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Learn Courses Intermediate level
An intermediate level course for those who have already mastered the basic concepts of English grammar.
The intermediate course is for those students who have mastered the basic concepts of English. Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to understand and form more complex sentences and communicate in English with increased confidence.
Unit 1 Conjunctions
3.1. Conjunctions "We have eggs AND cheese BUT we don't have rice". These words in capital letters are examples of conjunctions, which join parts of a sentence.
Unit 2 Adverbs
1.1. Adverbs: Form and Function "He works very QUICKLY". In this sentence the word "quickly" is the adverb that describes the way the action "works" is done.
1.2. Adverbs: Types and Positions "I REALLY hope the train goes FAST and we arrive THERE SOON". In this example the words in capital letters are adverbs that indicate the degree, the manner, the place and time.
Unit 3 Relative and Indefinite Pronouns
2.1. Indefinite Pronouns "Is there ANYTHING in that bag? No, there's NOTHING". These are examples of indefinite pronouns.
2.2. Relative Pronouns "The woman THAT is wearing red works at the school WHERE I used to go". These relative pronouns help us refer to a person or thing that was already mentioned.
Unit 4 Comparative & Superlative
4.1. Comparatives and Superlatives "Who is TALLER... you or your sister?" "I am TALLER than her but my brother is the TALLEST". Here the word "taller" is the comparative and "the tallest" is the superlative.
4.3. Intensifiers and Mitigators "My cousin is REALLY handsome but he's A BIT lazy". In this sentence the intensifier is "really" and the mitigator is "a bit". We use them to increase or decrease the strength of the adjective.
4.4. Comparative Adverbs "Mary reads MORE QUICKLY than Suzy". In this sentence we can see an example of a Comparative Adverb.
4.5. Like vs. As "You are just LIKE your mother and you cook AS well AS her". "Like" and "as" are very similar and it is important to learn to diferenciate when to use each one.
Unit 5 The Gerund and Infinitive
5.1. The Gerund and Infinitive "I want TO get a new job. I enjoy WORKING with people". In this example, after the verb "want" we use the infinitive (to+verb) and after "enjoy" we use the gerund.
Unit 6 Questions
6.1. Constructing Questions "Are you happy?", "Where does he live?", "What time did you get home?" These are examples of questions.
6.2. Question Tags "You speak English, DON'T you?" "He is your boss, ISN'T he?" In these examples the question tags are at the end of the sentence to confirm if what has been said is true.
6.3. What vs. Which "WHAT is your phone number?", "WHICH do you prefer, water or juice?" In this lesson we will teach you the differences between "what" and "which", pronouns that often cause confusion.
Unit 7 Verb Tenses: Past
7.1. Past Simple "Yesterday we WALKED to the park and PLAYED football but we WENT home because it WAS cold". Here there are 4 verbs in the Past Simple, 2 regulares (-ed) and 2 irregulars.
7.2. Past Continuous "I WAS STUDYING when my mom arrived". In this example "was studying" is the Past Contiuous and marks the action in progress when the other action "arrived" interrupts.
7.3. Used to "He USED TO smoke but he quit last year". In this sentence "used to smoke" indicates a regular habit in the past that he now doesn't have.
Unit 8 Verb Tenses: Future
8.1. Future Simple "WILL you help me tomorrow?" "Sorry, I can't. I'M GOING to the doctor". Here you can see the 2 forms of the future tense.
8.2. Future Continuous "At this time tomorrow I WILL BE FLYING to Paris". In this example we use the Future Continuous to speak about an action that will be occurring at a specific time in the future.
Unit 9 Reading Comprehension
9.1. The Home What's Jason's new house like? In the dialogue below about a moving day, you will learn vocabulary related to the house and furniture and typical phrases between friends.
9.2. Jobs What jobs has Christina had and where can she work now? In this dialogue you will learn words about work, different professions and the tasks done in various positions.
9.3. Traveling Where is Jim going to travel this summer? Read the following dialogue between Jim and Rachel to learn vocabulary related to traveling, transportation and how to express future plans.
9.4. At the Restaurant What a strange thing that happened in the restaurant! Below read the story of a family in a restaurant, learn important vocabulary and expressions and find out what strange thing occurred.
9.5. At the Hotel Why doesn't Henry like the hotel room? Read the following dialogue and learn vocabulary words and expressions related to reservations and staying at a hotel.