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Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

Translation result
Experiencia es el nombre que cada uno le da a sus errores. Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.

experience sustantivo

1. The accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities.

After working in the hospitality industry for several years, she had gained valuable experience in handling customer complaints and resolving issues efficiently. Después de trabajar en la industria del hospedaje durante varios años, había adquirido valiosa experiencia en manejar quejas de clientes y resolver problemas con eficiencia.

2. The content of direct observation or participation in an event.

The attendees at the music festival reported a unique experience, having witnessed their favorite artist perform live for the first time. Los asistentes al festival de música informaron una experiencia única, habiendo presenciado a su artista favorito actuar en vivo por primera vez.

3. An event as apprehended.

The harrowing experience of witnessing a natural disaster left her shaken and emotional. El experiencia aterradora de presenciar un desastre natural la dejó conmovida y emocional.

name sustantivo

1. A language unit by which a person or thing is known.

The company's CEO, John Smith, asked for a copy of his name to be printed on the conference brochure. El CEO de la empresa, John Smith, solicitó que se imprimiera su nombre en el programa del congreso.

2. A person's reputation.

Despite her initial hesitation, Sarah was thrilled when she learned that she had been given a good name in the academic community for her groundbreaking research. A pesar de su inicial vacilación, Sarah se emocionó cuando descubrió que le habían otorgado un buen nombre en la comunidad académica por su investigación pionera.

3. Family based on male descent.

The Earl of Wessex is a member of the British royal name, tracing his lineage back to King George V. El Conde de Wessex es un miembro de la familia real británica, cuyo linaje se remonta hasta el Rey Jorge V.

4. A well-known or notable person.

The name of the famous scientist was engraved on the plaque, commemorating his groundbreaking discovery. El nombre del famoso científico fue grabado en la placa, conmemorando su descubrimiento revolucionario.

5. By the sanction or authority of.

The new policy will take effect by name, starting from next quarter. La nueva política entrará en vigor con nombre, a partir del próximo trimestre.

6. A defamatory or abusive word or phrase.

The school administration took immediate action against the student who used a racial name to harass his classmate, emphasizing that such behavior would not be tolerated. La administración escolar tomó medidas inmediatas contra el estudiante que utilizó un nombre racial para acosar a su compañero de clase, enfatizando que ese tipo de comportamiento no sería tolerado.