
haven’t moneyI don’t have money
I saw her *the* last weekI saw her last week
I like football *too much*I like football a lot
*Is* importantIt is important
He works *hardly*He works hard
My job is near *to* my houseMy job is near my house
I *born *in MadridI was born in Madrid
I*’m* agree with youI agree with you
She is in New York since MayShe has been in New York since May
I drink *much* coffeeI drink a lot of coffee
We can  to go to the cinemaWe can go to the cinema
I went on a  travel to CanadaI went on a trip to Canada
He doesn’t have *nothing* to doHe doesn’t have anything to do
I’m *boring* right nowI’m bored right now
He won 2 millions of dollarsHe won 2 million dollars
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