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    Recursos Traductor

Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

Translation result
No cuentes tus pollos antes de que nazcan. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.

do sustantivo

1. An uproarious party.

The music festival was a huge "do", with thousands of people dancing and singing along to their favorite artists. El festival de música fue un "boom", con miles de personas bailando y cantando al compás de sus artistas favoritos.

2. The syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization.

In music theory class, we learned that the do is the foundation of every major scale, serving as the starting point for solmization. En la clase de teoría musical, aprendimos que el dó es la base de cada escala mayor, sirviendo como punto de partida para la solmisación.

3. Doctor's degree in osteopathy.

After completing his residency program, Dr. Smith proudly displayed his DO on his office wall, symbolizing his achievement of becoming an osteopathic physician. Después de completar su programa de residencia, el doctor Smith exhibió con orgullo su título DO en la pared de su consulta, simbolizando su logro de convertirse en médico osteópata.

count verb

1. Determine the number or amount of.

The election officials spent hours counting the ballots to determine the winner in the hotly contested race. Los funcionarios de la elección pasaron horas contando los votos para determinar el ganador en la carrera disputada.

2. Have weight.

The expensive diamonds count heavily in the jewelry box, making it difficult to move around. Los diamantes caros cuentan pesadamente en la caja de joyería, lo que hace difícil moverse alrededor.

3. Show consideration for.

The hostess made sure to count her guests by offering personalized recommendations and ensuring each one felt welcome at the dinner party. La anfitriona se aseguró de contar con sus invitados ofreciendo recomendaciones personalizadas y garantizando que cada uno se sintiera acogido en la fiesta de cena.

4. Name or recite the numbers in ascending order.

The teacher asked the students to count the days they had been absent from school, starting from the first day of the semester. La profesora pidió a los estudiantes que contaran los días que habían estado ausentes de la escuela, comenzando desde el primer día del semestre.

5. Put into a group.

The event organizer counted the participants by assigning each one a unique number on their name tag, making it easier to keep track of the attendees. El organizador del evento contó a los participantes asignándole un número único a cada uno en su etiqueta de nombre, lo que hizo más fácil seguir el rastro de los asistentes.

6. Include as if by counting.

The chef likes to count ingredients in every dish she creates, which is why her recipes always turn out so precise and delicious. El chef gusta contar los ingredientes en cada plato que crea, lo que es por qué sus recetas siempre salen tan precisas y deliciosas.

7. Have a certain value or carry a certain weight.

The company's decision to count its environmental impact will help them make more sustainable choices in the future. La decisión de la empresa para contar con su impacto ambiental les ayudará a tomar decisiones más sostenibles en el futuro.

8. Have faith or confidence in.

Despite the odds being against them, she chose to count on her team's skills and expertise to get the job done. A pesar de que las probabilidades estaban en contra de ellos, ella decidió contar con la habilidad y el conocimiento del equipo para hacer el trabajo.

9. Take account of.

The accountant will count the votes carefully to ensure an accurate tally. El contable contarán los votos con atención para asegurar un conteo preciso.


Pronoun Conjugation
I count.
You count.
He/She/It counts.
We count.
You count.
They count.
Complete conjugation.

hatch verb

1. Emerge from the eggs.

Young birds, fish, and reptiles hatch Nacen crías de aves, peces y reptiles

2. Devise or invent.

He thought up a plan to get rich quickly Se le ocurrió un plan para enriquecerse rápidamente

3. Inlay with narrow strips or lines of a different substance such as gold or silver, for the purpose of decorating.

4. Draw, cut, or engrave lines, usually parallel, on metal, wood, or paper.

Hatch the sheet Trama la hoja

5. Sit on (eggs).

Birds brood Los pájaros crían