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Learn Courses Basic level
A basic course designed for those who are beginning.
The beginner course is designed for those learners who are just starting out. Upon completion of the course, the student will have an understanding of the basic concepts of English and will be able to form simple phrasal constructions and sentences.
Unit 1 Pronouns
1.1. Personal Pronouns Personal pronouns are used to substitute the name of a person or thing."I" or "he" are subject pronouns because they act as the subject of the sentence while "me" or "him" are object pronouns.
1.2. Possessives "MY house" and "the pen is MINE" are some examples of possessives..We use possessives to indicate that something belongs to a person.
1.3. Demonstrative Pronouns "THIS book" or "THOSE cars" are examples of demonstrative pronouns. They demonstrate something, as if we are pointing our finger at something.
1.4. Reflexive Pronouns "I cooked this MYSELF." In this sentence "myself" is the reflexive pronoun. We use reflexive pronouns when the subject does the action to him/herself.
2.2. The Indefinite Article "A car", "an apple". Both the indefinite articles, "a" and "an", mean the same thing and we use them to refer to something indefinite or unknown to the speaker . They are used only with a singular noun.
Unit 3 Prepositions
3.1. Prepositions "The concert is IN June ON a Friday AT 8 o´clock". The prepositions "in", "at" and "on" are the most commonly used ones in English. They are used to express the location, position, place or time of something.
3.2. Prepositions of Place "The book is ON the table". When we want to express where an object or place is located we use a preposition of place. It's always placed after the main verb, which is usually "to be".
3.3. Prepositions of Time "Are you going to eat BEFORE or AFTER the cinema?" These prepositions of time are some of the most common ones to refer to time.
3.4. Prepositions of Movement or Direction When a person or an object moves in a direction we use prepositions of movement or direction. "Go TO", "walk ACROSS" and "jump OVER" are examples of these prepositions.
Unit 4 Nouns
4.1. Nouns "A ball", "houses", "friends" and "a teacher" are all examples of nouns. Nouns refer to objects, places and people but they also can refer to an abstract idea like "happiness".
4.2. Proper Nouns Proper nouns are the SPECIFIC words for a person, place, event, occasion or company. They always begin with a capital letter.
4.3. Countable and Uncountable Nouns "A bicycle", "3 bicycles". The word "bicycle" is a countable noun because we can count them and we can form the plural by adding "-s" at the end of the word. However, "water" is an uncountable noun.
4.4. There Be "There is a cat", "there are 4 chairs". To show the existence of something we use "there is" for singular nouns and "there are" for plural nouns.
4.5. Quantifiers "Have you got ANY eggs?" "Yes, there are SOME in the fridge". The words "some" and "any" are examples of quantifiers. We use them to talk about the quantity of something.
Unit 5 Adjectives
5.1. Adjectives "A big house", "2 tall men", "long hair". In these examples the adjectives are "big", "tall" and "long". An adjective describes a noun. In English adjectives are not gendered and they don't have a plural form.
Unit 6 Verbs
6.1. Verbs "He RUNS", "we LIKE", "she IS". In these examples the words in capital letters are the verbs, which is the part of the sentence that indicates action or existence of the subject.
6.2. To Be "He IS my friend", "they WEREN'T at school", "the t-shirt WAS made in China". In these examples we can see different conjugations of the verb "to BE", a very important verb in English.
6.3. Short Forms You will hear "I'm happy" much more than "I am happy" because in English we use short forms very frequently.
6.4. Have vs. Have got "I HAVE 2 cats". "HAVE you GOT any pets?" We use the verbs "have" and "have got" to indicate possession.
6.5. Modal Verbs "She CAN play the piano." "I MIGHT buy this." In these examples the modal verb "CAN" expresses ability and the modal verb "MIGHT" indicates possibility.
Unit 7 Sentence Structure
7.1. Constructing Sentences In this lesson you are going to learn the order of the words in affirmative and negative sentences and also in questions.
7.2. Imperative Sentences "Wash your hands", "Don't do that". These are imperatives, or orders that we give to another person.
Unit 8 Verb Tenses: Present
8.1. Present Simple "I speak English", "He works at a factory". These are examples of the Present Simple, the verb form that we use for routines, repeated actions and general truths.
8.2. Present Continuous "I AM wearING a blue jacket". This is an example of the Present Continuous because it expresses an action that is happening at this moment.
8.3. Continuous Verb Tenses Now that you've learnt the Present Continuous, in this lesson you will learn about the verbs that we DON'T use in the continuous form. For example it is correct to say "I hear you" but it's incorrect to say "I am hearing you.
Unit 9 Numbers, Dates, Time
9.1. Cardinal Numbers Learn to count from 1 to 100 in this lesson and practice how to say larger numbers.
9.2. Ordinal Numbers "Tom is FIRST, Sally is SECOND and Mary is THIRD". We could say this about 3 children in a running race. These numbers indicate the order or position on a list.
9.3. The Date "Today is the 14th of December", "his birthday is in May".
11.1. Family What happened to the dog Max? Read the dialogue below to practice reading and learn vocabulary and conversational phrases used between family members.
11.2. School "What does Mary have in her backpack on the way to school? Read the following story to learn vocabulary related to school and other basic vocabulary.
11.3. Weather and Clothing What clothes do we wear on a cold day? Read the following text about weather and articles of clothing in English.
11.4. Sports Do you like sports? In this lesson you will read a dialogue between two friends and you will learn words about sports and physical exercise.
11.5. At the Supermarket "We need food!" In this lesson you are going to read a conversation taking place in a supermarket.