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    Resources Translator


Translation result
visita visitar, visitarme visit

visit verbo

1. Go to see a place, as for entertainment.

The family visited Disneyland for a fun-filled day of rides and attractions. La familia visitó Disneyland para un día llena de diversión de montañas rusas y atracciones.

2. Go to certain places as for sightseeing.

The family decided to visit the famous museums in Paris during their summer vacation. La familia decidió visitar los famosos museos de París durante sus vacaciones de verano.

3. Pay a brief visit.

After finishing work, she likes to visit her parents in the evening and catch up on their latest news. Después de terminar el trabajo, le gusta visitar a sus padres por la noche y enterarse de las últimas noticias sobre ellos.

4. Come to see in an official or professional capacity.

The doctor will visit the patient twice a week to monitor their progress and adjust the treatment plan. El médico visitará al paciente dos veces a la semana para monitorear su progreso y ajustar el plan de tratamiento.

5. Impose something unpleasant.

The tax inspector came to visit our business, imposing a hefty fine on us for non-compliance. El inspector de impuestos vino a visitar nuestra empresa, imponiendo una multa cuantiosa sobre nosotros por no cumplir con los requisitos.

6. Talk socially without exchanging too much information.

After running into her old friend at the coffee shop, they spent an hour visiting, catching up on each other's lives but not delving into any serious or personal topics. Después de encontrar a su antiguo amigo en la tienda de café, pasaron una hora visitándose, poniéndose al corriente sobre las vidas unos de otros, pero no profundizaron en temas serios o personales.

7. Stay with as a guest.

The couple visited their friends in Paris, staying with them for a week and exploring the city together. El matrimonio visitó a sus amigos en París, donde se quedaron durante una semana y exploraron la ciudad juntos.

8. Assail.

The aggressive protesters visited the city's mayor during his speech, showering him with insults and jeers. Los manifestantes agresivos visitaron al alcalde durante su discurso, derramando sobre él insultos y burlas.


Pronombre Conjugación
I visit.
You visit.
He/She/It visits.
We visit.
You visit.
They visit.
Conjugación completa.

visit sustantivo

1. The act of going to see some person or place or thing for a short time.

The patient's daily visit from her doctor helped alleviate her anxiety about the upcoming surgery. La visita diaria del paciente a su médico la ayudó a aliviar su ansiedad sobre la cirugía próxima.

2. A meeting arranged by the visitor to see someone (such as a doctor or lawyer) for treatment or advice.

The patient made an appointment for a visit with her dermatologist to discuss her skin condition. La paciente hizo un cita con su dermatólogo para discutir su condición cutánea.

3. The act of visiting in an official capacity (as for an inspection).

The factory inspector's visit was scheduled to take place next week to ensure compliance with safety regulations. La visita del inspektor de la fábrica estaba programada para tener lugar la próxima semana con el fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de las regulaciones de seguridad.

4. The act of going to see some person in a professional capacity.

The doctor made a visit to the patient's bedside to examine her condition and discuss treatment options. El médico realizó una visita al lado del paciente para examinar su condición y discutir opciones de tratamiento.

5. A temporary stay (e.g., as a guest).

The family enjoyed their weekend visit at Grandma's house, where they spent hours playing games and sharing stories. La familia disfrutó su visita fin de semana en la casa de la abuela, donde pasaron horas jugando juegos y compartiendo historias.