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    Resources Translator Cotton


Translation result
algodón cotton

cotton noun

1. soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state.

The textile manufacturer carefully handled the raw cotton bales to prevent damage during transportation. El fabricante de textiles manipuló con cuidado los toneles de algodón crudo para evitar daños durante el transporte.

2. fabric woven from cotton fibers.

The soft, breathable cotton fabric felt gentle against my skin as I laid down on the bed. El suave y respirable tejido de algodón sintió suave contra mi piel cuando me acosté en la cama.

3. erect bushy mallow plant or small tree bearing bolls containing seeds with many long hairy fibers.

The cotton plant grew tall and robust in the farm's fertile soil, its fluffy bolls bursting with seeds that would become the foundation of the local textile industry. El cultivo de algodón creció alto y robusto en el suelo fértil de la granja, sus bolas flácidas rebosando de semillas que serían la base de la industria textil local.

4. thread made of cotton fibers.

The seamstress carefully threaded her sewing machine with high-quality cotton to create a durable and comfortable fabric for the new dress. La costurera cuidadosamente hiló su máquina de coser con algodón de alta calidad para crear un tejido duradero y cómodo para el nuevo vestido.