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    Resources Articles Nouns Proper nouns

Proper nouns are always in capital letters.

Proper NounsExamples
People’s namesJohn Smith, Maria Garcia…
Months of the yearJanuary, April, September…
Days of the weekMonday, Thursday…
HolidaysChristmas, Easter…
Names of companies or organizationsStarbucks, United Nations…
CountriesSpain, South Africa…
Cities and townsNew York, Rio de Janeiro
Nationalities and languagesFrench, Japanese…
Geographical and celestial namesthe North Pole, Jupiter…
Monuments and buildingsthe White House, the Eiffel Tower…
Historic eventsWorld War I, the French Revolution…
People’s titlesPresident Obama, Doctor Smith…
Religions, deities and scriptureJudaism, the Bible…
Titles of books, films and works of artGreat Eprectations, The Godfather…
Previous topic Countable and Uncountable Nouns