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    Recursos Traductor


Translation result
sueño sueno, ensueño, soñado, ideal dream

dream verb

1. Have a daydream.

As she sat in class, Emily's mind began to wander and she started to dream about being on a tropical island with crystal-clear waters. Mientras se sentaba en el aula, la mente de Emily comenzó a divagar y empezó a soñar con estar en una isla tropical con aguas cristalinas.

2. Experience while sleeping.

As I drifted off to sleep, I began to dream about being on a tropical island, surrounded by crystal-clear waters and swaying palm trees. Mientras me adormecía, empecé a soñar con estar en una isla tropical rodeado de aguas cristalinas y palmeras que se balanceaban.


Pronoun Conjugation
I dream.
You dream.
He/She/It dreams.
We dream.
You dream.
They dream.
Complete conjugation.

dream noun

1. A series of mental images and emotions occurring during sleep.

During her slumber, she had a vivid dream in which she was flying over the ocean, feeling free and exhilarated. Mientras dormía, tuvo un sueño vívido en el que volaba sobre el océano, sintiendo libertad y exaltación.

2. Imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake.

As she sat on the beach, watching the sunset, her dream of traveling around the world began to take shape. Mientras se sentaba en la playa, contemplando el atardecer, su sueño de viajar por todo el mundo comenzó a tomar forma.

3. A cherished desire.

Her lifelong dream was to travel the world and experience different cultures, which finally became a reality after she won the contest. Su sueño de por vida era viajar por el mundo y experimentar diferentes culturas, lo que finalmente se convirtió en realidad después de ganar el concurso.

4. A fantastic but vain hope (from fantasies induced by the opium pipe).

The addict's dream of becoming a successful musician was just an illusion, fueled by the opium he smoked to escape his harsh reality. El sueño del adicto de convertirse en un músico exitoso era solo una ilusión, alimentado por el opio que fumaba para escapar de su dura realidad.

5. A state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality.

As she drifted off to sleep, she slipped into a dream world where she was flying over a serene landscape, feeling weightless and free. Mientras se dormía, se deslizó en un mundo de sueños donde volaba sobre un paisaje sereno, sintiéndose sin peso y libre.

6. Someone or something wonderful.

She met her dream at the concert, and they danced together under the stars - referring to someone wonderful she had always wanted to meet. Ella encontró a su sueño en el concierto y bailaron juntos bajo las estrellas - refiriéndose a alguien maravilloso que siempre había querido conocer.