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    Recursos Traductor


Translation result
doblar gire, convertir, apague, encender, activar, convertirse, volver, dar, turno, vuelta, giro turn

turn verb

1. Change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense.

As I reached the fork in the road, I had to turn left to continue on the scenic route. Mientras llegaba al cruce de carretera, tuve que dar un giro a la izquierda para continuar por el recorrido panorámico.

2. Undergo a transformation or a change of position or action.

The company's fortunes began to turn around after they introduced a new marketing strategy, which led to a significant increase in sales. Las fortunas de la empresa comenzaron a girar en torno después de que presentaron una nueva estrategia de marketing, lo que llevó a un aumento significativo en las ventas.

3. Undergo a change or development.

As she entered adulthood, she began to turn away from her childhood fascination with superheroes and develop a passion for photography instead. Al entrar en la adultez, comenzó a apartarse de su fascinación infantil con los superhéroes y desarrollar una pasión por la fotografía en su lugar.

4. Cause to move around or rotate.

The dancer's instructor turned her around so she could face the opposite direction on the stage. La instructora del bailarina la dio la vuelta para que enfrentara en sentido contrario a la dirección opuesta en el escenario.

5. Change to the contrary.

The politician's stance on the issue suddenly turned when she was confronted with new evidence, and she began advocating for a different solution. La postura del político sobre el tema cambió bruscamente cuando se le presentó nueva evidencia y comenzó a promover una solución diferente.

6. Pass to the other side of.

As we crossed the busy street, I turned onto Main Avenue, careful not to get hit by any cars. Mientras cruzábamos la calle concurrida, me desvíe hacia la Avenida Principal, cuidando mucho no ser atropellado por cualquier coche.

7. Pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute.

As she spent more time outdoors, her complexion began to turn a warm golden brown from being constantly exposed to the sun. Mientras pasaba más tiempo al aire libre, su complexión comenzó a tomar un tono dorado y cálido debido a estar constantemente expuesta al sol.

8. Let (something) fall or spill from a container.

As I was trying to pour the juice into the glass, I accidentally turned the bottle, and it spilled all over the counter. Mientras intentaba verter el jugo en la taza, accidentalmente giré la botella y se derramó todo sobre la cuenta.

9. Move around an axis or a center.

The Ferris wheel slowly turned, giving riders a panoramic view of the city. La rueda de Ferris giraba lentamente, ofreciendo a los pasajeros una vista panorámica de la ciudad.

10. Cause to move around a center so as to show another side of.

The artist carefully turned the vase on its axis to reveal the intricate design on its underside. El artista cuidadosamente giró la vaso en su eje para revelar el diseño intrincado en su parte inferior.

11. To send or let go.

The coach turned the ball to the center forward, who was waiting in perfect position. El entrenador le pasó el balón al delantero centro, que esperaba en posición perfecta.

12. To break and turn over earth especially with a plow.

The farmer used his tractor to turn the soil in preparation for planting wheat in the spring. El agricultor utilizó su tractor para revolver la tierra en preparación para sembrar trigo en primavera.

13. Shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel.

The skilled woodworker carefully turned the chunk of wood into a beautiful wooden bowl. El hábil carpintero cuidadosamente giró el trozo de madera en una hermosa taza de madera.

14. Change color.

The leaves on the tree began to turn golden yellow in the fall, signaling the end of summer. Las hojas del árbol comenzaron a tornar amarillo dorado en otoño, señalizando el fin del verano.

15. Twist suddenly so as to sprain.

While attempting to break in, the thief turned his ankle on the loose stone and cried out in pain. Mientras intentaba forzar la entrada, el ladrón se torció el tobillo sobre la piedra suelta y lanzó un grito de dolor.

16. Cause to change or turn into something different.

The chef carefully turned the dough into a perfect croissant shape, filling it with sweet butter and chocolate chips. El chef cuidadosamente dio vuelta la masa para formar un perfecto forma de croissant, llenándola de mantequilla dulce y pepitas de chocolate.

17. Accomplish by rotating.

The chef carefully turned the spatula to ensure the eggs cooked evenly in the pan. El chef cuidadosamente giró la espátula para asegurarse de que los huevos se cocinaran uniformemente en la sartén.

18. Get by buying and selling.

After years of struggling to make ends meet, John finally managed to turn his life around by investing in stocks and real estate. Después de años de luchar para llegar a fin de mes, John finalmente logró dar un giro a su vida invirtiendo en acciones y bienes raíces.

19. Cause to move along an axis or into a new direction.

The driver turned the wheel sharply to avoid hitting the pedestrian who had stepped off the curb. El conductor giró el volante bruscamente para evitar atropellar al peatón que había salido del acanto."</assistant<|end_header_id|> "El conductor giró el volante bruscamente para evitar atropellar al peatón que había salido del bordillo.

20. Channel one's attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from something.

As I walked into the concert hall, the lights and music suddenly turned my attention to the stage, where the band was about to start playing. Mientras caminaba hacia el salón de concierto, las luces y la música me llamaron repentinamente la atención hacia el escenario, donde la banda estaba a punto de empezar a tocar.

21. Cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form.

The sculptor carefully turned the molten plastic into a intricate, curved design that seemed to defy gravity. El escultor cuidadosamente dio forma al plástico fundido en un diseño intrincado y curvo que parecía desafiar la gravedad.

22. Alter the functioning or setting of.

The pilot had to turn off the engine's ignition switch before attempting to repair it on the ground. El piloto tuvo que apagar el interruptor de encendido del motor antes de intentar repararlo en tierra.

23. Direct at someone.

The coach turned her attention to the new player, urging them to take more shots during the game. El entrenador dirigió su atención hacia el nuevo jugador, instándolos a tomar más tiros durante el partido.

24. Have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to.

After trying to fix the issue on his own, John decided to turn to a professional plumber for assistance. Después de intentar solucionar el problema él solo, Juan decidió recurrir a un plomero profesional para obtener ayuda.

25. Go sour or spoil.

The milk turned in the heat, and it was no longer safe to drink. El leche se estropeó por el calor y ya no era seguro beberla.

26. Become officially one year older.

As she blew out the candles on her birthday cake, Emma turned another year older and felt grateful for all the blessings in her life. Mientras apagaba las velas en su pastel de cumpleaños, Emma cumplió otro año y se sintió agradecida por todos los bienes que tenía en su vida.


Pronoun Conjugation
I turn.
You turn.
He/She/It turns.
We turn.
You turn.
They turn.
Complete conjugation.

turn noun

1. A circular segment of a curve.

The road took a sharp turn, forcing the driver to slow down and adjust her speed accordingly. La carretera tomó un giro abrupto, lo que obligó al conductor a reducir la velocidad y ajustar su ritmo en consecuencia.

2. The act of changing or reversing the direction of the course.

The driver took a sharp turn on the winding road, expertly navigating the curve without losing control. El conductor tomó una curva cerrada en la carretera serpenteante, navegando con destreza el giro sin perder el control.

3. (game) the activity of doing something in an agreed succession.

The children took turns playing with the new toys, each one getting a chance to have fun before the next child got their turn. Los niños se turnaban jugando con los nuevos juguetes, cada uno obteniendo una oportunidad de divertirse antes de que el siguiente niño tuviera su turno.

4. An unforeseen development.

The unexpected turn in the negotiations caught everyone off guard, and we had to scramble to adjust our strategy. El giro inesperado en las negociaciones pilló a todo el mundo por sorpresa y tuvimos que reajustar rápidamente nuestra estrategia.

5. A movement in a new direction.

The company's decision to turn away from its traditional business model marked a significant turning point for the organization. La decisión de la empresa de desviar su modelo de negocio tradicional marcó un punto de inflexión significativo para la organización.

6. The act of turning away or in the opposite direction.

The sudden turn caught me off guard, and I stumbled backward to avoid colliding with the oncoming cyclist. El repentino cambio de dirección me pilló por sorpresa y retrocedí para evitar chocarme con el ciclista que se acercaba.

7. Turning or twisting around (in place).

The dancer's turn was mesmerizing, as she spun and twirled in a circle, her skirt fluttering around her. El turno del bailarina fue hipnotizador, mientras giraba y revolvía en un círculo, su falda ondeando alrededor de ella.

8. A time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else).

After a long morning shift, it's finally my turn to hand over the reins and let John take over for the afternoon. Después de una larga jornada matutina, por fin es mi turno para ceder el mando y dejar que Juan se encargue de la tarde.

9. (sports) a division during which one team is on the offensive.

The home team took control of the game in their fourth turn, scoring two quick goals and putting pressure on the visitors' defense. El equipo local tomó el control del partido en su cuarta oportunidad, anotando dos goles rápidos y ejerciendo presión en la defensa de los visitantes.

10. A short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program.

The variety show featured a series of turns, including a magic act and a comedy sketch, which kept the audience entertained throughout the evening. El programa de variedades presentó una serie de números, incluyendo un número mágico y un sketch cómico, que mantuvo al público entretenido durante toda la noche.

11. A favor for someone.

After she helped me move into my new apartment, I returned the turn by watching her kids while she went out with friends. Después de que me ayudó a mudarme a mi nuevo apartamento, le devolví el favor viendo a sus hijos mientras salía con amigos.

12. Taking a short walk out and back.

After finishing his lunch, John took a quick turn around the block to get some fresh air. Después de terminar su almuerzo, Juan hizo un rápido paseo alrededor del bloque para obtener un poco de aire fresco.