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    Resources Translator Books


Translation result
libros books

book noun

1. a written work or composition that has been published (printed on pages bound together).

The author spent years researching and writing her book, which became a bestseller in the literary fiction category. El autor pasó años investigando y escribiendo su libro, que se convirtió en un superventas en la categoría de ficción literaria.

2. physical objects consisting of a number of pages bound together.

The book lay open on the table, its yellowed pages crackling with age. El libro yacía abierto sobre la mesa, sus páginas amarilleadas crujían con edad.

3. a compilation of the known facts regarding something or someone.

The comprehensive book on ancient Egyptian history provided a thorough understanding of the pharaohs and their cultures. El libro exhaustivo sobre la historia egipcia antigua brindó una comprensión profunda de los faraones y sus culturas.

4. a written version of a play or other dramatic composition.

The playwright spent months working on the book, carefully crafting each line to convey the characters' emotions and motivations. El dramaturgo pasó meses trabajando en el libro, cuidadosamente tejido cada línea para transmitir las emociones y motivaciones de los personajes.

5. a record in which commercial accounts are recorded.

The accountant spent hours reviewing the company's financial book to ensure that all transactions were accurately recorded. El contable pasó horas revisando los libros financieros de la empresa para asegurarse de que todas las transacciones se hubieran registrado con precisión.

6. a collection of playing cards satisfying the rules of a card game.

The poker book was passed around the table, and each player took turns drawing cards from it to try their luck. El libro de póquer se pasaba alrededor de la mesa y cada jugador tomaba turnos sacando cartas de él para probar su suerte.

7. a collection of rules or prescribed standards on the basis of which decisions are made.

The company's employee handbook is a book that outlines the policies and procedures for all staff members. El manual de empleados de la empresa es un libro que resume las políticas y procedimientos para todos los miembros del personal.

8. the sacred writings of Islam revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad during his life at Mecca and Medina.

The Imam carefully held the book, reciting verses from memory to the gathered congregation in the mosque. El imán llevó el libro con cuidado, recitando versículos de memoria al congregación reunida en la mezquita.

9. the sacred writings of the Christian religions.

The priest carefully opened the book and began to read from the passage about the Last Supper. El sacerdote abrió con cuidado el libro y comenzó a leer del pasaje sobre la Última Cena.

10. a major division of a long written composition.

The professor spent hours reviewing the chapter and revising its book to ensure that it was accurate and well-organized. El profesor pasó horas revisando el capítulo y revisando su libro para asegurarse de que fuera preciso y bien organizado.

11. a number of sheets (ticket or stamps etc.) bound together on one edge.

The concert ticket was a book with a unique code that had to be entered online to access the exclusive event. El billete de concierto era un libro con un código único que había que introducir en línea para acceder al evento exclusivo.