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Traductor Wood
Translation result
madera leña, bosque wood
wood noun
1. the hard fibrous lignified substance under the bark of trees.
The carpenter carefully selected the finest wood from the forest to craft a beautiful wooden table for the client. El carpintero seleccionó con cuidado el madera más fina del bosque para construir una mesa de madera hermosa para el cliente.
2. the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area.
As we hiked through the wood, we stumbled upon a hidden clearing surrounded by towering oak trees. Mientras caminábamos por el bosque, nos encontramos con un claro escondido rodeado de altos árboles de roble.
3. United States film actress (1938-1981).
Natalie Wood, the talented American actress, starred in numerous films during her long career, including "Rebel Without a Cause" and "West Side Story". Natalie Wood, la talentosa actriz estadounidense, protagonizó numerosos filmes durante su larga carrera, incluyendo "Rebelde sin causa" y "Historia de un lado de la ciudad"".
4. English conductor (1869-1944).
Sir Henry Wood was a renowned English conductor who led the Queen's Hall Orchestra for many years, elevating its reputation and introducing new composers to the public. El director inglés destacado Sir Henry Wood condujo la Orquesta del Salón de la Reina durante muchos años, mejorando su reputación y presentando a nuevos compositores al público.
5. English writer of novels about murders and thefts and forgeries (1814-1887).
Wilkie Wood's Gothic novel "The Woman in White" was a huge success when it was first published in 1859. El novelón gótico de Wilkie Wood, 'La mujer blanca', fue un gran éxito cuando se publicó por primera vez en 1859".
6. United States painter noted for works based on life in the Midwest (1892-1942).
The art museum hosted an exhibition of Grant Wood's paintings, showcasing his iconic American Gothic work and other depictions of rural Midwestern life. El museo de arte organizó una exposición de pinturas de Grant Wood, destacando su obra icónica "American Gothic" y otras representaciones de la vida rural del Medio Oeste americano.
7. any wind instrument other than the brass instruments.
The wood section of the orchestra was particularly impressive during the performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5. La sección de madera del órgano fue especialmente impresionante durante el concierto de la Sinfonía nº 5 de Beethoven.
8. a golf club with a long shaft used to hit long shots.
Tiger Woods lined up his shot and swung hard with his trusty wood, sending the ball soaring down the fairway. Tigre Woods se colocó para golpear y golpeó fuerte con su leal madera, enviando el balón volando por la verde.