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    Traductor Cost


Translation result
costo coste, cuestan, cuesta, gastos, precio cost

cost noun

1. the total spent for goods or services including money and time and labor.

The company's decision to invest in renewable energy was justified by the significant cost of over $10 million, which included not only financial outlays but also the labor and expertise required to implement the new technology. La decisión de la empresa de invertir en energía renovable se justificó por el costo significativo superior a los $10 millones, que no solo comprendió desembolsos financieros sino también el trabajo y la experticia necesarios para implementar la nueva tecnología.

2. the property of having material worth (often indicated by the amount of money something would bring if sold).

The auction house estimated the painting's cost at $500,000, but it ultimately sold for twice that amount. La casa de subastas estimó el costo del cuadro en $500,000, pero finalmente se vendió por dos veces ese monto.

3. value measured by what must be given or done or undergone to obtain something.

The cost of attending college was high, but it was worth it for the opportunities that came afterwards. El costo de asistir a la universidad fue alto, pero valió la pena por las oportunidades que surgió después.