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Resources Games
Games to practice English
Words WordsCreate valid words by dragging letters on the grid. Make sure to get all goals in a level.
Maya Pyramid Solitaire Maya Pyramid SolitaireCombine cards (or coins) to a total value of 11 to remove the cards (or coins) and built a Maya Pyramid.
Plushy Animals Plushy AnimalsLearn how to perform some awesome spells along with this wise witch
Thieves of Egypt Thieves of EgyptMove all cards to the 8 foundations from Ace to King. On the tableau you can place cards on other cards in descending order and alternating color. Click on the stack (top left) to get new open cards.
Hearts HeartsAfter looking at his or her hand, each player chooses three cards and passes them face down to another player. All players must pass their own cards before looking at the cards received from an opponent. The passing rotation is: 1. to the player on your left, 2 to the player on your right, 3 to the player across the table, 4. no passing. This rotation repeats until the game ends.