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Traductor Plastic
Translation result
plástico plastic
plastic noun
1. generic name for certain synthetic or semisynthetic materials that can be molded or extruded into objects or films or filaments or used for making e.g. coatings and adhesives.
The engineer carefully selected a durable plastic material to manufacture the parts for the new gadget, ensuring that it would withstand harsh environmental conditions. El ingeniero seleccionó con cuidado un material plástico duradero para fabricar las piezas del nuevo dispositivo, asegurándose de que fuera capaz de soportar condiciones ambientales severas.
In the recycling center, workers sorted through various types of plastic waste, including bottles, containers, and packaging materials, to be transformed into new products. En el centro de reciclaje, los trabajadores clasificaron diferentes tipos de residuos plásticos, incluyendo botellas, contenedores y materiales de empaque, para ser transformados en nuevos productos.
2. a card (usually plastic) that assures a seller that the person using it has a satisfactory credit rating and that the issuer will see to it that the seller receives payment for the merchandise delivered.
When I went to buy my new laptop, the store required me to provide a plastic before they would process my payment, which made me feel more secure about making such a large purchase. Cuando fui a comprar mi nuevo portátil, el tienda me requirió proporcionar un plástico antes de procesar mi pago, lo que me hizo sentir más seguro al hacer una compra tan grande.
The sales representative explained that our company's policy was to only accept plastics from established clients with good credit standing, and that ours was a bit tarnished due to some late payments in the past. El representante de ventas explicó que la política de nuestra empresa era aceptar solo plásticos de clientes establecidos con una buena condición crediticia, y que la nuestra estaba un poco empañada debido a algunos pagos tardíos en el pasado.