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    Resources Translator

We are coming back from vacation next week.

Translation result
La semana que viene volvemos de vacaciones. We are coming back from vacation next week.

back adverb

1. In or to or toward a former location.

After years of traveling, Sarah returned back to her hometown to visit her family. Después de años de viajar, Sarah regresó a su pueblo natal para visitar a su familia.

2. At or to or toward the back or rear.

The tourists walked back slowly through the crowded streets, trying not to get separated from their group. Los turistas caminaron lentamente a través de las calles concurridas, tratando de no separarse del grupo.

3. In or to or toward an original condition.

The company decided to go back to its humble beginnings, scaling down operations to focus on innovation and customer satisfaction. La empresa decidió regresar a sus inicios humildes, reducir la escala de operaciones para enfocarse en la innovación y la satisfacción del cliente.

4. In or to or toward a past time.

I wish we could go back to those carefree summer days when we didn't have a worry in the world. Deseo que pudiéramos regresar a esos días de verano desenfadados cuando no teníamos un solo pensamiento en el mundo.

5. In reply.

She replied back to his question with a thoughtful answer. Ella respondió con una respuesta reflexiva a su pregunta.

6. In repayment or retaliation.

The rival company backed our new marketing strategy, which ultimately hurt their own sales figures in return. La empresa rival respaldó nuestra nueva estrategia de marketing, lo que finalmente perjudicó sus propias cifras de ventas en devolución.

vacation noun

1. Leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure.

After months of non-stop work, Sarah was excited to embark on her two-week vacation to Hawaii, where she planned to relax on the beach and enjoy snorkeling with her family. Después de meses de trabajo sin interrupción, Sarah estaba emocionada de embarcarse en su vacación de dos semanas en Hawái, donde planeaba relajarse en la playa y disfrutar del snorkel con su familia.
The company's annual summer vacation package included all-expenses-paid trips to Europe for its top-performing employees, giving them a chance to unwind and recharge in a foreign city. El paquete de vacaciones de verano anual de la empresa incluía viajes con todos los gastos pagados a Europa para sus empleados más destacados, brindándoles la oportunidad de relajarse y recargar en una ciudad extranjera.

2. The act of making something legally void.

A period of time spent away from one's usual work or duties, often for relaxation or recreation. Un período de tiempo pasado en ausencia del trabajo o deberes habituales, a menudo para relajación o recreo.
A break or interruption from regular activities, especially for rest or entertainment. Un descanso o interrupción en las actividades regulares, especialmente para el descanso o el entretenimiento.

week noun

1. Any period of seven consecutive days.

The company will be on summer break for the next week, so all meetings have been cancelled until then. La empresa estará en descanso de verano durante la próxima semana, por lo que todos los reuniones han sido canceladas hasta entonces.

2. Hours or days of work in a calendar week.

The company requires its employees to put in at least 40 hours during their regular week, with overtime being compensated accordingly. La empresa exige a sus empleados que trabajen al menos 40 horas durante su semana regular, con el tiempo extra siendo compensado según corresponda.

3. A period of seven consecutive days starting on sunday.

The team will be on vacation for an entire week, starting from this Sunday and returning next Saturday. El equipo estará de vacaciones durante toda una semana, empezando desde este domingo y regresando el próximo sábado.