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    Recursos Traductor

The committee is made up of several people from the community.

Translation result
El comité está formado por varias personas de la comunidad. The committee is made up of several people from the community.

committee noun

1. A special group delegated to consider some matter.

The company formed a committee to investigate the allegations of financial mismanagement and make recommendations for improvement. La empresa formó un comité para investigar las acusaciones de malversación financiera y hacer recomendaciones para mejorar.
The town council established a committee to plan the annual summer festival, which included booking entertainment, arranging food vendors, and coordinating logistics. El consejo municipal estableció un comité para planificar el festival anual de verano, que incluía reservar entretenimiento, arreglar vendedores de alimentos y coordinar logística.

2. A self-constituted organization to promote something.

The local arts committee has been working tirelessly to promote cultural events and exhibitions throughout the city. El comité de arte local ha estado trabajando incansablemente para promover eventos y exposiciones culturales en toda la ciudad.
The environmental committee at the university is dedicated to raising awareness about sustainability and reducing waste on campus. El comité ambiental de la universidad se dedica a concienciar sobre sostenibilidad y reducir residuos en el campus.

several adjective

1. (used with count nouns) of an indefinite number more than 2 or 3 but not many.

The hotel offers several amenities, including a fitness center, pool, and restaurant, to make your stay comfortable. El hotel ofrece varios servicios, incluyendo un centro de fitness, piscina y restaurante, para hacer que su estancia sea cómoda.

2. Considered individually.

The several issues raised by the report were addressed separately in the meeting. Los varios problemas planteados por el informe se abordaron separadamente en la reunión.

3. Distinct and individual.

The several buildings on the campus each had its own unique architecture, reflecting the distinct styles of their respective eras. Los varios edificios en el campus cada uno tenía su propia arquitectura única, reflejando los estilos diferentes de sus respectivas épocas.

people sustantivo

1. (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively.

The people gathered in the town square to celebrate the anniversary of their city's founding. La gente se reunificó en la plaza del pueblo para celebrar el aniversario del fundación de su ciudad.

2. The body of citizens of a state or country.

The people of this small town came together to organize a charity event to help those affected by the recent flood. El pueblo de esta pequeña ciudad se unió para organizar un evento benéfico para ayudar a aquellos afectados por la reciente inundación.

3. Members of a family line.

The people from John's side of the family have always been known for their love of music, while those from his wife's side are more interested in sports. Los familiares de la parte de la familia de Juan siempre han sido conocidos por su amor a la música, mientras que aquellos de parte de su esposa están más interesados en los deportes.

4. The common people generally.

The politicians often forget that it's not just about serving themselves, but about serving the people who put them in office. Los políticos a menudo olvidan que no es solo sobre servir a sí mismos, sino sobre servir a las personas que los pusieron en el cargo.

community noun

1. A group of people living in a particular local area.

The small town has a strong sense of community, where neighbors often gather for block parties and support each other during times of need. La pequeña ciudad tiene un fuerte sentido de comunidad, donde los vecinos se reúnen con frecuencia para fiestas en la calle y se apoyan mutuamente durante momentos de necesidad.

2. Common ownership.

The community of shareholders worked together to make crucial decisions about the company's future, ensuring that everyone had an equal say in its direction. La comunidad de socios trabajó juntos para tomar decisiones críticas sobre el futuro de la empresa, asegurando que todos tuvieran una voz igual en su dirección.

3. A group of nations having common interests.

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is a community of 10 countries that have been working together to promote economic growth and regional stability. La Asociación de Naciones del Sureste Asiático (ASEAN) es una comunidad de 10 países que han estado trabajando juntos para promover el crecimiento económico y la estabilidad regional.

4. Agreement as to goals.

The community of environmental activists came together to agree on a set of shared goals for reducing carbon emissions. La comunidad de activistas ambientales se reunificó para acordar un conjunto de objetivos compartidos para reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono.

5. A district where people live.

The community of Oakwood is known for its friendly residents and annual summer festivals. La comunidad de Oakwood es conocida por sus residentes amistosos y festivales anuales de verano.

6. (ecology) a group of interdependent organisms inhabiting the same region and interacting with each other.

The coral reef community was thriving, with fish, sea fans, and seaweed working together to create a balanced ecosystem. La comunidad del arrecife de corales estaba floreciendo, con peces, fanas marinas y algas marinas trabajando juntos para crear un ecosistema equilibrado.