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    En Practice Exercises Unit test nouns


Unit Test: Nouns

Elige la respuesta correcta.
1 de 8 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct:
There aren't some flowers in the garden.
There isn't some flowers in the garden
There isn't any flowers in the garden.
There aren't any flowers in the garden.
2 de 8 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct:
How many time do you have?
How much time do you have?
How some time do you have?
How much time you have?
3 de 8 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct:
She is taking an english class in london this july.
She is taking an English class in London this july.
She is taking an English class in London this July.
She is taking an english class in London this July.
4 de 8 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct:
There are a lot of women in the class.
There are a lot of womans in the class.
There are much women in the class
There are lots of womans in the class.
5 de 8 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct:
Is there an hotel near here? Yes, there are a few.
Is there a hotel near here? Yes, there are a few.
Is there a hotel near here? Yes, there are few.
Is there a hotel near here? Yes, there're a few.
6 de 8 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct:
There are many japanese tourists in the vatican.
There are many Japanese tourists in the vatican.
There are much Japanese tourists in the Vatican.
There are many Japanese tourists in the Vatican.
7 de 8 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct:
Can I have some milk?
Can I have some milks?
Can I have any milk?
Can I have any milks?
8 de 8 Choose the sentence which is grammatically correct:
There are many partys in August.
There are much partys in august.
There are many parties in August.
There are many parties in august.