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    Resources Translator Keep


Translation result
mantener seguir, guardar, conservar, mantenerse, subsistencia, quédate, tener, continuar, evitar, dejar keep

keep verb

1. cause to continue in a certain state, position, or activity.

E.g., `keep clean' Traducción de 'E.g., `keep clean''
Hold in place Traducción de 'Hold in place'
She always held herself as a lady Traducción de 'She always held herself as a lady'
The students keep me on my toes Traducción de 'The students keep me on my toes'

2. continue a certain state, condition, or activity.

Despite the challenges, she kept working on her project until it was completed. A pesar de los desafíos, ella continuó trabajando en su proyecto hasta que estuvo completamente terminado.

3. retain possession of.

She promised to keep the family heirloom, passed down from her grandmother, in her own estate. Ella prometió mantener el legado familiar, pasado de su abuela, en su propia propiedad.

4. stop (someone or something) from doing something or being in a certain state.

The teacher tried to keep the rowdy students from disrupting the class by assigning them individual workstations. El profesor intentó mantener a los estudiantes bulliciosos alejados de la clase, asignándoles estaciones de trabajo individuales para evitar la interrupción del curso.

5. conform one's action or practice to.

To keep with modern times, our company has adopted new software to streamline its operations. Habiendo adoptado nuevos programas para mantenerse actualizados con la época, nuestra empresa ha implementado software nuevo para simplificar sus operaciones.

6. stick to correctly or closely.

In order to ensure accuracy, it's essential to keep to the original script while editing the manuscript. Para garantizar la precisión, es fundamental mantener el guion original al editar el manuscrito.

7. look after.

My siblings asked me to keep an eye on their pet while they were away, so I made sure to feed it and play with it regularly. Mis hermanos me pidieron que cuidara a su mascota mientras estaban ausentes, así que aseguré de alimentarla y jugar con ella regularmente.

8. maintain by writing regular records.

To ensure accurate financial reporting, the accountant is responsible for keeping track of every transaction and updating the company's ledger regularly. Para garantizar el informe financiero preciso, el contable es responsable de registrar cada transacción y actualizar el registro contable de la empresa con regularidad.

9. supply with room and board.

The college is committed to keeping all its students with comfortable living arrangements on campus during their tenure. La universidad está comprometida con garantizar a todos sus estudiantes alojamiento cómodo en el campus durante su estancia.

10. allow to remain in a place or position or maintain a property or feature.

The manager decided to keep the company's headquarters in the city center, citing its central location and access to public transportation. El gerente decidió mantener la sede de la empresa en el centro de la ciudad, argumentando su ubicación central y acceso a transporte público.

11. supply with necessities and support.

The organization has been keeping the refugee camp well-stocked with food, water, and medical supplies to ensure the health and well-being of its residents. La organización ha estado manteniendo el campo de refugiados bien abastecido con alimentos, agua y suministros médicos para garantizar la salud y el bienestar de sus residentes.

12. fail to spoil or rot.

The farmer took great care to keep the apples fresh by storing them in a cool, dry place. El agricultor tomó gran cuidado para mantener las manzanas frescas almacenándolas en un lugar fresco y seco.

13. behave as expected during of holidays or rites.

During the traditional Diwali festival, many Indians keep the tradition by lighting diyas and sharing sweets with family. Durante el tradicional festival de Diwali, muchos indios mantienen la tradición encendiendo diyas y compartiendo dulces con la familia.

14. maintain in safety from injury, harm, or danger.

The lifeguard kept a close eye on the swimmers to ensure their safety while they were in the water. El guardavidas mantuvo un ojo atento sobre los nadadores para asegurarse de su seguridad mientras estaban en el agua.

15. raise.

The coach worked hard to keep her team's morale high by praising their efforts and acknowledging their progress. El entrenador trabajó duro para mantener el espíritu de su equipo alto al elogiar sus esfuerzos y reconocer su progreso.

16. retain rights to.

The indigenous tribe decided to keep their ancestral lands, resisting the government's efforts to acquire them. La tribu indígena decidió mantener sus tierras ancestrales, resistiendo los esfuerzos del gobierno para adquirirlas.

17. store or keep customarily.

She likes to keep her favorite books on the top shelf of her bookcase, so she can easily find them when she wants to read. Ella prefiere mantener sus libros favoritos en el estante superior de su estantería, para que pueda encontrarlos fácilmente cuando quiera leer.

18. have as a supply.

The company decided to keep a large stockpile of emergency supplies, including food and water, in case of natural disasters. La empresa decidió mantener un gran almacén de suministros de emergencia, incluyendo comida y agua, en caso de desastres naturales.

19. maintain for use and service.

The mechanic will keep the car's engine running smoothly by regularly changing its oil and filters. El mecánico mantendrá el motor del coche funcionando suavemente cambiando regularmente aceite y filtros.

20. hold and prevent from leaving.

The parents kept their children indoors during the storm to prevent them from getting wet. Los padres mantuvieron a sus hijos dentro de casa durante la tormenta para evitar que se mojaran.

21. prevent the action or expression of.

Hold back your anger Traducción de 'Hold back your anger'
Keep your cool Traducción de 'Keep your cool'
She struggled to restrain her impatience at the delays Traducción de 'She struggled to restrain her impatience at the delays'

22. prevent (food) from rotting.

To keep the apples fresh, I stored them in the refrigerator with the stem end facing upwards. Para conservar las manzanas frescas, las guardé en el refrigerador con el extremo del tallo hacia arriba.


I keep.
You keep.
He/She/It keeps.
We keep.
You keep.
They keep.
Complete conjugation.