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    Recursos Traductor

Paul is looking for the document you requested.

Translation result
Paul está buscando el documento que usted solicitó. Paul is looking for the document you requested.

paul noun

1. United states feminist (1885-1977).

The exhibit at the museum showcased the life and work of Paul, a pioneering figure in the women's suffrage movement. El exposición en el museo exhibió la vida y obra de Pablo, una figura pionera en el movimiento sufragio femenino.
In her autobiography, Paul wrote candidly about the challenges she faced as a woman trying to make a name for herself in the early 20th century. En su autobiografía, Pablo escribió con franqueza sobre los desafíos que enfrentó como mujer intentando hacerse un nombre en la primera mitad del siglo XX.

2. (new testament) a christian missionary to the gentiles.

According to the New Testament, Saint Paul was sent by Jesus Christ to spread Christianity to non-Jews, and his teachings had a profound impact on the development of the faith. Según el Nuevo Testamento, San Pablo fue enviado por Jesucristo para propagar el cristianismo entre los no judíos, y sus enseñanzas tuvieron un impacto profundo en el desarrollo de la fe.
In the book of Acts, it is written that Paul preached in synagogues throughout Asia Minor, sharing the Good News with Gentiles who were eager to learn about the Messiah. En el libro de Hechos, se escribió que Paulo predicó en sinagogas por todo Asia Menor, compartiendo la Buena Noticia con gentilios que estaban ansiosos por aprender sobre el Mesías.

document noun

1. Writing that provides information (especially information of an official nature).

The company's annual report is a comprehensive document that outlines its financial performance and future plans. El informe anual de la empresa es un documento exhaustivo que detalla su rendimiento financiero y planes futuros.

2. Anything serving as a representation of a person's thinking by means of symbolic marks.

The ancient scroll is considered a valuable document of the civilization's history and culture. Elrollo antiguo se considera un documento valioso de la historia y cultura de la civilización".

3. A written account of ownership or obligation.

The lawyer carefully reviewed the deed document to ensure that the property rights were transferred correctly. El abogado revisó cuidadosamente el documento de escritura para asegurarse de que los derechos sobre la propiedad se transfirieran correctamente.

4. (computer science) a computer file that contains text (and possibly formatting instructions) using seven-bit ascii characters.

The software developer worked tirelessly to ensure that the document was free of errors and bugs before releasing it to the public. El desarrollador de software trabajó incansablemente para asegurarse de que el documento estuviera libre de errores y bug antes de lanzarlo al público.