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    Resources Translator

to consume or to spend

Translation result
consumir o gastar to consume or to spend

consume verb

1. Eat immoderately.

Some people can down a pound of meat in the course of one meal Algunas personas pueden ingerir medio kilo de carne en una sola comida

2. Serve oneself to, or consume regularly.

Have another bowl of chicken soup! ¡Toma otro plato de sopa de pollo!

3. Spend extravagantly.

Waste not, want not No desperdicies, no te faltará

4. Destroy completely.

The fire consumed the building El fuego consumió el edificio

5. Use up (resources or materials).

This car consumes a lot of gas Este coche consume mucha gasolina

6. Engage fully.

The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy El esfuerzo por aprobar el examen consumió toda su energía

spend verbo

1. Pass time in a specific way.

She spends her free evenings reading novels and watching old movies. Ella pasa las noches libres leyendo novelas y viendo películas antiguas.

2. Pay out.

The company spent a significant amount of money on research and development last year to improve their products. La empresa gastó una cantidad significativa de dinero en investigación y desarrollo el año pasado para mejorar sus productos.

3. Spend completely.

She spent her entire paycheck on a new laptop, leaving her with no money left over. Ella gastó su cheque completo en una nueva laptop, dejándola sin dinero sobrante.


Pronombre Conjugación
I spend.
You spend.
He/She/It spends.
We spend.
You spend.
They spend.
Conjugación completa.