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    Resources Translator Drink


Translation result
beber bebida, trago, copa, tomar drink

drink noun

1. a single serving of a beverage.

Can I have another drink, please? The waiter refilled my glass with a fresh pint. Puedo tener otro trago, por favor? El camarero rellenó mi vaso con una cerveza fresca.

2. the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess.

The hospital treated many cases of drunkenness resulting from excessive drink at the company party. El hospital trató muchos casos de ebriedad originados en la ingesta excesiva de bebida en la fiesta de empresa.

3. any liquid suitable for drinking.

Can you pass me that refreshing drink from the fridge? I'm really thirsty. Puedes pasarme ese bebida refrescante desde la nevera? Estoy realmente sediento.

4. any large deep body of water.

The sailors navigated through the drink, carefully avoiding the rocky shores and strong currents. Los marineros navegaban a través el líquido, cuidadosamente evitando los acantilados rocosos y corrientes fuertes.

5. the act of swallowing.

After a long jog, Sarah needed a break to take a drink and replenish her energy. Después de una larga carrera, Sarah necesitaba un descanso para tomar un trago y reponer su energía.